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Registered: May 25, 2021
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 6:56 AM
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Valorant has never really been popular in South Korea to begin with. Overwatch has always been huge there and of course will league as well.

posted about a year ago

Val is pretty casual game though. Huge casual player base. Higher up in the ranks yeah different story but yeah.

posted about a year ago

You can’t hold your expectations too high. I mean sentinels as a whole is a content org. Whatever will generate them more hype and views is what they will go with.

Nothing against shroud but there were other players who they could have signed to be a stand in but signed shroud due to his name. Yet he hasn’t been in a pro scene in over 5 years. There is a chance they keep him.

I’m more upset that the two best na teams can’t keep their rosters together.

posted about a year ago

Dude actually got canceled because he partied with someone.

Riot is the absolute last company to hold grudges too.

posted about a year ago

That is the problem dude. No one should have to pretend to appease the mob. That shit shouldn’t exist. But like you said, the industry strives for this kind of stuff and the whole SJW cancel culture mob doesn’t help. It’s 100% undeserved, all he did was party with someone. He never came out and said anything in support of him lol.

Carlos is the reason why g2 is where it is. Riot is the absolute last company to hold a grudge for stuff like this and you can’t deny that.

posted about a year ago

I can see i upset some people with the downvotes. Cant expect much from the Valorant community. He should have never had to double down to begin with. That’s the problem.

The reason g2 is where it’s at though today is because of Carlos. Idk the whole thing is dumb.

posted about a year ago

Well the SJW cancel culture mob will disagree. They care that much about people’s personal lives that they canceled him just for partying with him. This shit is sad and the world is doomed.

posted about a year ago

Because he partied with someone? How is that deserving of losing your career?

posted about a year ago

Dude got canceled because he partied with someone. Sad world we live in boys. This shit is doomed. How people can possibly cheer for this when Carlos is the realize g2 is where it’s at today lol.

posted about a year ago

It’s a sad world we live in when you canceled just for partying with someone. Carlos isn’t a bad guy but they made him out like he’s one. The world is doomed my friend. The fact people are out there Cheering about this is just sad as well.

posted about a year ago

Optic has been the only consistent NA team and they are clearly the best team. XSET is number 2. It’s ironic, the team that streams the least in NA is the best. Wonder how that works.

But yeah I agree with what you said.

posted about a year ago

NA Valorant is filled with egos. Was the main problem NA cs had too.

posted about a year ago

What are you talking about bro? When did Carlos ever come out and say he supported Andrew Tate’s views? Partying with someone isn’t that deep. It’s just the world is soft lol.

Besides Riot is the absolute last company that needs to be protecting their “image” with all the shit they have done.

posted about a year ago

No shot you would want to goto college to play Valorant of all things. Should go enjoy life at university.

posted about a year ago

Calling sentinels good is bit of a stretch

posted about a year ago

Not a Carlos guy at all. But the fact the dude and his org is getting cancelled all because he partied with someone is a joke. No need to punish the players for that. That’s what cancel culture is though. Riot is the last company though to hold grudges on stuff like that.

posted about a year ago

Optic not in the franchise league
A shame

posted about a year ago

Cant be over if it never began

posted about a year ago

Yeah and I’m saying overall loud is better than what they are given credit for.

I’m not just talking about this one specific match. Im saying as a whole lol. Brazil tends to get slept on in Val.

posted about a year ago

I read the comment. But I’m referred my comment to the title of the thread.

posted about a year ago

I’m just replying to what the title says. I read the comment lol. No need to repeat it.

posted about a year ago

He’s never been that good of an aimer. Even back in the cs days, aiming in Valorant is easier but if you don’t win your ones consistently or least half the time. Eventually you will drag your team down.

However I don’t know his overall stats from previous tournaments so.

posted about a year ago

egOs bE LikE

posted about a year ago

Not an off day, loud is just better than they are given credit for.

posted about a year ago

What’s the context behind the tech pause

posted about a year ago

It is Riot’s fault but who initiated the replay to begin with. Someone must have complained about it somewhere on XSET side unless riot just randomly decides to replay rounds out of no where.

