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Registered: January 15, 2021
Last post: September 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM
Posts: 307
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I’m hopeful for nrg, I believe in GenG, and think that FaZe and Sen both make it.

For T1, the only question I have for skill is dazed. The team is hampered by their roles. Ska was a top 10 Jett na when he was on it, idk why they ever took him off it. Ska on Jett, and the team goes back to being contenders, whoever is against the ska Jett on the team needs to be cut.

posted about 3 years ago

Almost certainly 100T vs NV but I could see IMT upsetting either of those teams and making it to the finals.

posted about 3 years ago

He changed it up recently in VCT Stage 2 so I'm hopeful for the future.

posted about 3 years ago

As a 100T fan who likes seeing good plays it hurts me to see people throw rounds and get rolled by an insane clutch through bad peeks.

posted about 3 years ago

I missed IMT TSM so I'm going to watch that vod, then FaZe V1 and then 100T ex-Dig

posted about 3 years ago

It's not a particularly big problem when they have two top 5 players in the region so I doubt they will, they probably should find some new supports but I don't watch enough to know who should be dropped and who should be added.

posted about 3 years ago

BcJ is a great player and rarely mentioned in terms of top players because he is just the best player on a roster that doesn't get noticed much. They are still considered a Tier 2 team despite proving themselves better than former Tier 1 teams.

posted about 3 years ago

G2 have the best player (or if not the best a top 3 player) in EU, a fine Jett Op, a great controller, a good second duelist and flex player, and a top 5 sentinel in EU. G2 have a disaster of a calling structure, and no coach. They have fallen off because they don't have a real structure behind them. If they get a coach and develop a IGL they can go back to being a great top team, but they cannot seem to do it.

posted about 3 years ago

Good player, deserves more recognition. BBG has always been close to the top of tier 2 and now they get a chance to prove themselves against T1 teams.

posted about 3 years ago

TenZ's loan ends the day before the finals of this qualifier and its expensive as fuck to get another loan of him.

Getting a real long term 5th is the smart decision + they proved the point that Soniqs isn't a team that should be making it far in the tourney.

posted about 3 years ago

They can't afford TenZ and even if they could he's not worth the amount that it would take to buy him out anyways. $1,000,000+ for a buyout + his salary is not affordable.

posted about 3 years ago

SEN sandbagged in order to play with their new 5th, which is a smart move. It is however why I dislike SEN as a team

posted about 3 years ago

Hi, how is your day?

posted about 3 years ago

SEN throwing to practice with their new 5th since paying for TenZ isn't realistic.

Smart move but SEN throwing all the time is bad for the scene and why I don't like them as a team.

posted about 3 years ago

hekzy is also an idiot a lot of the time but doesnt deserve to get shipped off with the rest of them

posted about 3 years ago

thats when they had android who was the biggest carry in NA after TenZ stopped playing on C9B

posted about 3 years ago

Acount123 at least has some meme value but the all the rest can go

posted about 3 years ago


def worse than xset and NRG though currently but ANDBOX?

posted about 3 years ago

NGL we might have just found more people who would get banned

posted about 3 years ago

You're just a sad person, I hope you get help

posted about 3 years ago

EU streams Sadge

posted about 3 years ago

why are you such a piece of shit to fat people? this guy has achieved more than you ever will

posted about 3 years ago

EU streams Sadge

posted about 3 years ago

frankly, wtf is going on in this match?

posted about 3 years ago

Tex could take the spot as NRG's best player, but NRG also has s0m who has looked excellent on omen and at times like the best player on the roster, eeiu is also on NRG and is a freak on Sova, and well daps has been way better recently. NRG such a stacked roster its absurd.

posted about 3 years ago

You're talking mixwell best player on G2 when ardiis is still on the roster, wtf are you on?

Can I have some of whatever you are on it sounds really good.

posted about 3 years ago

psalm is good but the signings of ryann and rara didn't really make sense and fucked with the roles a bit

posted about 3 years ago

obv a shitpost and ironic considering you think sova is garbage

posted about 3 years ago

Zombs is a great site anchor, and the best supportive Omen in NA. He isn't a play maker because that isn't his role. He also was responsible for building the team so I doubt he will be dropped and he shouldn't be.

posted about 3 years ago

Breach is almost always necessary (or at the very least a huge improvement) in single duelist compositions over Sage. You have to play Omen and Sage much more aggressively than 100T wants to so I think that they could make the Single duelist comps work, and I hope they do, but I doubt that they will.

posted about 3 years ago

SEN is not the most talented roster in the game, but they are certainly in the conversation for NA, top 3 at the lowest for individual skill. Brazil and Europe have super teams with incredible skill that matches or exceeds the peak of SEN at every role. Hopefully TenZ can become a permanent part of SEN but it might take a while for that to happen.

posted about 3 years ago

Hiko does bait but that is clearly the style the team thinks he will get the most value on, and it makes sense. He is a great clutch player and he is playing Sova. To maximize Sova's value living for the arrow to come back is huge. He can and should play closer to the team and attempt to trade more often though.

posted about 3 years ago


1200 0.25
Omen 1 trick lol

posted about 3 years ago

Ethan said that he won't be on Smokes for long, I think that they are mostly just trying this while Ethan learns the game. I think that breach is broken and that he should be played, but I don't know if they will continue to play it.

