Flag: Portugal
Registered: January 21, 2024
Last post: May 2, 2024 at 5:43 PM
Posts: 24

Please don't bother guys even if its not bait he's too far gone.

posted 1 month ago

NGL I Thought It Wasn't About Mice For A Second But That's my Bad.

posted 1 month ago

IF EG make it to Shanghai or Champs im going bald and posting the picture on VLR, last year EG was good bc good synergy built over years (well not all the players but you get it) Demon1, and most importantly the 10 man roster that sped up the teams improvement by a lot. This year EG with a miracle could be like Top 5, Multiple Miracles.

posted 1 month ago

There is, Juwon is tripping monkey nuts dw about it.

posted 1 month ago

his jett isn't even bad, like he performed well when he played jett, not like he did on optic ofc but he had a much better set up, chemistry, and better comms, his chamber is just good, no need for me to elaborate, his raze is just shit, HE ISN'T A RAZE PLAYER, His whole legacy was built on his good/great jett play and his absurd chamber, and with all of this said, he plays raze almost every map, you tell me to not blame the coaches or the team, but you let him play raze, forget making him play raze, we're past that, even allowing him to play raze is straight up WICKED. put him under 24/7 surveillance with customized handcuffs that only go on when he tries to pick raze if you need to, riot allows us to watch yay play raze? hello? at least blur it or something holy

posted 1 month ago

can you imagine he actually changes his name to that

posted 1 month ago

English Class 5 Hours is MAD and I can't even deny it, also we don't need to get a raze to mentor yay, its way too much work just put him on jett and chamber and get dereyon to do whatever yay can't or another raze player?

posted 1 month ago

Compared to what he was doing on the other agents you might as well say that

posted 1 month ago

mce did think of it... he put yay on chamber in most games, and it worked.

posted 1 month ago

I've said this before like do BLEED even give yay a chance to play chamber in scrims? You'd think thats an obvious answer, but then ur telling me they saw his raze, and thought "Not only is this better than dereyon's raze, ITS ALSO BETTER THAN HIM ON CHAMBER!", yay played well on nerfed chamber, at the end of the day match day is what matters, if yay for some reason can't play raze on LAN (idfk) you don't put him on raze SURELY? And yes we will never know how it is internally, but you see ZETA play around laz and his chamber, ur telling me yay can't play at level? I need the official statement (BY YAY AND LEGIJA) that they tried yay on chamber in scrims MULTIPLE TIMES and it was Horrendous solely because of his chamber i will not believe they tried it

posted 1 month ago

The fact that they STILL don't put him on chamber is crazy, like his jett performances weren't even bad at all, whenever he is on the raze he starts inting, and just so you know even since the C9 days yay is yet to go negative on chamber, the nerfed chamber, in DSG even he picked him once and top fragged, on C9 he picked chamber a bunch of times and always performed well, on BLEED there isn't even a chance given, Forget the meta bro BLEED you all are shit, don't come with this "BUT WE NEED TO PLAY THE META" You are not good enough to worry about meta picks, worry about macro and micro play first, then you can start thinking about the meta, is it that crazy for me to say that you shouldn't bend the team roles around the meta composition when you are a bottom tier team? let yay play what he's good on, put dereyon on raze or whatever he plays-

posted 1 month ago

THe thing is that we all know yay's ceiling, so we KNOW its possible for him to play like that, you can't say "washed" or anything, bc TenZ proved this rationale right, we all believed he had that potential bc we've seen him play great before, so we know physically he can do that. tbh just put him on chamber, he's just more comfortable on chamber, its not even about how good he is at chamber anymore, its that the team will flow better if yay knows what he's doing, maybe there's a flaw in this since we haven't seen yay on chamber, but we don't even know if he's tried it in scrims.

posted 1 month ago

Describe what tryouts are in one sentence, then state this opinion again.

posted 1 month ago

When did he hate on GenG? he only said he didn't like to cheer for teams that are CLEAR favorites, like SEN vs LEV. NRG is an exception because #WGLAZE and PRX because they're just a fun team to watch, they have the following that they have for a reason.

posted 1 month ago

A professional hater such as myself can't just stop hating, if i don't have on starxo, or kamo, or boaster, then who's gonna pay the bills?
That's why i gotta keep on hating, even my 2y/o is equivalent to at least a decent D1 Hater, they grow up so fast.

