Flag: India
Registered: August 31, 2022
Last post: June 28, 2023 at 2:02 PM
Posts: 49

its not in india dude the event happening in Thailand

posted 11 months ago

tokyo arena is bigger than brazil right?

posted 11 months ago

i felt like its same as lock/in one same layout

posted 11 months ago

so which one it is ? for me its 2021 champions berlin

posted 11 months ago

yeah mostly he goes to them i wish because with him its well rounded roaster considering prx play style

posted about a year ago

i guess we all pretty much know why tsm and g2 lost a slot

posted about a year ago

yeah pretty much but we cant complain them new esport they want to make it reach wider auidence so its the only way like orgs who have lots of fans and money

posted about a year ago

Same goes for RRQ one of the popular orgs who compete in every e sport and played consistently all over asia they are very popular like TS

posted about a year ago

So Rostermania is going crazy and i am sure PRX not gonna change anything but as far i know u want to have 6 Members so who they are rooting for? Any leaks?

posted about a year ago

What if loud wins now? like its not EMEA or NA on top How valo community will react till now all tourny's won by either NA or EMEA

posted about a year ago

last champions only EMEA was there in the top 4 places this champions every region improved dramatically and players showing immense clutches

posted about a year ago

I guess this tournament is not dominated by any region so far i enjoyed lot of matches so many OT so many trolls So many Clutches So many Chokes Really Enjoyed a lot than previous champions so how you guys enjoying this tourny so far!

posted about a year ago

feqwu something one player is there

posted about a year ago

So First Match Optic
for the second i go with fnatic

Reason: Optic is like a well-rounded roaster and they know how to do against other teams even tho they are bad against EU Teams maybe today is the day they can prove that like we can also beat the EU teams. Team Liquid looks weak tho because of lacking defense their attacking is good until scream dies.

For the second one why fnatic i guess that is the team with the most LAN experience here and XSET always playoff with zekken and cryo i feel like they are more depending them even tho bcj and others performed well this tournament. i still felt they are dancing on the thread so fnatic have the chance

posted about a year ago

no controller and intiator?

posted about a year ago

why no astra dude ;(

posted about a year ago

i play kayo only in ascent and breeze because of close angle(ascent) and open space(breeze)

posted about a year ago

surprisingly most people love kayo xd if u r in receive end of flash may be u hate that time i guess

posted about a year ago

i hate brimmy for one thing smoke range

posted about a year ago

interesting so you know lineup's i guess

posted about a year ago

For me top most Astra in the beginning when she was released i never played her after once i saw the play in tourny i got hooked with that agent.

Duelist: Phoenix reason: my first valo pick agent and i still love him
Sentinel: Cypher idk kind addicted to his cam xd
intiator: Kayo

posted about a year ago

usually problem is the people who instalock the duelist ever since i started playing the game people started locking duelist every single time thats why i mostly preferred to play other roles and it became my main.but every time i play other than duelist i always enjoy the game lot idk may be addicted to controller and sentinels setup plays

posted about a year ago

i agree mako always one of the best controller out there he always frag

posted about a year ago

so i am a flex play except duelist i play all roles
my play style very passive when i play controller and sentinel and i have aggressive play style on initiator role and yeah i play duelist in some matches but i cant top frag or help my team much like i create space for them and i die or it not going according to plan so i want to hope into that duelist role. so how can i do it? Suggestion pls

posted about a year ago

upgradeable ones only!

Worst phantom glitch pop phantom - reason( sound)
Worst vandal Neptune vandal - reason( sound)

and if i they provide any upgrade ability in future for infantry set, wasteland vandal, Recon would be good i own these skins but i hate it dont have upgrade things

posted about a year ago

Like in some vandal/ phantom skins ur aim is always crisp like u always hits ur shot

For me it always prime Vandal / Oni Phantom Idk other skin don't give me that satisfaction so what skin you guys use most!

posted about a year ago

The first round of icebox oh my its was so good

posted about a year ago

will is lanimal may be like they said in show xd

posted about a year ago

will just diffed derke and alfa

posted about a year ago

Basically, in the icebox, most teams exclude duelist's pick other categories. Like that in any map they avoid any category agents? Any stats are there ? Ascent is also one example of triple initiators comp

posted about a year ago

The immense pressure dude they got tilted after the score reached 10 - 12 in first map

posted about a year ago

and yeah i forgot to mention one thing i am a flex player except for duelist role I play other category so these is my playstyle

posted about a year ago

yeah with fade and breach you can easily setup the teammates for better frag spot because it have the delays( flash) and with fade in my opinion you can easily play aggressive easily because here tool kit meant for aggressive push plays try it

posted about a year ago

Initiators don't need to do flashy things like fast phase flashing or killing streak. You can easily control the game flow and gather info for your team. When i play initiator i gather info and give them a better spot for frags and setups. I play all initiators except Sova Because whenever I tried sova I am not good with it. Yeah Lineups are pretty helpful it's like an extra guarantee but IDk any lineups myself when I play I usually use my abilities very slow because I want to know how they hold or push the site. If u playing initiator support your team as much as possible and gather info. it works for me always

posted about a year ago

Agree with it so many times it cost their game many times yay or marved their to fill the kills

posted about a year ago

IGLs avoid the offense Because they want to be in the game and control it. So there is a lot of pressure if the game not going in their way. They are the ones who most feel it. It's not wrong to be bottom fragging if your calls are good and you pretty much support your team! All Good.

posted about a year ago

Yeah Because Sinatraa filled the initiator Role

posted about a year ago

Angel not playing duelist recently in last tourneys

posted about a year ago

IGLs usually play Controller/Initiator Because they want to dictate the game phase. They basically act like anchors for the site so it's common they don't frag much. But I want to know how many duelist IGLs are there in pro scene. I know Scream(TL). IDK others so Comment it!

posted about a year ago

I guess ZETA can pull through

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I can't find FAQ Thanks! I am not new to vlr I used to visit forum news and match info's but never created one account. Thanks! and How to remove the post/thread timeouts?

posted about a year ago

I actually don't know what the stars meant so anyone can explain ?

posted about a year ago

I felt like the game can gone either way. Both have really aggressive play styles and yeah paper rex is well known for their aggressive but EDG is also like same.When I last saw them playing in LCQ they didn't show this much aggression. I guess they pretty much adapted to PRX's aggressive style. They got the aim of power. The first blood man by EDG I guess that is where PRX Struggled. So, This game was pretty close if PRX had a slow and passive play style! EDG May be won the match and I want them in QF I don't want them to eliminate in the early stage even tho it's their first international appearance.

posted about a year ago

Thanks for the info Guys! I can't find info in org twitter so asked in the forum.

posted about a year ago

so why life didn't play that match? Reasons?

posted about a year ago