Flag: United States
Registered: April 16, 2023
Last post: June 14, 2023 at 3:12 AM
Posts: 6

Not saying they didn't get shitted on by EG, it's funny that people overreact after losing one map, and it wasn't their pick.

posted 11 months ago

Where are all the DRX haters after map one? Dudes be acting like they can't lose a map at all, especially on Fut's pick

posted 11 months ago

Map trade incoming, DRX threw the first map so hard and never called a timeout.

posted about a year ago

The last map will be interesting, Zeta has played Fracture zero times since the start of this year while TS is 3/4 on the map. It really depends on whether Dep wants to show up or not like he did on Split, otherwise, it's a TS win.

posted about a year ago

Talon gotta let go of Foxz, guy has been straight terrible for a while. He makes really dumb decisions constantly.

posted about a year ago

Dep's Jett goes crazy against lower-tier teams, I would love to see this performance again in the following weeks against better teams. Need him to perform like this if they want a good shot of being a top team.

posted about a year ago