Flag: Cook Islands
Registered: July 31, 2023
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 6:55 AM
Posts: 68
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We all got frauded :((((

posted 1 week ago

W opinion

posted 6 months ago

Would love to see it

posted 7 months ago

If they dont troll the roles its not out of range

posted 7 months ago

they shouldnt be lower than TOP3 so i dont think so

posted 7 months ago

they cant be bad for the rest of time surely

posted 7 months ago

I can see them having a similar year as Navi had last year - good in the league, but not good enough internationally

posted 7 months ago

based on what we seen from EG if they stay together, they are surely top 4 even in their circumstances, but i doubt they will be higher since there is toxicity in the organization
100T will probably be better, but i think that they are most likely to have a dissapointing season
As for G2 first does sound insane, but they have proven that they are tier 1 quality and have gained even more experience last year so i dont see why they couldnt be first

posted 7 months ago
  1. G2 - the core will prove why they stuck together

  2. Leviathan - i think they will struggle at the beginning, but it wont last long

  3. LOUD - they will stay good, but i dont think they will be contenders, the teams below them just dont have it figured yet or havent showed it

  4. EG - dead team, but would probably still do well if they stay together

  5. Sentinels - now when everyone knows their role, they should be solid

  6. KRU - could surprise a lot of people, Klaus needs to step up

  7. NRG - who knows, could be Cloud 9 of last year or Sen of last year

  8. Furia - promising but there are many talented teams above them

  9. Cloud 9 - dont think they will replicate their form of last year

  10. MIBR - not good enough

  11. 100 Thieves - sadly i dont think its their time, they have a great coach, but its his first time as head coach, at best dont see them higher than 7th

posted 7 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Sideshow and Yinsu are co-streaming it

posted 8 months ago

Sad for the players, but f the org

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Very interesting team this year and had some amazing moments, loved watching them

posted 9 months ago

I supported them this season because i really liked their style of play and they always gave their most
Lev were honestly very boring and played the same for an entire year

posted 9 months ago
  1. FUR
  2. NRG
  3. TGRD
  4. LOUD
  5. KRU
  6. EG
  7. SEN
  8. 100T
  9. C9
  10. MIBR
  11. LEV
posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Ye but you cant play Neon on every map + it can be easily exposed
The fact that the comps were changed nearly every game didnt allow the team to reach the highs they should have is painful :(

posted 9 months ago

Dont think that will be good if only Cned is gone, since the Jett wil probably be less played and i trust Zyppan on raze + they have a similar breach

posted 9 months ago


Breeze (old)

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

I think that if you wanted to make a list just by looking at performances you missed a lot of players like Zekken, Monyet, Zyppan, Buzz, Dgzin that were much better and consinstent than like Mindfreak or Zest

posted 9 months ago

Arguably top 5 in the history of the game, but for this year i think players above him showed something that led to a major success and/or showed a similar skill

posted 9 months ago

Personally i think its more about the way Less played and made the most out of his role + the expectations for Less was lower than for Aspas at the start of the year considering Less had an outstanding performance at Champs but it wasnt for sure that he would continue that and the team needed that of him if they wanted to continue being in the conversations for big titles

posted 9 months ago

I mean most of the people put Aspas over Jinggg and its not a wrong choise but imo i dont think its all about stats considering that they play very different styles where Jinggg is always trying to make a play where he isnt guarranted to win a fight while Aspas plays more constructed and barely gets caught out

Since they had similar international success i didnt put them far from one another and dropped him from 6 to 8 because of EG players that deserved to be higher for their impact

posted 9 months ago

Its true that he didnt have obscure numbers, but he finally didnt have to in order for his team to win, he still showed a very high level of play and almost had a flawless year so i think he deserved his spot, as for Aspas he played amazing, but i think every player above him showed something that led to a major success and/or proved a similar level of skill

posted 9 months ago

I think Jinggg was clearly the most consistent player for PRX which is why he is the highest ranked
In terms of everyone they all performed very similar, very good, but not anything that would have been worthy of a higher placement (except for Something if he was at Tokyo and played the way that he can play)
In terms of Mindfreak hes my favourite player on the team, but can be so frustrating, he had a really underwhelming regular season with a lot of ups and downs, and if it wasnt for the clutches, he wouldnt even be in the conversation - unfortunately he is a part of the system that isnt meant to show off and is supposed to just do his job, except when he is needed

posted 9 months ago

Ye thats kinda the point first half of the year was really underwhelming and even though he played very good at internationals he still wasnt impessive enough imo to be mentioned, if it wasnt for the insane peak at Champs i would have excluded Jawg also

posted 9 months ago

Bar the grand finals Jinggg barely had bad games and was stellar ever since Something came in and even when the team was without Something, still showed amazing level of play

Crashies was the main reason NRG didnt flop as hard as they should have, pulling out some incredible plays which were keeping his team in the game
Buzz rarely had a bad showing this year and stellar performances until Tokyo, but played up to his standards at Champs, which also prevented DRX flopping at back to back tournaments

Aspas has been great this season but every player above him showed something which resulted in major success or proved to be in the same standars in terms of skill

