Flag: International
Registered: August 7, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 5:23 PM
Posts: 258
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posted about a year ago

Furious gaming? Not fusion? Isn’t furious gaming not even have an active roster?

posted about a year ago

No hate but genuinely curious why they picked attack first against 100t on ascent after they had suck a shit attacks side last time. Wouldn’t it always be better to work with more rounds

posted about a year ago

Damn bro, ur number 1 and 2 is probably mine saddest moments too. God I was heart broken. Personally I didn’t feel that bad abt nitro and steel leaving because I thought it was somewhat for the better of the team. Though losing steel was definetly a big loss.

My number 3 would be 100t getting destroyed in stage one groups/ 13-0 Ed by guard

posted about a year ago

I believe as of now,


have qualified for champions. EMEA is still in the open as to who qualifies. These are all the teams that have already locked in champions. Well, I think there is a still chance for NIP, but the chances are sooo low that loud is definetly the one to qualify.

LATAM, JAPAN, and EMEA are the only ones who we don’t who will be going to champions.

posted about a year ago

Optic, Xset, Faze, 100t, last one is very hard, Ghost would be top 5 but I don’t know how I feel abt them, and I think EG/LG/NRG are abt the same level.

posted about a year ago

Yes u right, but the owner of PWR has publicly stated that they were rejected from even applying. So yea.

posted about a year ago

Nah, their haven is worse/ faze is realllly good at haven, so they will be ban haven.

posted about a year ago

Interesting, but kinda sketchy for 100t because faze actually has a decent icebox. I can see 100t picking breeze over icebox.

posted about a year ago

My bad, didn’t know

posted about a year ago

Alright my bad

posted about a year ago

Why are they not trying. If they somehow beat xset and nrg loses they wouldn’t be last in the group and they would get more circuit points. 5 points might not be a lot but it could qualify them to lcq somehow ? I know it’s a stretch , but why not just try?

posted about a year ago

Wait seriously? Then how are orgs investing and how are their tournaments there? Like isn’t everything technically illegal?

posted about a year ago

Well, you will if the org is good. The whole reason that most people have guessed behind this drop is that lg has not been financially stable and so thought that they will not be able to get into the program. It’s not bc of the players itself. If a good org picks them up, it’s a possibility

posted about a year ago

lmao this is the clip i am referring to up top

posted about a year ago

i know right, i knew about him after seeing a ranked clip of him and then have been following sice he joined t1 academy. dude is nuts

posted about a year ago

How is this a “realistic rebuild”?

posted about a year ago

He rejected the invitation + internet explorer moment

posted about 2 years ago

Didn’t riot say they have another tournament circuit like vct after champions is over ? I think that was also the reason they stated for shortening the number of international events in the vct.

posted about 2 years ago

As far I can see, they only reason they switched out poach was for fire power. The faze team actually started gaining success AFTER poach was signed, but I guess they didn’t like it that only 2 players always had all the kills, so they got flyuh in who has more fire power.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

did u know there was 10 sec left on the clock?

posted about 2 years ago

not a fan of sen but u should first know ur stuff.
1st sinatraa cant play bc he hasnt finished his training
2nd zombs apparently denied
3rd- it seems like they had like nooooo time, so they ended up getting shaz friend to play

posted about 2 years ago

god so happy to see him play neon, even if they probably gonna lose. this man was one of the first people to play neo GOOD

posted about 2 years ago

Nah he was l,saying good against 100t with neon, idk what happened . Maybe guard is just denying him?

posted about 2 years ago

Actually there was last year - masters berlin. People just think it’s master 2 which is not true. Masters 1 was unfortunately not an international lan like it was supposed to bc of Covid and instead it was masters for each region. So master Iceland was actually master 2. This year they removed master 3.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like after the lan mCe said they are gonna change stuff. And I feel like he made changes like - Trent stops listening to music, no warm up scrim, etc etc. I know this is no explanation for him playing this bad, but it’s something . I guess I have a little copium. But honestly happy that guard is getting this process over with so if they ever make lan again, they won’t be disappointed.

