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Registered: December 6, 2021
Last post: June 6, 2024 at 1:12 PM
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Dude looks super comfortable now, for the first time since i watched this team. Was watching FNS breakdown, and he kept going back to how Cryo dominated against lev on 3 different agents with 3 totally different roles. Is he this year's Forsaken?

posted 1 month ago

people need to realize that duelist doesnt just mean winning duels, its taking space, and right now asuna doing a great job of not overcooking and creating space for his team. Props to eeiu because i don't think asuna looks anywhere near as good without the insane util helping him

posted 1 month ago

your saying hes the 7th best americas duelist?

posted 1 month ago

hes better man, hes SOO much more versatile now that he can play brim and astra. Versatility is HUGE in this game, its why jawgemo was goated, and why dicey and bdog arent sadly even though i loved those guys pre franchising

posted 1 month ago

boostio is a natural leader man its by far one of the most impressive transformations we have ever seen in valo.

before franchising i remember boosty as a fun x factor "one trick" chamber who was feared on icebox for his amazing timing, all these other pros who i loved that sadly got phased out like dicey, yay(sadly), bdog, etc and this dude quietly went to work and became IMO the best NA igl in valorant

posted 1 month ago

Aspas is the best player by far, but I'm talking value. Loud made it to the final 4 in the last masters, and leviathan was already pretty good before aspas, missed the last masters with him, so i want to see what they do with him this time around before you say he's the most valuable. Lev needs to go on a run.

100t is borderline negligent with how they ran the team last year and now they look very composed, competent, and organized. went from one of the worst teams to giving super teams a run for their money and making this masters. Huge turnaround and I'm giving booty most of that credit.

That is value

posted 1 month ago

No he is not the best player, the most talented, the best mechanical, etc. but he is the TRUE Most Valuable Player

Not a single player has more of an effect on a team's culture, consistency, development, and most importantly(and quantifiably) results than him when he's the leader of said team. And wow, am I happy to see it. Became a 100t fan because of the cs OG's, and wow was I perplexed when they ALL left... hiko, steel, niko, ethan, shit even Sean called it after a short amazing stint.

Wow is it fun to see this team play confidently. Zikz is an amazing coach, little mini Sgares effect going on with this team along with Boosty, a guy I was a fan of prefranchise wreaking havoc on chamber icebox as just some "1 trick", now just being the best leader in the game.


posted 1 month ago

hes another good one dudes very good at breaking down midrounds

posted 1 month ago

If you aren't watching Sean Gares or Sliggy it's just a bunch of bullshit, a majority of the time everyone else is just spewing nonsense out their mouths. not paying attention, its fuckn annoying idk how everyone else does it.

same reason i only watch nicewigg/greek for apex

posted 1 month ago

bang on raze? huhh

posted 2 months ago

so if you want to be passive you are going to cut the players that are best in passive reactive roles like cryo? and if you want to be aggressive you cut the most herky jerky agro player in asuna? shouldn't it be vice versa?

posted 2 months ago

Crashies is not mid.... thats like saying leo, chronicle, ethan, are mid.

posted 2 months ago

im a 100t fan, demon1 is better than cryo, and yes boostio is better than ethan, but crashies is widely known as one of the best util use players in the game, and almost everyone that has played with his has said he is the most consistent player they have played with, and he's coms are godly. Eeiu is a really nice player, done it in t1 and 2, but he's not crashies. Marved is better than bang, just from the resume alone. Bang at one point was looked at with his potential is being a 1b, but that was with Sean with coaching, now we have to just wait and see if he can build back up again. Also, Asuna in a 1v1 with victor would probably cook , but asuna is just wayyyy to hurky jerky, and unless someone can build a structure around him to become elite in that role, then until then he's doing a lot of harm with those plays more than good.

posted 2 months ago

they need to work on coms because holy hell doesn't asuna flood. his comms essentially are amazing but he needs to tone it down because he overwhelms with his volume

posted 2 months ago

I doubt an org like oxygen has more money that orgs like c9/fnatic/sen/liquid/navi etc.

posted 3 months ago

I think you missing the part where i said "FYI, i never said this was my opinion, but this is how most of the world views these type of achievements." but okay

In an esport where teir2 teams can compete with the best of the best, there's going to be TONS of players, coaches, and orgs that dont get their flowers.

posted 3 months ago

Im saying people end up not carrying, and history has proven that regardless of sport. Go look at why nadeshot even created 100t, optic won 3 masters in a row, but lost champs, and no one ended up given a shit if they won the masters, he basically knew he was gonna get kicked because of it, so he retired.