Honestly maybe Sayf was held back by his team, but he really underperformed at Internationals and only showed solid play against the likes of KC,BBL, VITALITY and bar that match against FNC didnt beat anyone outstanding

posted 9 months ago

He played very well at Lock in and Pacific given the circumstances and at Tokyo and Champs didnt look out of place
I think that if it wasnt for the Foxy9 thing he would have been closer to the top 10

posted 9 months ago

Definetly wasnt a bad year for him, but overall in terms of success and ability i think all players above him showed something more, no matter the expectation, except for Ethan, but his consistency and a win in the grand finals gave him a slight edge imo
As for Less i think he overtook the title of the best player on the team, really took a huge jump and was a key factor in LOUD winning games they arguably should have lost

posted 9 months ago

Was a close call, but Derke almost had a flawless year in terms of success and didnt have enough bad games to be considered lower, so just went for him by a margin

posted 9 months ago

In terms of stats and performances they are very similar, but overall Jinggg had a better year in terms of international success so i put him higher, if he didnt have a very bad showing in the grand finals, he would have been in the top 5 imo

posted 9 months ago

Its a ranking posted before the final, made a new one

posted 9 months ago

I did, posted a new one

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Just didnt get the result of the players on the top 20 and i think the players above him had a better year, although it wasnt by much

posted 9 months ago

Over the whole year i think Ethan is in a perfect position, Chronicle should have been above him if it wasnt for a really dissapointing Champs performance, but overall played insanely well
I think Cauanzin just slightly gets the egde because of the first part of the year
And if it wasnt for Suygetsu Navi would have been even more embarassed

posted 9 months ago

He had a rough one yes, but overall a player that knows how to get the most from his plays, and was super consistent throughout the year
Personally i would have put Something over Jinggg if he was at Tokyo and played on the level that he is known for, but in terms of F0rsaken he wasnt a stranger to a mediocre game, even though he was playing whatever his team needed of him

posted 9 months ago

He had moderate success and if it wasnt for the Foxy9 experiment he would have been more recognised and even still played pretty solid when he needed to flex

posted 9 months ago

Had some amazing moments, but over the whole year just wasnt consinstent enough

posted 9 months ago

That was the hardest one to make, but went for Derke because of the first part of the year

posted 9 months ago
  1. Alfajer - representing a sentinel player in the best way possible by being a true anchor and always there when a team needs him

  2. Less - after finishing last year on a high, he took a huge leap this year overtaking aspas as the best player on the team by the second part of the year

  3. Leo - basicaly perfect util and mr. clutch, nothing more needs to be said

  4. Derke - a very good player that was able to take his game to another level by being covered with the arguably best support players in the history of this game

  5. Demon1 - He came in as an ,,open-tryout" and was given the chance to ,,show his skills as team continued to develop" - safe to say he showed his skills and the team developed

  6. Jingggg - our favourite raze main that just doesnt seem to make a bad play, opening the map for his team and constanstly fragging - sadly we wont see him next year :(

  7. Ethan - possibly the most important player in this EG machine, his amazing utility and take-over ability proved to be crucial in the success of this project

  8. Aspas - after almost flawless first half of the year, he took a step down, but proved at Champs that he is still a game changing player

  9. Chronicle - very good utility and numerous clutches, but a slower end of the year denies him a higher spot

  10. Something - a player that with his amazing skill and aim proved that the W gaming playstyle is still very much doable

  11. Zmjjkk - an amazing talent that with his OPing skills became the cover and opened the door to Chinese community

  12. D4v4i - with the lack of an IGL, he was able to play more openly and show his amazing skills which very much marked over the lack of a leader in this team

  13. F0rsaken - a player that was able to help his team in any way it was needed to and continued to deliver numbers

  14. Cauanzin - a rookie in this team, he displayed an amazingly high level, expecting the similar leap as less for next year

  15. Jawgemo - although i doubted including him on the list, his incredible consistency at Champs propelled EG to the ultimate goal as his ability on Raze was going head to head with Jingg

  16. Mako - always a consistent show in his team, even after a dip in form through the middle part of the year

  17. SUYGETSU - a player that is always doing the little things and continuously taking over games

  18. Crashies - with amazing consinstency and with ability showing up when needed most, he showed why he is probably the most important player on his team

  19. Buzz - a guy that showed amazing flexibility and ability to remain consinstent and push his team when needed

  20. S0m - coming into this year with a lot to prove, he definetly displayed incledible highs, while playing the role he wasnt known for before
    Honourable mentions:

    • Nats
    • Monyet
    • Zyppan
    • Zekken
    • Cloud
posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

You are right about that, but its not like tier 2 is terrible + i put them on the list because they were the best that tier 2 has to offer and considering that Something and Demon1 just came into tier 1 and adapted very quickly i doubt trent or Nismo would have a tough time at the highest level

However every team has at least one player that has a solid game, bc games where everyone has barelly any kills are those games where teams just cant seem to get going and get bodied
Most of the time teams have solid performers - I strongly considered Leaf just for the regular season alone, but when he needed his team the most they couldnt deliver and while he was set up very well in the regular season in the playoffs and LCQ it just colapsed and no one could produce solid results

posted 9 months ago

It is the case that most of the players are from the best teams but even in Tokyo these teams were good, as well as Lock In
The bottom of the list is for debate, but i believed that tier 2 players deserved to be mentioned even tho they didnt play at the highest level, Buzz is the easiest to erase from the list, but i think his presence is what pushed DRX in most moments, especially in the first half of the season
I think that if they didnt experiment with Foxy9 he would have been higher on this list

For me Cauanzin is a must bc he simply showed amazing quality on Skye, but did lose some of that while on Fade as she is a very dificult agent to get value of most of the time - nevertheless he showed why LOUD picked him up and is proving to be an excellent replacement for Sacy

While some players are playing better that some on this list its the same as in the Nba - good stats on a bad team
They are given the keys since the team isnt able to produce results needed to compete at the highest level

posted 9 months ago

Was cooking last year tho

posted 9 months ago

At internationals he has games where he has over 20 kills and it looks amazing with the clutches, but more than less in pacific he had a slow start a most of his games were okay, but nothing special (Game against EG was stellar tho, but you cant judge it of 1 game)
He is just a good piece of the puzzle, but next year without Jingggg i believe he will be required to do much more thus will show much more

posted 9 months ago
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