Steel should move to Cypher full time since he likes to lurk and that lets his util get value.

posted about 3 years ago

Dazed's aim isn't ass and he is the IGL, Ska is notoriously quiet so he can't igl, and it makes no sense to move him to a role like breach that requires him to call. I think ANS becomes jett, Spyder becomes second duelist or smokes, and autimatic gets cut.

posted about 3 years ago

Given that SEN are shitting on everyone including FaZe I think that they are better, but top 2 isn't a huge overstatement, although I'd put FaZe below NV still unless they go further later in the tourney.

posted about 3 years ago

Funnily enough Zombs was a OW pro at one point, almost made it into OWL multiple times (but they still are mostly CS).

posted about 3 years ago

I went off VLR and I guess I read it wrong, also this team is for LatAm because I'm sure that you could easily do this given its still 3/5ths Brazilians.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel as though NRG is underrated by most teams since they didn't make Masters, but they also have an absurd amount of firepower from eeiu, ANDROID, and s0m. Their IGL daps looks greatly improved mechanically recently, and shanks is both talented and playing reasonably smartly now. Perhaps they could get a better Jett but that's about the only change you could sell me on. Am I just missing praise for NRG or do people think they are not good?

posted about 3 years ago

Unrelated but I played against a Taco in ranked who just rolled my team and I.

I have not watched a whole lot of LatAm/BR recently but this is the team I'd make, mostly based off stats and what I remember. Xand has played smokes before and I think that Jonn or mwzera are the better Jetts so I just want the maximum firepower on the roster.

FURI Nozwerr (sova/flex)
GL Jonn (entry duelist)
FURI xand (smokes)
LZK Maka (sentinel)
GL mwzera (second duelist)

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah 100T giving up mid on ascent is such a throw, especially when they are inconsistent at best when taking extremity control. It is frankly atrocious how they play the map.

posted about 3 years ago

The rifling skill is much lower on average in NA than EU or BR and KR is lower than NA. NA also doesn't bother with excellent utility play when compared to EU so right now NA is much lower than EU on average, but perhaps the top 3-4 NA teams can hang with some EU teams.

posted about 3 years ago

They just need time to work out the stylistic and strategic changes that are required by the addition of Ethan (which will 100% be worth it in the long run) and the change in the composition towards a more utility style.

posted about 3 years ago

They just need time for Steel to yell at Hiko during Vod reviews until he plays closer to the team and trades. He was doing better on Icebox for trading and playing closer, but they kinda just threw Ascent. It was a complete outplaying there and then Koosta just stopped the flank pushes incredibly well.

This is definitely a huge problem but it is fixable. 100T has a bunch of great/world class players, they just have stylistic and strategic problems right now that are exacerbated by the comp change and the addition of a new player.

posted about 3 years ago

They no longer have a Korean team, Riot made everyone drop their non-female secondary rosters.

posted about 3 years ago

G2 Ardiis (sova/flex)

  • Best EU player on any role, best Sova in the world, nuts player.
    Liquid Scream (entry duelist)
  • Best Jett in EU, also a great entry player for other duelists
    FPX Ange1 (smokes/igl)
  • Best IGL in EU, great aimer, incredibly smart
    Guild Sayf (sentinel)
  • Best mechanical sentinel player in EU, probably shouldn't be on sentinel but he's doing it
    Guild Leo (flex/breach)
  • Holy fuck this guy is both flexible and nuts.
posted about 3 years ago

GenG Shawn (sova/breach)

  • Used to play it and was excellent
    Sen TenZ (entry duelist)
  • I mean he's the best entry player in NA
    TSM Subroza (smokes/lurk/entry/igl)
  • Nuts player, only worse than Wardell when he's on on TSM
    LG aproto (sentinel)
  • Nuts player, could be replaced with an IGL if you didn't want Subroza to IGL
    Sen SicK (flex)
  • Very flexible and good player
posted about 3 years ago

I dislike the inclusion of NiP and Liquid over a guarantee of a top CIS team or more Turkish teams. Heretics must have declined the invitation for them to not be included and I wish we could see more of them before the VCT starts.

posted about 3 years ago
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