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Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 6:56 AM
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Simple answer, the first three you mentioned has a massive kid and casual following. A bunch of people who don’t know jack but just claim they are fans and bandwagon. A lot like the warriors fanbase. They also don’t have Tenz who for whatever reason is treated like he’s s1mple or compared to at least.

It is funny to think that c9 was the most popular team In NA maybe of all time. In CS they have a massive following and they still do. At IEM Dallas there was c9 support everywhere but you don’t see any of it in Valorant.

posted about a year ago

Well considering there are only 3 tournaments a year. But yes people strive for attention in the Valorant community.

posted about a year ago

Riot’s marketing is pretty bad. Good location and venue I’m sure. But they need to announce sales for tickets months ago.

The cs major in Brazil announced the tickets back in May and the event starts in November.

posted about a year ago

Anyone who played esea knows this guy was and is a demon.

posted about a year ago

Buddy forgot he’s on the internet

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Knowing Riot, this probably won’t change anything.

posted about a year ago

Considering they have been the most consistent NA team since the game has come out. It would be foolish to not renew their contracts.

posted about a year ago

Cs is better personally but the games shouldn’t be compared either so.

posted about a year ago

He’s not wrong lol.

Besides Valorant is a game to stream with the huge casual following.

posted about a year ago

It is the player break for CS atm though.

posted about a year ago

Well isn’t majority of the pros in NA VAL from NA CS t2/t3 anyway? Very small percentage of t1 NA cs players switched to Val.

posted about a year ago

Has to be troll right

posted about a year ago

Almost seems like a troll tweet

posted about a year ago

Liquid counter strike will replace liquid Valorant as the players will swap games

posted about a year ago

Cs is still a massive game In china though. To say they don’t have it is just wrong lol.

posted about a year ago

Ran into him playing faceit pugs few months ago and he was also playing open

posted about a year ago

They don’t have csgo?

posted about a year ago

Back in my day I was a 41.9% HS percentager
Was never good enough for 42% 🙏

posted about a year ago

A game shouldn’t need to rely on co streamers though.

posted about a year ago

The best viewership team options is either Japan vs Brazil or NA VS EU imo.

posted about a year ago

EMEA did tell everyone wait till Copenhagen and Champions.

posted about a year ago

Not to take away what optic did in Iceland but I think the outcome would have been a little different if teams were allowed to bring their full roster.

Guess Iceland is just NA’s event

posted about a year ago

Pretty nuts

posted about a year ago

I think it’s a troll post but I think this was going to happen either way if NA or EU won lol. The NA fanboys were saying optic will walk every team and the EU fans were just saying wait till masters wait till champions etc.

Rinse and repeat.

posted about a year ago

Oops I meant all 5 maps. Was watching something and they said best of 7 and I typed it lol. That would be crazy though.

posted about a year ago

Depends if it goes to all 5 maps and how close the games are. The best viewership scenario if it were to Japan would probably be Japan vs Brazil or NA vs EU.

One just has massive audience and the other is NA vs eu hate boners.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Easy bracket and Iceland didn’t majority of the teams were not allowed to bring their full roster?

posted about a year ago

Cmon Phamous. Just checked HLTV and see no threads on it. I’m not denying that there aren’t Valorant threads on there. They certainly are. But half the kids who make and comment on those threads are just idiots to begin with. They just make the same post every time. But to be fair it happened a lot here after the first Valorant lan which was super successful.

posted about a year ago

Most definitely. Anytime CS events come to NA it always does well. They need to have ESL New York again or Something.

posted about a year ago

“Cs is dead.”

Been hearing that one since 2017. They want CS to die for whatever reason.

posted about a year ago

It’s really not that dead in NA lol. The pro scene is in a rough rebuilding state but still has a good casual player base. NA still brings in good viewership to CS as well.

“I don’t play the game so it is dead.”

posted about a year ago

Another Val vs CS thread. Makes me wonder if the people who are actually insecure are the Valorant fanboys.

posted about a year ago

You can hear the crowd at least

posted about a year ago

The problem with franchising

posted about a year ago

Franchising hurts the t2-t3 pretty bad. The teams in the league will do fine but can’t say the same for the rest.

posted about a year ago

Everything is expensive my friend. I mean here in NA we have Biden and Trudeau. Both big tards.

Nah I don’t have a Newfoundland dog. I have an Akita actually. Japanese Akita if you wanna look it up. If I would have to pick between a Newfoundland dog or Labrador. That is tough.

posted about a year ago

That is weird considering how CS has a massive Chinese following. However back when the events in China were happening I didn’t follow CS at all for the longest time so idk. Funny story but the both times when NA had their runs in CS with the c9 major and liquid grand slam. I didn’t pay attention or use my computer at all. I didn’t know they won till a year later.