Edit: I think mCe put the music back on

posted about 2 years ago

Do we know why the forfeited?

posted about 2 years ago
  • Loud played 14 matches before getting to masters

  • they are closest to a super team a region has had so far.

  • I am pretty sure the tea, was already made while before they started playing official matches.

  • 100t is nowhere close to a super team, people actually shit on them of getting bad players

  • the org had complete player AND STAFF overhaul.

  • the team was made pretty recently before the vct. For example, on reports came in that 100t was doing a rebuild with hiko leaving and Ethan’s status unknown on April 2 - vct was end of April . So they had about 27 days to actually make the roster, then get a coach, and then figure out roles and then figure out map pool.

posted about 2 years ago

I missed when teams played raze on this map, glad knights are doing it. I still believe that raze is a really good pick on the map with chamber. Let’s see if it still as good as I remember

posted about 2 years ago

I mean the last qualifier they with a sub, and now they are playing with wippie who they haven’t been able to practice with for a while, but I still don’t understand how they have this big of down from 5-0 groups. Sadge

posted about 2 years ago

Question, with the teams for the stage 2 emea challenges already decided, what will these teams be doing? Isn’t their vct year pretty much over, or am I missing something. Like I know they Will play in regional leagues, but what will that qualify them for?

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh what. Sen’s map pool is absolute dog unless they some got 20x better in a week. Their map pool is literally just a really really good bind, good haven, and a good ascent. Bind will be banned by 100t, which means sen’s pick will most likely be haven, because 100t’s haven hasn’t been promising. Also sen has been banning icebox, and honestly 100t seem decent on it. So matter what they ban or how fucked 100t picks are, they literally can not be a 2-0.

posted about 2 years ago

I highly suggest taking matches in open qualifies with a pinch of salt. Unlike the main events, teams don’t know who they will face. This is usually results in teams focusing more on their strengths then try to counter strat which often results in matches being messy. We still don’t know what tsm is like when they will have time to prepare against an opponent. Same with faze.

posted about 2 years ago

It means they play really good online but are really bad on lan

posted about 2 years ago

Wasn’t it like 3 games a day, 6 games a week?

Edit: sorry it was 2 games a day, 6 games a week

posted about 2 years ago

what? the best teams on split rn dont run viper ?
optic doesnt run viper

posted about 2 years ago

i mean i am 100t fan, but tsm isnt that bad, also u have to understand that 100t are coming into this match hot while tsm is cold

posted about 2 years ago

maybe but i would say a majority of teams have moved away from viper on split, and very few teams play cypher

posted about 2 years ago

maybe, but so many teams have done good on defense against 100t. the other day one team had a 8-4 half on defense and lost it. and they had no viper or cypher

posted about 2 years ago

lmao, their defense is wayyyyyy better, its just tsm sucks at split

posted about 2 years ago

How you gonna say drx, tL, v1 is inconsistent and then have g2 up there ?
As far as I know g2 is probably the most inconsistent top tier team. Liquid is only one that comes close and that’s also because they keep trying weird shit,a do even then they were only one match away from qualifying.

posted about 2 years ago

Sova main?

posted about 2 years ago

is there way they choose whoch team gets to ban first? Bc i looked through previous matches and the team that was already in the lower bracket first always got the ban first But in optic vs zeta, optic got to pick ban first. So how does it worrk??

posted about 2 years ago

Whatever man, both teams are good, let’s just hope for a good match.

posted about 2 years ago

Well this could be the case. I just thought zeta would win because they feel more comfortable. Also, all three teams optic beat don’t really play fracture. And the wins they do have on the map is either against bad teams or subpar teams where they win close games,

Edit: loud also beat nip on fracture very close 13-11, so you argument isn’t very valid

posted about 2 years ago

You are right. Both teams are amazing and what you said is very possible. Only reason I didn’t go with this is because zeta’s icebox seem very reliant on player doing really good.

posted about 2 years ago

The zeta when they beat nip is very different to the the current zeta. Also I did say that zeta wins this based on comfortability. Optic only pick fracture when they have to compared to zeta who actively try to pick it. Maybe optic wins this, who knows

posted about 2 years ago
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