Look at how much disrespect the fpx core gets, half the roster on gambit are in tier 2 or retired. On the other hand, everyone looks at the EG team as goats, LOUD saadhak is looked as a igl savant even though he doesn't frag while people always flame boaster and fns AND angel, all masters winners, for not being able to win the big one and not contributing enough. Why doesn't Saadhak? because he has won, and not only just won, but won the big one.

FYI, i never said this was my opinion, but this is how most of the world views these type of achievements.

posted 3 months ago

You care, but the majority of people don't. The US won the bronze medal in 2004 and you know what they did? they were so ashamed they sent Kobe Lebron and 10 other Hall of Famers to get the #1 spot. The same happened in 88 and then the Dream team, literally the fuckn avengers of basketball, was created.

posted 3 months ago

90% of teams are in this exact boat though, right? Only teams with real achievements are loud, eg, and ascend. FNS/NRG core won a masters(when it was envy or optic) but didn't win a championship, same with prx, and same with Fanatic, i can go on and on and on. Gambit won a masters in 2021 and no one cares or even remembers whos on that team. There's only one true winner every year. Dont get me wrong teams should be proud of their achievements but there's a reason people say "if your not first, your last".

This is in any type of competition. Noone cares about bronze olympic medals, or NBA in season tournaments, or NFL division championships...

posted 3 months ago

Yeah but i think your solution is cutting both, which i think is a bit rash. I think i would cut the 1, unless boostio and zikz felt like cutting both was the way and they have a plan for who to place them with i think thats a bit of an overreaction. Reason for that is the season just started. If you planned on cutting them they should have dont it before the season, but they didnt.

posted 3 months ago

but if you sign som he can play raze and has, he's played everything actually. immediately becomes a godlike flex

posted 3 months ago

I think thats a bit of an over reaction. The real problem is Asuna AND Cryo, they dont have great synergy with one another. If one plays well they other doesn't because he's not on a comfortable role. IMO keeping cryo seems to make more sense right? Entry jett who's an awper and shown he can flex to smokes. BUT! this is raze season and asuna is great at creating space with raze, pus boosty gives you the flexibility to chamber on maps. I think i would still cut asuna though, just because he still overheats, and its almost infectious where he has an amazing round, and the rest of the team is just W keying with him

posted 3 months ago

Flex is a player who can not only play multiple characters but also play multiple roles and styles. I would say Jawgemo for EG last year or forsaken for PRX, Ethan for EG, there's a handful of guys that are TRUE flex players and not just playing another character.

Jawgemo last year was a massive swiss army knife. On lotus it felt like not many players were better at not just entrying, but creative MASSIVE space for him team to play off of. He then would switch to omen and just hard anchor off 1 ways. That is what a flex player is.

posted 3 months ago

boy thats going to b fun to watch hahaha

posted 3 months ago

Whatever works for you man, one thing to learn is the flash auto curve around corners trick, works great for ultra quick pop flahses

posted 3 months ago

i think everyone looks as cned as a great player but not the massive threat he was when 100t literally had to run a "run to the other site" strat to get passed him in 2021. My point was just that some players shine more during certain meta's because their skillsets fit it so well, and right now IMO more and more teams are looking for versatility because of it.

posted 3 months ago

players peak depending on the meta, and valorant meta changes drastically season by season. Its why cned yay and cryo dominated and now arent, it's why hard anchors like alfi, boostio, and less were amazing last year with kj meta, its why space creators like aspas, kangkang and SO many more are very good even with jett nerfs because raze is still so good, and why so many teams are look for players who can be versatile... Ethan, forsaken, jawgemo, chronicle, zellsis, etc. If you can have a player that can throw on many hats, then the chances of your team succeeding are greater. Shit, look at EG, Demon1 on astra on split cuz he's bored on the awp? fuck it throw boosty on it. Make a strong map stronger with different comps, and different playstyles.

posted 3 months ago

cryo isnt a great space creator, where asuna is

posted 3 months ago

your defintely a fan, cuz fan stands for fanatic, you your a delusional fanatic at that.

