Flag: Tuvalu
Registered: May 28, 2022
Last post: August 31, 2022 at 10:35 AM
Posts: 445
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every year a new format, new trash hud, old trash commentators, old trash management

posted about a year ago

picking cringe and trash maps like fracture, split pearl is tactical.

its a dice roll map pick when you wanna have an easy win hoping they suck more than you on these ones

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

From August 25, 2021 to August 31, 2022 only 1 week lmao must be Elon Musks new Time Machine kekw

vlr trash kids math

posted about a year ago

she even looks asian wth?


posted about a year ago

I got a TenZ Mouse, Clothing, Bedwear and the next thing i need is TenZ Bathwater!

When will he sell his Bathwater so i can drink it daily?

Guys im thirsty and need his Bathwater help me out pls im drying out!*

tenz 10 yo fankeks playing iron elo be like lmao!

posted about a year ago

dude you braindamaged kid valorant is not a trend idiot! look at tenz! its just a game good to make a brand for yourself! tenz sucks at the whole game can only top frag in 2 of 10 games but he has made himself a brand selling a signature on mice products, selling his trash clothing and shit! this people have nothing to do with the actual game! its a whole tik tok game and you can see it when you go on tik tok you trash braindamage kid!

in csgo they have all sucked hard because there wasnt kids around who fanboyed them, there was people who fucked them only!

posted about a year ago

dude Larik actually doesn't care about the whole Game!

by playing valorant he realized he actually get 20x more viewers than playing csgo so he was like "this braindamage kids like valorant and i love money, why am i playing csgo when i can just pretend like i love valorant more and get more viewers and more money from these broke kids"

you are way too young to understand this kind of thinking braindamged kid!

he is just pretending to like valorant because he knows they suck his weener this way way more! csgo people realized quick he is just a coincidence major winner and isn't anything special for playing the game since he went 11yo.

he is not a AWP specialist, not a m4, ak specialist and also not a smart guy. all he was good for is to die for info and get traded. trash 1 trick jett and he plays ONLY jett and yet you think he likes valorant lmao! if he liked valorant, he is 26yo dude! this the perfect age to compete and he is too scared because of his csgo traumas he collected because he suck! if he would suck in valorant too nobody would even give a fuck about him in valorant scene! he won a major and he is too scared to play pro again since if nobody can proof he suck, he stays a "legend"

imagine even getting benched by a clown org called evil geniuses lmao

he won a csgo major = viewers when he stream: 2K
he won nothing in val, 1 trick jett = 15k+

quick math you braindamaged kid

posted about a year ago

Valarant use Larik as much as they can because he is the only trash 1 Major winner of csgo. They try to look like they are the new dominant FPS Game every insane cs player switch to lmao. they chose also a smol location this time to make their home made crowd look like they are actually millions but in reality they are just a horde of minions lmao

posted about a year ago

dude tarik is too scared to play pro val since he knows all he can do is 1 trick jett and if he would try pro people would realize how shit he really is and he might lose 90% of his viewers after getting exposed. he wasn't even something special in cs. he was a kid who played cs his whole life and never went out, had real life friends. just sit at home whole day and play cs and even his major shit was nothing but a coincidence after like trying to win it over 10 years and after the major he never played a single series where they looked like they are really insane and could do it again...

posted about a year ago

they wont get any sponsor just because of trash tarik and shroud dude! they are not relevant for this kind of esports! they just attract viewers because they tend do open their mouth wide when they see some shit and people wanna hear this this trash since nobody can counter them cuz they have won a trash random major after trying like 30 line ups and just needing over 10 years kekw

they are nobodies! all they are good for is to attract poor fans who pay their pocket money for a sub instead to do invest it to their own life

posted about a year ago

its official sentinels org is now known as the biggest trash collector org without a goal like winning some shit except signing all the expensive trash ccs who are too afraid to compete in this child game because they know they suck. all they can do is beg for the pocket money of underage children

posted about a year ago

one is motivated because of champions the other one is a small fry that mastered cringe slow walk and big flank clutches kekw

posted about a year ago

its his job to hit that shots with chamber and he is one of those who take his job serious!

posted about a year ago

thats what they call PRACTISE idiot. he is ONE with Chamber!

posted about a year ago

this garbage kid is doing anything except valorant lmao lifeless kids follow him still kekw

next he will do his own hentai anime lmao

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

the voice stuff is for me proof enough he was interested in this shit! someone who would never do this and has never done would have never talked like this and just quit the conversation but he was talking like he was waiting for a sign to do it with his "friends".

it's funny enough how many shady people are in valorant business

imagine real life sports players discuss about using doping and shit like they wanna do it so bad but ofc they are just "curious" and just "asking"...

never trust people with a briddish accent! they have never achieved something in esports and they will never do with playing clean!

posted about a year ago

c9 is a garbage org nobody wants join unless you have a shit fps history! only people who just wanna steal paychecks, was involved in cheating, match fixing play for this org and stay there. so don't expect t2 pros to join them like it's their biggest life goal lmao

posted about a year ago

just give him a few years and he will get better. he just needs time to adapt to a dead game thats basically csgo in easy mode when it comes to ability usage and gun play

posted about a year ago

lmao and people defend him because riot and whoever investigating didn't find any proof... like someone can find any proof when people do well organized match fixing and use cheats from today. if you say you wanna see 100% proof he did, keep dreaming! we live in year 2022 idiots! you can make everything sound you was just trolling, pretending when getting caught. it's a shame people with bans on other games are allowed to do as they wish in this game anyway. cheaters and match fixers doesn't deserve to play any game in my opinion!

yet you know marved and his friends did match fixing and you ignore it because there was no real proof they could share to the community.

any esport is corrupt and criminal and theres no surprise they accept these people in their business.