I know Valorant has a huge asia following. Specifically Japan and India. I know it’s not that big in China and Korea but we will see. Korea is like a Moba country and the only fps they care about is OW.

At the end of the day it’s Riot. Never been a fan of them and they aren’t the brightest bulb. If I were to host in Europe for Val.
UK, Germany, Turkey. Would be my three. Or Spain/Portugal for the SA following.

posted about a year ago

Oh ok Where do you live then? If you don’t mind me asking.

Turkey would be a great choice forgot about that. It’s just more of that CS in Denmark is treated like a sport from what I have heard. The people love it. Back when Astralis was prime form they had their games on regularly. Brazil would be another good one.

And yeah Riot isn’t the smartest bulb. I mean I’m not a big Riot guy anyway but they don’t know how to run their scene. Needs to be way more than 3 tournaments a year.

posted about a year ago

I don’t think Covid is much of an issue anymore. Most of it was over exaggerated anyway but that’s besides the point. I think it’s mainly the visa issues. I mean Navi for example missed IEM Dallas because half the team couldn’t go. Didn’t know if it’s because they are Russian with the whole Russia-Ukraine thing or what.

posted about a year ago

Where’s my invite to the Irish pub? I’ve always wanted to goto Ireland haha.

I think Germany is a good choice. I think Champions will be there. In Europe though it’s pretty easy to go from one country to another just by driving alone.

In NA it can take you 6 hours just to drive from one state or province to the next where in Europe you can probably drive through some countries in that time.

I mean I live in Newfoundland so only way I’m getting anywhere is by plane unless I wanna take a 6 hour ferry ride.

posted about a year ago

Are you planning to go?

I just personally think there are better countries in Europe to host them in no offense. If I were to pick I would most likely go with UK, Portugal or Spain (massive Brazil and Latam following) and probably Germany or France.


posted about a year ago

What are you on? IEM Dallas was a pretty packed arena. CS has always done well in NA for crowds. NA used to have 6 events till Covid unfortunately.

The issue with hosting in Denmark is that Denmark is a huge CS country. I mean I’ve been told they have CS on TV there and treat it like a sport. EU has great spots to host a tournament but they don’t. I think the UK would be a great choice personally.

posted about a year ago

Valorant has a decent EU following but they pick the weirdest countries to host them in. I mean Denmark is a massive country for CS. Iceland is cool but hardly anyone lives there (Ik there was no crowd).

I know the UK has a good following. That would be a good place to host.

posted about a year ago

The biggest downfall for NA CS was Covid.
But yeah franchising will be rough for the tier 2-3 teams In NA or just any smaller org who isn’t in the league in general.

posted about a year ago

The term cs frog has lost its meaning the way you guys just throw the term frog around lol. Of course I have played CS I talked to you about it the other day. The graphics for cs are literally fine. Unless you are confusing csgo graphics with CS source or 1.6 then yes those are bad lol.

Valorant graphics aren’t that good either. It’s just animated. Shouldn’t be considered about graphics in a tactical fps anyway. This isn’t COD. Performance is what matters.

posted about a year ago

Just a new source engine for CS. Supposed to come out in August but we will see. Feel like Valve is just keeping it in the back pocket until they feel like they need it. There’s no point for it right now.

If there was a new cs to come out anyway. They would need to transfer all the skins. The skin market in CSGO is way too massive to abandon it.

posted about a year ago

Valorant feels so crappy on anything above 60 ping imo.

posted about a year ago

Cs isn’t declining in NA. I think it’s stagnated in NA or very slowly growing. Nothing massive but there is still a huge casual player base in CS for NA. Not to mention esea open leagues still get over 500 teams signing up a season just for open alone.

However if I was new to fps games I would play Valorant over cs anyday. The game is dumbed down for the casual and appeals to them. Nothing wrong with that but if you want to play a game competitively it is frustrating knowing how lowered the skill gap is. Sometimes these gold players I play against when I Smurf with friends are better than my diamond/immortal queues (back when I grinded the game). I wish they increased the skill gap but oh well. Also feels like nowadays immortal is too easy to get. Adding the new rank helps but yea.

A lot of Valorant’s player base came from games like apex Fortnite and league. Or Val Is their first fps in general. Those stats you gave are hard to base off because riot doesn’t release their player count.

The last factor is that CS was never a huge game in NA. I mean it’s decent size but everyone knows the NA region is a console region. Cod is the king FPS game in NA and always will be. All my friends growing up had consoles. I was the only one who had a pc and a console but I mainly used PC.

Sorry for the essay.

posted about a year ago
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