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Registered: January 15, 2021
Last post: September 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM
Posts: 307
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KR is the best region in OW, although China is very close now. BR is way better than NA chumps who don't watch anything think though. The people that disagree are the same people that don't believe that EU is better than NA.

posted about 3 years ago

they might not be a tier 2 team after keiti went off the deep end...

posted about 3 years ago

I don't see Riot allowing them, but I would think that most of them would be willing to try running some Valorant LAN events if the viewership continues to grow to the point that they think they can make money from the events.

posted about 3 years ago

Fnatic/BR team

posted about 3 years ago

People who attempt to stay in NA CS ig

posted about 3 years ago

Well RIP, hopefully he moves into coaching well and they get an IGL that he can bend to his will

posted about 3 years ago

C9 is an excellent roaster that could keep getting better. I hope they do continue to get better, but we will see what happens with their 6 man roster

posted about 3 years ago

Dude even if 100T qualified they wouldn’t have deserved it because of how shit their adaptation to the astra/viper meta was. They were fucking tragic with agent/comp picks.

posted about 3 years ago

Oh 1200 @ 0.25 now but used to be 1200 @ 1.3 for OW as a result of a tiny mousepad and no FPS experience. I started Valorant at 1200 @ 1.0 and slowly moved in gaps to 0.25, and I wish I would have gotten my mousepad and mouse earlier as they make low sense much easier and I could have switched earlier.

posted about 3 years ago

I play dm for crosshair placement, and I always try to focus on peeking smarter and I’ve become a lot better at it in dm but I have not translated that to comp

posted about 3 years ago

lmfao that sucks

posted about 3 years ago

also no one gives a fuck just downvote the posts you disagree with and ignore him

posted about 3 years ago

gud speling

posted about 3 years ago

They did it right for the most part! I would have preferred to have 3 for BR as well, but it is understandable that they would get 2 since they might get figured out quickly.

posted about 3 years ago

IDK maybe they see that EU is the best region, and also kinda the best place to travel to for everyone around the world.

posted about 3 years ago

I played tank in overwatch before valorant (hit masters) and had literally 0 time training aim + played on a really high sensitivity. My gamesense is excellent and I have good reads on the opponents but I sometimes just whiff every shot that I should hit. I probably just need to play the game more rather than talking on forums and watching YT.

posted about 3 years ago

I play titan fall 2 until I get bored and want the tactical depth of valorant again. Incredible game, sad it failed and that we got apex legends instead of titan fall 3 (despite the fact that apex is a fucking incredible game and the best Battle Royale IMO). Great single player campaign that teaches you mechanics and multiplayer is super fun to do with friends.

posted about 3 years ago

It is almost always correct to look broader because it gives you access to more talent. This advantage is decreased slightly by the fact that you lose points for qualifying for the world event at the end of the year if you change too much of your team. This is not a problem for G2 since they’ve gotten 0 points, but other teams might have this problem.

posted about 3 years ago

I want to argue that you should pick nukkye as the primary duelist or maybe patitek for smokes
over bonecold or duelist over Lowel, but that’s just wrong. Perhaps you could transition nukkye or patitek to Sova and get a better aimer than ardiis on Sova (not that he isn’t good, he just isn’t the best rifler in Europe, or even top 20 probably) but this almost certainly would lead to a drop off in performance in terms of utility, as ardiis is still one of the best at Sova utility in Europe, if not the world. Now if niesow wasn’t taking time off.... I would definitely pick him and take the cut in utility for a top 10 player in EU.

posted about 3 years ago

Someone please pick up Dephh.

EG Temp or Aleksander are both good options for fragging players with the potential to improve further.

Possibly some of the former Dignitas players are good choices as well?

I don’t watch that much tier 2 Val so that’s it for talent that hasn’t reached t1 and is release.

posted about 3 years ago

We wanted you off the site for being a shit person and for proposing things that were absurd and obviously dumb, you have toned it down and are much more reasonable now though.

posted about 3 years ago

I imagine that there is a plan to provide them with a slot in the future, but much like China they just have not had enough contact with the esports scene to announce anything. I would guess that for the near future the Indian scene will be grouped with a nearby scene for the purposes of qualifying, and that something more permanent (perhaps including a permanent slot for a nearby region outside of SEA) is being planned for once LANs can be done more effectively. The reintroduction of LANs to competition can allow for teams across a larger area to contest each other after winning something more local on a more even playing field less affected by geography and servers locations.

Note: China has not had an official release for valorant yet, and as such they have a scene that is not approved by the CCP, making it a more complicated situation there when compared to the rest of the world.

posted about 3 years ago

Bind and Icebox are Viper maps without the buff anyways, I hope they nerf it a bit bc it is OP though (and I play and love Viper lol)

posted about 3 years ago

Great players all around, and possibly a slight upgrade for both teams somehow? I don't think that either team should or will make the trades though.

posted about 3 years ago

If Acend, G2, and Heretics fall apart the players are:
ardiis, avova, bonecold, cned, kiles, koldamenta, lowel, mixwell, nukkye, patitek, paura, pyth, rubino, starxo, and zeek.