  1. Coaching was IMPRESSIVE, a 1st time head coach with no tactical shooting head coach experience put on a fantastic show of counter stratting and planned cordinated takes off aggression
  2. Boostio is the real deal, end of point
  3. the vibes of this team look amazing, and the synergy looks world better. YES its still weird, cryo feels like hes being kinda forced on roles unless hes on jett, but everyone else looks sooo comfortable
posted 3 months ago

man im just glad that was competitive and fun to watch

i got sean gares vibes watching this team

posted 3 months ago

it defintely feels that way

posted 3 months ago

I usually get into that gold/plat middle ground when i do my placement matches, but never have the fortitude to grind enough. I've made it to diamond maybe 2/3 times, but again its just sooooo agonizing.

I hear everything you saying, but that sounds so counterintuitive to what the game is. it's a 5 man competitive tactical shooter. And it is heavily role based, if cs, i can smoke an angle off, throw a pop flash, entry mid, and then immediately de-escalate, and just lurk. Valorant doesn't allow for that unless you're just throwing the integrity of the game out the window and just doing you every match. Sure i can do that, but thats terrible at least IMO.

I usually play smokes because i like being able to take space on the map and call for my team to pivot off the rotations and info i get across the map. You can also play mind games with throwing default smokes and breaking sentinel util off that style. If I'm doing that as a duelist or initiator I'm just completely throwing off the teams synergy. Also, the muting teammates make a TON of sense, but again soooo counterintuitive. I personally THRIVE off coms and info, I can genuinely say when I'm with a team that communicates I'm twice the player, and vice versa. I will absolutely shit the bed with no comms, playing CS for 20 years does that.

posted 4 months ago

He was but if you see his perspective t1 lied to him the whole way through, promised a roster, didn't build it like they said, cut braz a few days right after he joined and then just told ska nahh never mind like 2months after bringing tim in. And ska and tim specifically planned to play together as a duo.

posted 4 months ago

Ehhh, I'll get on for a few days and then i get 2/3 shit games and it immediately turns me off for weeks, sometimes months. I love watching pro play because of the teamwork you see teams have, and when you get games like that in ranked its amazing, but i haven't legitimately played ranked in maybe 18 months because its a never endless circle of trolls/dc/instalocks etc

posted 4 months ago

would be awesome to get another cs goat in the scene

posted 4 months ago

Do you guys genuinely grind Valorant and love it? I love tac shooters, I played cs source since I was like 7. Source is different than Valo where you join specific servers, so you can play with the same crowd, make friends, very easy to just chill and get some great games in. Don't like that crowd? Just choose a different server. You could join communities of scrimmers and get a 10-man pub in 15 minutes and get 10 serious dudes trying to win. Even in CSGO's initial release, i made it to double ak(whatever it was called) with only a few weeks of grinding.

Val is SO hard to grind for me. The moment you get a troll or a DC, and your 3 rounds in, you basically just throw 45 minutes of your life down the drain, and its fuckn miserable just sitting there knowing your getting shit on, knowing you're going to take an L, and it just turns me off immediately. AND, not only that, but I lose rank points too? wtf

People will say hey that's any game, and IT SURE IS! but in apex? get shit on, I'm back in a game in 5, cod/warzone is instant requeue's, finals is the same as apex, etc etc.

How do yall do it?

posted 4 months ago

Wouldn't it make sense that they allow us to choose like 5 skins, and out of the 5 there's a guaranteed chance one of them shows up in the night market? In my head, would guarantee people buy at least something every single night and generate a on of revenue

posted 4 months ago

How is my guy not on the talent pool of analyst for NA? You have one of the best OG igls in cs with a decade of experience, a top 5 Val coaching run ever, and dudes has such incredible job breaking down strats and regurgitating the info in a way thats so easy to digest and understand.