posted about a year ago

ok boomer

posted about a year ago

yes, thats why he has 0 success outside of bronzil... best initiator can't win shit against washed t3 cs players lmao!

posted about a year ago

imagine still caring about shitty tsm lmao! dude, they are done af and nothing can fix this crap org anymore! they are a shitty t3 org that keep signs shitty tier 2-3 players and thinks all they have to do is paying a lot... and ofc, they got 200M Dollaz for being shit from something shitty called FTX lmao

posted about a year ago

only relevant because they give away tons of money. if the amount of prize money was same in any esports pubg and snake mobile game would smoke LoL and Dota in the air dude!

if you make same prize money for the worst game in the world you automatically make it the best game in the world...

if LoL prize money was low nobody would play it and instead grind pubg or the trash soccer game with cars

posted about a year ago

imagine a game company has to pay the teams to stay and not leave because the scene is dead af and the company actually doesnt know how to run a game like this and switch the damn format every season

posted about a year ago

get an own life dude wtf

i bet you even use tenz bedwear and you can only sleep when listening to tenz excuses why he suck and hes the most overrated trash ever

posted about a year ago

how are random children around the world supposed to know about this show? why don't you ask ritos support heroes instead?

you need attention prtsy?

posted about a year ago

yes, they do! you get same result if you google them both

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he will crawl back anyway as soon as he realize csgo is deader than valorant

posted about a year ago

Just add yourself. Everyone can recommend food Here.

posted about a year ago

Recommend Restaurants and authentic Turkish Food in Istanbul here. Since i was in Istanbul before 4 Years i can recommend eating:

Cag Kebab
Yaprak Doner
Lamb Sheesh-Kebab
Wet Burger (You can't get enough of These!)
Baklava from the best Baklava Maker: "Karaköy Güllüoğlu"
You never had Baklava before in your life when you haven't eaten from this Guy! It's nothing like the ones you know from your Supermarkets or House-Made ones!
Turkish Ice Cream
Loqum (Turkish Gummy Bears with Coconut, Chocolate filling, Nut filling) Freshly made in Front of your eyes!
And the best sweet of Türkiye is Turkish Honey with KAYMAK with fresh baked Bread. Be careful this is better than any Drugs! You won't get enough of this deadly combo!!

posted about a year ago

trash EDM shit! dude champions in ISTANBUL! get creative and make with oriental parts at least!

trash company just saving as much money as possible!

posted about a year ago

get a life twats

posted about a year ago

Its Always in fucking Germany even when the Country is called Türkiye...

posted about a year ago

hahahahaha dat likes proof sentinels fans are so sentimental lmao

!at least guard fans are not mean!"

posted about a year ago

s1mple doesn't understand valorant thats why! in this game you have to peek to see whats coming towards you! anotherwise it could be too late and enemies check any corner anyway so you die for nothing...

posted about a year ago

he cant even hit a guy that doesnt shoot back. he is leterally moving when pressing mouse 1 or are you blind?

is that guy a comedian or just a coincidence twitch hero?

posted about a year ago

This guy not playing Valorant but he is very good at whatever he is playing. He so talented he can easily be one of the best ones in future. He is entertaining a lot and he deserves more support than he is getting rn. Stop supporting washed Boomers who are too bad for their Main Games and support the next Generation instead.

posted about a year ago

imagine trying to fix a team with the same shit

posted about a year ago

reaver skins are trash except knife and that one is overpriced shit

posted about a year ago

he can only shine against tier 2 or worse teams and you say he tried some shit lmao! if he played a real team rn he couldnt even get 10 frags in 2 maps

posted about a year ago

one can now sign more mouse products and the other can do more streaming and accusing others of streamsniping because he suck hard.

wanna bet next tenz hardware signing shit will be partnered with shroud? that would proof my theory shroud only joined tenz's team because he wants to be linked with him and abuse tenz and the whole org to make his brand matter again!

also ive heard rumours tenz is training on a new grip nobody have seen before! next Masters will be a completely the show of tenz and his mysterious grip!

posted about a year ago

i have never heard of guild before valarante

posted about a year ago

let me guess, you are a former heretics fan xD

posted about a year ago

that guy owes the community an explanation about why + proof! i would never ever believe what he told to everyone after doing all this shit and leaving the scene as soon as LANs were announced! the timing of him leaving the scene was too obvious! there is an amount of unlimited fairy tales he can tell to the people to make it sound like it was something serious. he even told some people he will come back soon and he still reading this here and laughing at all the idiots who believed he was clean af.

@hiimnsk wouldn't surprise me if he makes a comeback if we see Covid-22/23 and have to go on other Lockdowns for many Years. I bet he would insta tweet "YOU KNOW WHAT? I AM BACK! SRY FOR THE WAIT MY LOYAL FANS! I COULD FIX ALL MY PROBLEMS AND HAVE TONS OF TIME FOR SOME VALORANT!"

posted about a year ago

dude people only hyped this garbage because he kinda looks like a walmart tenz. the community find him cute so they hype him so hard! he played 2 masters for free and made his team lose whenever he played a game! VS for example never won a map with lakia on board yet people say he is soooooo good!

this explains the community knows no shit about val! like if he were so good, why would korean teams who had him in the roster not let him play? were they that stupid to nerf themselves for fun?

posted about a year ago

that's what everybody is thinking already. and people like yinsu also defended him and still do because he was "good guy" never seen him playing live or seeing him in person. actually i feel like teams should do some pressure to riot to do something about this because leaving this niesow thing untouched since then makes the game look like a clown fiesta. maybe also ban heretics from valorant for signing a person like him? people pointed out he was cheating in many other games before and still got away with free money.

posted about a year ago

call me Mr. GunBuddy! Others check Skins i check Gun Buddies!

posted about a year ago
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