Flag: Brazil
Registered: April 21, 2023
Last post: March 18, 2024 at 12:52 PM
Posts: 36

I dont thing LEV need this to stomp KRU tho LOL

posted about a year ago

Are you saying that KRU will intentionally lose to boost LEV? I didn't quite understand.

posted about a year ago

How is valorant harder?

posted about a year ago

Yeah, that's what I thought. Of course, Yay was something else as well. But the Chamber meta didn't work so well for all teams

posted about a year ago

I'm genuinely asking, have we been seeing an NRG that doesn't come anywhere close to what old Optic used to be? Maybe it's just a bad phase or unlucky moments. Personally, I always thought that FNS was one of the reasons Optic was so amazing, but maybe the Chamber meta/Yay and Marved made all the difference. What do you guys think?

posted about a year ago

13-0-----13-0------13-0---------------------------- 13-0---------13-0

posted about a year ago

bait maybe?

posted about a year ago

marved about being the 6 player and not a full time one

posted about a year ago

Marved diff

posted about a year ago

Don't worry about him bro. He'll probably get fired soon. He's clearly not at the level of the Americas League

posted about a year ago

Eternal Bagre

posted about a year ago

This week, we're having the Super Bagre due to Super Week. I hope to see Bagriis nominated for sure.

posted about a year ago

Seriously, are we going to have a 20-minute tech pause in every game? This is frustrating

posted about a year ago

I don't want to hate on the guy, but I don't think he's at the level of the god-tier duelists. He's just average and can have some bad performances from time to time. And while he does have some good performances at times, they're not consistent.

posted about a year ago

yeah i love hearing the crowd cheering and pushing the teams, bet that EG is gonna taste that pretty soon
hope furia beats them anyway tho LOL

posted about a year ago

LOL thats kind it
the org protects racist players
there is not much else to say

posted about a year ago

This was the first game where the NA crowd made some noise in the Americas league. While it's not realistic to expect them to cheer for SA teams, the crowd was expected to be less loud (pun intended) given that the league has just started and NA has not been performing well lately. Generally, crowds tend to make more noise when the teams they support are winning or at least putting up a good fight. In the first map, there was no crowd noise as KRU had a significant advantage.
I like to see good crowd parties but NA always seen kind shy compared to crowds here in Brazil

posted about a year ago

yes he is a weirdo

posted about a year ago

Thanks for the geography lesson, i had forgot where Brazil is, but I believe the gentleman above was referring to people born in the United States, who are commonly referred to as Americans.
I dont agree with him by the way

posted about a year ago

Regardless of how the first three matches went, ZETA will have to face all the other teams eventually, so this conspiracy theory doesn't make any sense. Even if Riot had purposely scheduled ZETA to face the weakest teams at the start, it wouldn't make a difference in the long run. Right?

posted about a year ago

we only like to see good games bruh sorry

posted about a year ago

Im not well informed of Pacific League, but how is riot "giving" zeta 3rd place?

posted about a year ago

goddamit i want to click so bad

posted about a year ago

But do you guys think that Sentinels will just let Tenz sit on the bench as a 6 player? Will he transition to a content creator? I just hope people don't hate on him so much. The guy has a lot to deal with.

posted about a year ago

For me, it was a letdown when Sacy left Loud. They gained many fans in Brazil by putting the country at the top of Valorant. With Sacy's departure, it became confusing, and many people, especially kids, started hating him. Despite rooting against them today, I still hope to see Sacy and Pancada help take Sentinels to the playoffs

posted about a year ago

Bruh, Tenz playing only Jett isn't a problem. I can't remember the last time Aspas played a different agent.
As for Tenz not performing, that's true, and you can check it on his VLR page (0.88 K/D with Jett in the last 7 games). But that only means he isn't the god player we thought he was. He could still play at a franchise level and be impactful as an entry, changing his role to sage is not going to work.

posted about a year ago

I really don't think Tenz only playing Jett is a problem. When was the last time Aspas played any other agent? I can't remember. But can you imagine putting Aspas on Sage in Split? Whoever made this decision should be fired (they probably already were). I wish they would switch between Zekken and Tenz, but I guess that's not practical enough.

posted about a year ago

yeah i believe with some time SEN can be top tier if they dont change this comp
But i dont think that they have much time left

posted about a year ago

When Brazilians did it, we were labeled as savages who scared the foreign players and only made it to the finals because the crowd helped us.
Everyone does it, and NA always finds a reason to complain

posted about a year ago

I think SEN can perform better than what they showed today, but currently C9 is the best team in NA, at least as long as NRG and SEN continue making the same mistakes.

posted about a year ago

bagre cup LMAO

posted about a year ago

he dies early so he can spectate everybody

posted about a year ago

Bro, you jinxed Tenz and Zekken!
Tenz did not play, and there was a Jett diff, but Aspas owned the game

posted about a year ago

Yeah, I believe there is no more space for Tenz in the team, but I bet that SEN will insist on keeping him due to the amount of money invested in him.
I really want to see this team work, but they need time, which they may not have.

posted about a year ago