AND NO, not just because Im a 100t fan. Its quite the opposite, im a 100t fan because im a CS fan and they started off with hiko/steel/niko etc, not the other way around.

posted 4 months ago

SO TRUE lol but who else is there at Jett i dont know, unless we go get Jing out of military school hahah

posted 4 months ago

If you were making a team of ex pro players or streamers what would your roster be? Just a fun question for a friday

I would go

IGL:FNS (are there any other top tier igl options?)
Smokes: SOM, dude was cracked last year and extremely consistent
Entry/Sova: Sinatra, raze game is crazy good, also all people say is how good this guy is at playing his life
Flex:Subroza: has pretty much played everything hasn't he?
Jett: Is it crazy to say Tarik? Ex CS champion, all his teammates say he's a crazy good teammate with good coms. Also, can't think of any other good FA/Streamer jett players.

posted 4 months ago

Anyone know what happened to the 10 mans? Valorant streams are terrible to watch IMO when its unstructured.

just my opinion, i feel the same about apex streams i only watch scrims/proleague/qualifiers, same goes for cs

posted 4 months ago

was about to say that. I would even take ethan, the space he took on pearl was insane

posted 4 months ago

1 team between nrg, sen, and lev will bomb for sure. I kinda feel lev will have issues just because of the language barrier. I speak English and Spanish fluently since I was a child. I'm telling you dude, there are days when I gotta get google out to find the word that translates from one language to another, and I'm 29, a college grad, and have been fully immersed in both languages my entire life.

Totally agree with you on revenue generating, and i mean thats just not just valorant right? I follow apex and LG just dropped their Spanish-speaking roster with almost no clout that always placed top 5 in lans for a brand new team with the 2nd largest streamer. Professional teams do this too. It sucks from a results stand point but we also have to realize that there is no team without revenue, and sadly the market is the market and consumers will well, consume the popular shit, not the stuff thats actually good.

posted 4 months ago

chemistry is alot more important than you think. I would rather have 5 b- players who have tons of fluidity, versatility and experience with one another than 5 a+ players who cant smooth out their issues, whether its map/agent pools, coms, structure, playstyle, etc.

Thats why the c9 roster last year imploded, and why their previous roster and second roster last year were better. Look at the guard, look at m80, oxygen right now is smashing other teams.

Sure having a guy like d1 or kangkang works, but why were Eg so good? Jawg go double jump this round, next map play omen and anchor. Ethan would skye hard info one match and then create massive space with yoru. Boostio would and d1 at times felt like they trolled cuz they played their designated roles, then all of a sudden d1 was on freaken brim? or astra? and boostio back to 2021 chamber? at it worked holy crap.

Look at 100t, tons of talent but cryo cant play shit so the roles a whole year later still feel weird

posted 4 months ago

This is my reply from another post

the roles still feel weird. I still genuinely feel cryo and asuna are good players, and when they play their roles on set strats/execs it shows, but they dont play well together, they just dont have fluidity and chemistry in their playstyle. wish they had the chemistry that like ethan/d1, leo/derke, crashies/victor and yay. Feels like when any one of them entried the other had info/utill or space for the other to play off of, whether it was to aggress or anchor after the space was taken.

Currently, it always feels like its asuna taking tons of space and cryo is holding instead of playing off what was taken. Then when its cryo, hes peaking angles dry and doesn't have a secondary space creator so the game stalls out since hes not a natural "W" key player. The team then ends up in this middle ground where you did to much do back up and reset, but didnt do enough to then play off the disruption that should have happened.

Kinda feel like if they played a d1/ethan pearl playstyle or forsaken jingg playstyle/comps it would force them to have that synergy, or it would fail completely and then the writing is on the wall.

posted 4 months ago

the roles still feel weird. I still genuinely feel cryo and asuna are good players, and when they play their roles on set strats/execs it shows, but they dont play well together, they just dont have fluidity and chemistry in their playstyle. wish they had the chemistry that like ethan/d1, leo/derke, crashies/victor and yay. Feels like when any one of them entried the other had info/utill or space for the other to play off of, whether it was to aggress or anchor after the space was taken.

Currently, it always feels like its asuna taking tons of space and cryo is holding instead of playing off what was taken. Then when its cryo, hes peaking angles dry and doesn't have a secondary space creator so the game stalls out since hes not a natural "W" key player. The team then ends up in this middle ground where you did to much do back up and reset, but didnt do enough to then play off the disruption that should have happened.

Kinda feel like if they played a d1/ethan pearl playstyle or forsaken jingg playstyle/comps it would force them to have that synergy, or it would fail completely and then the writing is on the wall.

posted 4 months ago
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