posted 1 month ago

idk why theres no mention of FNS, as an IGL and content creator, and if we're talking 5+ years its Demon1 i think of first, and for honorable mentions i'd go johnqt, karon and i actually have incredibly high hopes for w00t and miniboo as a duo moving forward. You might think "but hall of fame level?" and well... Yes.

posted 1 month ago

Yoru is built around chaos and misinformation??? Misinformation i guess is fine but not chaos, the biggest use of yoru is that TP that basically makes it so ur in 2 places at once, if they saw u somewhere isolated from ur team u could've tp'd away, or u could be waiting to TP and lurking, Thats misinformation, but i can't find chaos, like the other great thing about yoru is the ult which i guess gets a bit of chaos? but TenZ does it too idk, ur looking at it wrong, no matter what they're playing PRX Will always be aggressive, doesn't mean its the right way to play, but they make it work as if it was because they're prx but if ur not on PRX you can't play that yoru, you can't just be Chaotic and agressive on ur own, thats just throwing, so INDIVIDUALLY TenZ is the closest to mastering yoru if he hasn't done it yet, he's been trying to make yoru work the best since his release while the whole time knowing he wasn't good, but he still wanted to make Something work.

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

The Pros spend more time preparing for one game than you play in a whole day, and u play a lot of fucking valorant, please get help-

posted 4 months ago

FNS said it best when hearing comms from afreeca "These are the comms of someone who wants it" referring to the win. I'm just quoting fns because its more credible than me saying it even though this is what i think too, Listen to his comms, he sounds like he wants the win, scratch that he REALLY FUCKING WANTS IT. You can hear the "urgency" in his voice, hearing it makes you understand that he really really really wants to win, and that's what you need. Also yes tenz is easier to understand CURRENTLY and has more experience speaking english even though its negligible when deciding who stays in the team since sacy is right there. While we're at it sentinels revenue doesn't depend on people with no involvement in esports, no job, no knowledge of the game, the only way SEN would get any actual drawbacks from removing TenZ is if he's fully gone, like not even kept as bench or content creator, then its impactful, just benching tenz does nothing to SEN, they will loose no actual fans because TenZ will still be part of sen, they will only say Oh I HATE SEN NOW then continue to cheer for sen anyways. TenZ playing in pro games doesn't put food on the table of any employees or people on sen

posted 4 months ago

"pancada barely commed on Loud and was quiet." So I'm not gonna tell u why i'm quoting you here, because you would probably just go "this guy doesn't know what he's talking about i'm the one thats right", you might not ok its just a possibility, so the best way to go about this is simply to let YOU figure out why this makes 0 sense. I don't need you to respond to me just look at it until you find out what's wrong and why its a dummy dum dum moment.

posted 4 months ago

So uhh, this is a lie, i don't blame you since you aren't a non-native english speaker, so you wouldn't know but i here a Portuguese that speaks english because i like english videos, most games are default in english, and so is the internet. i learned enlgish (with an accent ofc like most of us non-natives) and now when i'm in english mode i think in english, not subconsciously speaking portuguese and translating it subconsciously to english, i speak and think sentences that can't really be translated, or that don't have the same meaning when translated, this and actually since i've transitioned more to english even though i still live in portugal i think in english all the time, however i never think in portuguese, i cant remember it, however i don't translate from english when i speak with my family in portuguese. so what is it thats happening? well ill tell u, you dont actually think BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING, you can be more or less careful about what you say and how u say it, but thats not you talking to urself in any language because that would take too long, its just you doing it, you dont need to speak to express yourself, to yourself, because you are you, so you dont need language to say "oh im gonna turn this corner" you are you so you just do it. I KNOW I'M YAPPING BUT THATS JUST SO STUPID, Pancada at least atm doesn't speak fluently as in he doesnt have the vocabulary nor the PRACTICE, the reps compared to a native enlgish speaker, which in a subconscious action reps are EVERYTHING, and i won't get into it rn just look it up if you dont already know it. What matters here is that i that have only spoken english for a few years can comm perfectly in valorant, Pancada needs more time to speak english. im sorry for yapping but i dont like this SLANDER for the non natives, shits crazy

posted 4 months ago