Flag: Afghanistan
Registered: March 24, 2022
Last post: July 22, 2022 at 12:04 PM
Posts: 54

first pro player to play without a mouse , put some respek on his name he still manages to hit some body shots hell sometimes even neck shots .

posted about a year ago

That's due to asian parents looking at children as assets . Not always in the terms of financially helping them when they grow old but also the fact that their child becoming a well renowned doctor or scientist might lift their names in society and bringing glory to their father and mother . Not all parents are evil but they are definitely selfish . But i would never argue over the fact that asian parents are the best when it comes to loving their children because they are , they just don't know their limits and end up pushing the kids too far . Ok back to baiting i don't like being logical on this website .

posted about a year ago

bro this guy is a pussy , he defends horrible KR players like they are some gods and their hivemind fans downvote everyone . THey think ganging up on people and downvoting them will help their team win games but they just got knocked lmaoooooooooo

posted about a year ago

Coping even after they loss . Every team gets hate , your team is not special . 0 Lan wins gtfo , DRX soy fans can only downvote but that won't reverse the pathetic showing by them in all 4 LANS . Living in denial DRX fans cope seethe mald cry

posted about a year ago

Pussy ass NA fanboys keep coping . EU is going to crush you .

posted about a year ago

how is he wrong ? are you stupid ? Korea is overrated asf . They have kids mental . Tac Fps games require strong mindset not for people with soft mindsets . I could say more things but i would get banned . Live in denial and fail to see reality . Asian teams would always lose against Eu teams in all tac fps games which require heavy mechanics but their fans are the most delusional . Funny thing is im being rational and polite with my arguement and they will still call me dumb things like racist and hate spreader . Ridiculous thing to say but you need a strong mindset which is why people from literall 3rd world EU countries perform better than asians in CSGO . Now counter my points with facts because nothing in my statement justifies that im spreading hate .

posted about a year ago

No hate , no jokes just giving my honest opinion . This website has some weird bias for DRX . im not saying you should hate them , but everytime any team from any region loses , they get insane hate , EU and Br teams get the most insane hate on this website without a doubt . But Drx failed at almost all Lans. i still remember LAN 1 and LAN 2 of VAL their fans were literally saying Vision strikers are the best and will "win the whole thing" and not a thing has changed . DRX have cocky fans but when they face the heat on this website they start their defense mechanism with "Hate " / "racism" . Tell me , everytime a Br team loses , the amount of racism is insane against them , im saying this as a non-brazilian . Why this specail treatment for DRX ? Perhaps their fans share the same mental fortitude as their team .

posted about a year ago

Accept it , he is saying the truth , this version of FPx with sug would demolish optic . Stop being emotional , EU has way better teams and please try to refute my points and not just hurl abuses at me . So many EU teams got unlucky , infact even Ascend and M3c with some decent restructuring would 13-0 any NA team . You know the truth .

posted about a year ago

Everything is true tho ? DRX have failed to prove themselves again and again . Stop coping

posted about a year ago

lmao bro every team gets this kind of hate , but this website has some kind of bias for DRX . Accept it , they are garbage and have 12 year old kid mental .......

posted about a year ago

bro stop hating cmon this only like their 4th Lan and don't be racist to them please bro please i beg you

posted about a year ago

it's not just that , the bias and 8===) riding fans are crazy on this site , like they shittalk every EU team after their loss , but Drx get princess treatment on this website even after a horrible loss like "OMg my daWWWx don't worry guys next LAN you guys will win all maps and win champions korea don't feel bad " some lgtv shit like that

posted about a year ago

Something about this website and Drx fans , they will call you a hater if you say the truth about Drx . Idk why there is such bias for them even after they lose . Perhaps this website is an exception compared to other social platforms .......

posted about a year ago

m3c -deffo + a decent consistent fragger = back to being untouchable rank 1 spot

posted about a year ago

not even kidding DRX guys should hit the gym , i feel like low testerone is a big killer for our generation of men , we need to be strong

posted about a year ago

DRX riders inc to call you a baiter / racist /hater ........

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

in VLR we call this "who asked"

posted about a year ago

bro got the whole thing in his mouth

posted about a year ago

You're a good human who thinks this way while the EU guy writes racist comments against Brazil , don't be naive

posted about a year ago

Why do people from EU think they are better and superior to other humans on the planet ? EU is such a fucked up place good too see PRX destroying EU . EU is racist and this site should ban all EU member imo

posted about a year ago

13 million galaxies , 12 planets in our solar system , 9 billion humans on earth , not a single man asked and how is that my problem anyways ? they are men they should just deal with it . psst losers

posted about a year ago

come back my prince

posted about a year ago

How is that my problem ? please don't flood this website with worthless threads . GO get a job and move out of your moms house .

posted about a year ago

Trembolona is the biggest fraud on this website . He's not even a real MWzera fan , guess who has a mousepad signed by MWzera ? that's right my wifes boyfriend has one . Now my question , Does trembolona have one ? simple answer no . Fake fan fraud baiter xposed .

posted about a year ago

American education in a nutshell , teach kids about gender instead of Geography and math HAHAHA

posted about a year ago

Saint Luciana based country didn't even know that information , thanks for the knowledge

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nobody cares that you've hit 2k posts on a virtual website filled with fat men . Nothing to brag about , stop acting like you're a Gigchad irl . You're a nobody and don't ever post again .

posted about a year ago

HAHAH BRO DRX fans are literally cringe , i don't hate on Koreans because they are really polite and well behaved on this site , but their fans just overrate them every event it's ridiculous ...........

posted about a year ago

Watch the pussy whipped DRX fans come and call you a baiter lmao .

posted about a year ago

Agreed . Fraud strikers will always be frauds even if they change thier team name .

posted about a year ago

Koreans have really bad mental . Side effect of low testosterone .

posted about a year ago

Every event they keep hyping RDX / silver strikers to finish top 1 and win the event , these frauds haven't won a single major or an international LAN . Im not hating but this is the truth , DRX fans are so cringe ......

posted about a year ago

Use cypher cam exploit

posted about 2 years ago

Did i ask ?

posted about 2 years ago

Because m0xwell is a noob

posted about 2 years ago

ur mom fat

posted about 2 years ago

Nobody cares .

posted about 2 years ago