Flag: Australia
Registered: April 2, 2022
Last post: August 17, 2022 at 5:09 AM
Posts: 9

The script is so obvious at this point . Last champions was won by a team that were good in fundamentals and midrounding but never really stood out to people , so no one expected them to even reach final before the tournament began .

Which team from this year's list seems like that to you ? Seems like a DRX win to me . I hope that loud wins though , can't wait for them to actually show up to an event .

posted about a year ago

I go bald if sen wins a single map , let alone a single series throughout lcq

posted about a year ago

If they did not throw the game vs guild , then too , but kru is just too ill disciplined . Yeah sure keznit was sick but what about mazino and nagzet throwing the icebox game

posted about a year ago

I have the script , its an upset . XSET wins , Victor will break his desk , Crashies will get wasted , Marved will cry in subroza's lap , fns goes back to india forever and diablo will remain emotionless .

posted about a year ago

I would maybe add amaterasu in there . That guys has some sublime gamesense

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah nt g2 , ggs prx . This is going to be a stomping . Mixwell is gonna shit his pants when jingg right clicks him with a classic vs a vandal 13 times in a row .

posted about 2 years ago

Stupid liq noobs , don't even deserve to be here . Lucky shits getting carried by one player . As usual , they will choke in playoffs and lose with huge margins . Bunch of stealers who can never win the tourney .

posted about 2 years ago

The rematch , i think the most hype game out of the four . I got Xerxia , yay chokes , fns dcs and victor cries after leaving the stage midgame .

posted about 2 years ago