Flag: India
Registered: June 15, 2022
Last post: August 17, 2022 at 11:55 AM
Posts: 28

How come Optic always evade EU teams?

posted about a year ago

100T 2-1 Sen
Dislike my comment now anime cringe kids so I can laugh at you after 100T wins

posted about a year ago

I mean Indians breed like rats so not even surprising. It's quality that matters.

posted about a year ago

Imagine depending on another team to take your revenge 💀

posted about a year ago

If you call this joke, you have a very very low sense of humour.

posted about a year ago

1 loss against DRX = PRX weak against Asian teams?
Cope more

posted about a year ago

Indians silently riding APAC even though they're South Asia. Git gud, maybe you can support your team rather than D riding APAC.

posted about a year ago

Bro the sooner you get this, the better. SK Rossi is the last person forsaken will take tips from. One's in international final other can't even qualify for the event to qualify for this event. See the difference?

posted about a year ago

Marved against BR, Korea, Japan: I'm betterrrrr
Marved against EU and EMEA: Hope camera doesn't pans my way🐈

posted about a year ago

Optic has 1 weakness. EU. And they've been getting so lucky avoiding all EU teams.

posted about a year ago

Tell me you're from NA without actually telling me you're from NA

posted about a year ago

Optic again getting the free pass. They first face their regional team Xset which they can beat. Then they play DRX which crumble against slow gameplay. And just like that they're in the upper finals. Meanwhile the other group has to fight against Guild, Fnatic, FPX, PRX. Arguably the weakest team in the group i.e. Guild defeated Optic 2-0. This just shows how the groups have been favouring Optic so much.

posted about a year ago

1 Indian in the playing 5 that too bottom fragging as a duelist and then they call it an Indian org. OMEGALUL

posted about a year ago

Easiest 2-0 for Oasis?

posted about a year ago

They literally tagged him with drone so many times but that MOFO refused to move. Not their fault.

posted about a year ago

Bro, watch your Mickey Mouse region. Don't spread cringe here FFS.

posted about a year ago

Just when I thought I won't be seeing these SEN fanboys.

posted about a year ago

I'd say 0. They can qualify directly from APAC.

posted about a year ago

I don't have a comeback so I'd say random shxt.
-Indian Guy 2022

posted about a year ago

Indian mindset and cheap internet brings the worst out of them.

posted about a year ago

Italian GDP per capita is around 15x Indian GDP per capita. This means that 1 average Italian earns what 15 Indians earn. Point being, you guys are too broke to afford an Italian pizza. Eat your curry be happy.

Also, at least Italy was an independent country in WW2 not someone's personal bxtch.

posted about a year ago

India malding over a Tbag while they fat shame Nexi in their regional chat is the most hypocritical thing ever.

posted about a year ago

Trash talk is an understatement. Death threats would be more apt.

posted about a year ago

Lol, Rossi farming kills after the match was over and RRQ left their keyboard and mouse. So desparate.

posted about a year ago

Actually good for them, their PUBG lineup is doing something.

posted about a year ago