Flag: Nepal
Registered: April 17, 2021
Last post: May 18, 2023 at 4:28 PM
Posts: 610
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i think he means, dont play breach, play skye and harbour

posted about a year ago

your late

posted about a year ago

Can we get an update on the site's ranking system. Currently it is very inaccurate, are we keeping it like this? or is there something happening?

posted about a year ago

no one is safe, if your at the bottom of the leaderboard then you have 80% of VLR coming for you

posted about a year ago

just wait until he has one bad game

posted about a year ago

Then Dephh gotta learn smokes (at least dephh already plays astra on some maps)

posted about a year ago

thinking about this, it would affect the team more than keeping the current roles. Smokes is a very hard role to master and if the team does not have impactful smokes it can cost them the whole game.

posted about a year ago

IF marved is on the bench due to personal reasons (His own choice) beacue i dont think think SEN would keep him on the bench if it was solely based on them.

TenZ - Flex (Kayo, Sage, second duelist). - he has been playing decent/good on these roles just struggling on Site entry with duelist
Zekken - Main Duelist (Jett, Raze) - showing promising site entry with great impact
Dephh - Sentinal (Killjoy) - Dephh should fill this role
Pancada - Smokes - no explanation needed
Sacy - Initiators - no explanation needed

posted about a year ago

Yes but bcj plays smoke or sova

posted about a year ago

This will just cause a shit ton more role issues for SEN.

posted about a year ago

yea wtf is wrong with the ranking system?

posted about a year ago

whats her twitter

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

DERKE IS IN CHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted about a year ago

Nah, Trick is deff mad

posted about a year ago

SEN are playing, theres no way they getting views

posted about a year ago

only reason i kept Dephh is due to Marved wanting to play or not ( In LA). Also, you cant just kick the IGL without another player stepping up to the role

posted about a year ago

Duelist is a new role for Zekken, although is really good. He is more of a flex player due to his huge agent pool

posted about a year ago

yeah, i was thinking on split, they can run TenZ on jett and zekken on raze

posted about a year ago

i think its more so that Dephh doesnt want to play smokes or Sentinal role ( someone wrote that its hard for him to IGL with those roles)

posted about a year ago

i dont know why they switched so many roles, when the igl doesnt want to adjust

posted about a year ago

TENZ - Kayo / Flex
Zekken - Jett / Duelist
Dephh - Smokes
Sacy - Sova/ Fade / Skye
Pancada - Sentinal

(Maybe switch Pancada's and Dephh Roles if needed)

IMO this is the best roster as Marved as stated he doesnt want to move to LA and stay with his family. Plus TenZ played well with kayo.

posted about a year ago

that was a preseason tourney, just to reveal all orgs and teams

posted about a year ago

this is a very popular opinion

posted about a year ago

Baits, how good was the bait of the title of the forum.

posted about a year ago

They are 3-0 rn, it they win the next 3 that’s like top 4 easily I think

posted about a year ago

You have secured your spot in playoffs.

Next 3 matches should be light weight.


posted about a year ago

KC and EG don't deserve an apology, they have been lackluster, plus underperforming the opportunity given by riot as a franchise team.

posted about a year ago

95% chance there was something happening behind the scene. No way a CEO fires a coach without reason. I truly find it hard to believe Syyko was blindsided.

(ps. i dont think Syyko got much hate, as many people respected him during his time on X-Set)

posted about a year ago

i dont think it was the orgs fault, but the delays on the government getting back with visas as they are pretty slow rn. (Just like how it took Sacy and PanCada forever to get visas)

posted about a year ago

No Sen, NRG, 100T or C9 will be sad to see

posted about a year ago

i think it was said somewhere Marved got his visa yesterday.

posted about a year ago

they are in debate of two of the best jetts currently.

posted about a year ago

its tied but its gonna be a close series

posted about a year ago

they are expected to make playoffs, but not masters

posted about a year ago

all na teams still have to play them no? (beside C9 vs Loud)

posted about a year ago

its gonna take some time to settle down in new country for marved i think.

posted about a year ago

what her twitter? wanna read what she is saying

posted about a year ago

he got released by C9 with no buyouts, after all teams had already established their teams. So he could not get a team in T1, his only options currently was T2

posted about a year ago

realistically: LEV 2 - 0 SEN

Hopefully: SEN 2 - 1 LEV

posted about a year ago

any player will get alot of hate if they perform bad, its a side affect of esports. But given Tenz situation it can be more stressful.

posted about a year ago

you are talking as if Marved, Victor and Crashies are not comparable them... I think at Loud and Optic's peak they both had insane players in each role, thats why it was always so intense and exciting to watch and they would go back and forth winning games.

posted about a year ago



G2 > DSG

posted about a year ago

5-7 (Interchangeable)

posted about a year ago

i think he knows Lev is better the Sen at the moment, thats why he said copium

posted about a year ago

pancada likes to rat, and sacy likes to stay with team

posted about a year ago

marved on smokes?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

who should i Bet on?

posted about a year ago

With the recent news of kyedae, Tenz might want to step down from pro-play to focus more on their relationship and future. Any thoughts?

If this is the case, yay might get picked up by SEN to Fill in? Thought?

posted about a year ago
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