Either way I don’t think the turent made turret made a difference in the round. It was destroyed almost instantly.

posted about a year ago

Well there is clearly things we don’t know because we are on the outside looking in. It does seem quite weird to have one round replayed out of no where. It is Riot’s fault but oh well. The real question is who complained to have it viewed and replayed?

I think it’s because XSET has a history of complaining so.

posted about a year ago

Doesn’t matter really. Sure the Turent bugged but it was destroyed almost instantly anyway.

I don’t think it changed the outcome of the round.

posted about a year ago

Thanks sir

posted about a year ago

Was the bug in favour for 100t or drx? I never saw the match.

posted about a year ago

Can I get some context?

posted about a year ago

Because eu is the best region. Most consistent at least as well.
XSET did well though. Optic still the most consistent though.

posted about a year ago

Eh idk. Franchising is dumb. Hurts every tier besides people in the league. So many orgs have left. We will see with how the future will turn out.

posted about a year ago

They did look strong. Realistically they should have won with a 2-0 but they hard threw and choked on Ascent. Cant win them all. They have fallen short a few times though. But they already made changes. Think it’s too early to make them again.

posted about a year ago

I don’t think they are the issue. The issue is Boaster is lost and buying half armour.

They threw the Ascent game. They should have won but ya live and ya learn. Cant win them all.

posted about a year ago

Doubt it tbh. Not a lot of orgs come back after leaving. If they do it’s after a few years. They probably want to be apart of the franchising league. The teams in it will thrive but the rest of the tier 2/tier 3 scene is a question mark.

posted about a year ago

Who cares. If he likes to play like that and he’s comfortable then let him.

posted about a year ago

Riot production

posted about a year ago

Just a content creator. Sentinels is the org to be a streamer for I guess in Valorant considering it’s the most popular org. Most annoying fanbase though.

posted about a year ago

He is Valorant’s main source for viewership.

posted about a year ago

Just a content creator my friend. But sentinels org is entirely based off content. They care more about that then wining.

posted about a year ago

He’s signed as a content creator but idk. Sentinels care more about content then winning. They’ve always been that way.

posted about a year ago

Terminal list is a great show I’m excited for season 2. Need season 4 of the boys to come out as well.

posted about a year ago

100t was a mess. Always has been tbh. The whole situation with ec1s and babyj was a joke. Dropping steel before the LCQ too.

They are doing good now but there was a time where the whole org was just in another universe.

To your original point though, nitro has always been good. Individually he isn’t as good as he used to be in CS but it takes time. Cs is a game you gotta play consistently to keep up your mechanics. If you’re gone for a year and a half. It will add up.

posted about a year ago

Dude was already top 1 in the world before Valorant so. Liquid looks good though.

Don’t get all the hate in the comments though.

posted about a year ago

Because he’s eu and he’s been in eu consistently. That’s the edge eu/cis has over all the other regions currently due to the game being based there since Covid. They are always around the evolving meta as where NA, Brazil, and other regions will always be behind unless they consistently stay in Europe.

Even without yekindar though. If naf, oSee, and elige all do what they are known to do. They are a dangerous trio. It’s just yekindar brings that next level and makes them into a 4 headed monster.

posted about a year ago

The terminal list is a good show but your take is retarded

posted about a year ago

His play style is the definition of Jett.

posted about a year ago

Elige been playing well all year. oSee has been the best NA awper since Skadoodle. Man is a beast. Out of the young awpers in t1 cs rn. I think he has shown the most upside. M0nsey is pretty hit or miss but he’s still young.

If the big 3 play well and add naf on top. Dangerous roster.

posted about a year ago

Not entirely true. It might be more common in Valorant than other games. For teams like Team Liquid, faze, astralis, etc. I think people genuinely support the team/org. But you’re not wrong about people supporting certain players. Pretty much anyone who played for c9 cs has a following with a large fan base.
Tarik, shroud, Stewie, n0thing, autimatic, xeppaa, floppy, freakazoid, seangares, list goes on.

It’s like sentinels I guess as well. Anyone who joins sentinels gets an insta following boost.

posted about a year ago
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