What teams should keep:

  • Acend (I really don't think they should trade/change anything, but assuming they do decide to change 2 players):
    • cned (cracked Jett/Reyna player, can definitely learn the other duelists)
    • bonecold (cracked smokes player)
    • koldamenta (igl, good Sova)
  • G2 (top 10 team in EU, but I guess they think its broken even thought they aren't giving enough time to the igl + patitek duelist plan):
    • ardiis (still a great and flexible player, although no longer an elite rifler)
    • patitek (great duelist, get him off smokes)
    • pyth (still a top sentinel player in EU, and the best looking player when patitek isn't on duelist)
  • Heretics (also don't think that they should make changes, but if the team is falling apart and they change two players...):
    • lowel (second best player on the team currently, and that's not counting that he's the igl)
    • nukkye (best player on the team, incredible duelist)
    • paura (this one was hard but it's easier to find a great smokes player than it is to find a great sentinel player imo)

This leaves the following 6 players:
avova, kiles, mixwell, rubino, starxo, and zeek

I think that the players out of those 6 that are worth picking up are avova, kiles, rubino, and starxo.

I can't decide where to place these 4 players since I feel that the only one that shouldn't go back to their original team is rubino, and that Heretics should find a good Sova from somewhere else. This would lead to G2 needing 2 if they did not decide to get rubino and have one of them playing something other than Sova, Heretics needing a Sova, and Acend needing 0 changes.

posted about 3 years ago

Remember when icebox came out during First Strike and how bad the play was? Any play we see on a new map looks atrocious at first, and for a while after, although the process of improving will be faster now that we have played the game a lot longer. The whole community would rather see good play and cut the map.

posted about 3 years ago

YO NSG_Observer_2 with a good post lmfao

posted about 3 years ago

I just play DM/PR with a podcast and music on and grind aim when I don't want to queue.

posted about 3 years ago

Here comes The Great G2-Heretics-Acend Player Swap lmao

posted about 3 years ago

Dephh not being picked up by teams that need an IGL is so dumb, he’s fucking good and an IGL.

posted about 3 years ago

How many hours do you have playing this type of FPS game + aim trainers? I have around 700 hours in valorant across all modes and practice range, and 130 hours of AimLabs. I am both surprised with my level of improvement and disappointed in it given the time spent playing as I have only reached plat 3 from iron even with all this time spent. I suppose that I need to learn more lineups for my agents and to play more DM to improve more. Any tips for making immortal?

Edit: Congrats on hitting immortal, I hope to join you some day, and sooner rather than later!

posted about 3 years ago

Can everyone just stfu about them

posted about 3 years ago

The rankings are the result of the Elo system , which takes consistent losses or wins to change rankings. FaZe won for a long time, and only lost a few times. C9 and NV haven't won a ton in a row consistently, leading to their rankings being lower than they should be. Going far in tournaments often boosts your rankings, and its hard to lose rankings since you don't lose a lot in tourneys since you get disqualified and don't play after losing 1/2 matches.

posted about 3 years ago

Not really since once you place the viper stuff you can activate it from anywhere on the map and it generally seems like you would be with your util.

posted about 3 years ago

I really think that they could easily be the best team in the world and I will admit that I did not watch their most recent matches before posting as I have been busy, which was stupid of me.

It is extremely surprising to me that they lost and dropped out, I will definitely watch their matches to see what went wrong and if I have anything interesting to say about it I will create a thread in order to lay out my thoughts.

posted about 3 years ago

I really like the double info style of play (triple with Raze too!) and think it is excellent, especially given the flexibility of Skye, but I do not disagree with the idea of playing Skye as the solo info gatherer in some circumstances with Ethan on Sage or a duelist. Perhaps this would work as a secondary comp to pull out to mess with people like FPX does with their comp variations in EU.

posted about 3 years ago

Oh huge agree, and I think that Jett is the better agent almost across the board, and info is the one thing that Reyna arguably has the edge on Jett for. I hope we don't see much Reyna at Reykjavik as i'd much rather see great utility and team play triumph over crazy aim.

posted about 3 years ago

I was responding to this and got so worked up about my disappointment about 100T's results that I ended up creating a whole thread about it. I know that they are good, but they should be better.

T1 is a great shout in NA, Bonkar is a tragic statistical anomaly, but they make it work and have impressive levels of success.

KR in general will flop at Reykjavik, but they have incredibly utility usage and team play.

posted about 3 years ago

For information I'd rate it Raze, then Reyna, then Jett, then Yoru, and finally Phoenix. Info is definitely the key to victory.

Reyna only tops the others based on peak peeking potential if you have one of the best aimers in the game who can just dry peek, get a kill, and get out for free with the player advantage and the information that that provides.

Jett is worse to Raze to me because it can maximize individual value but reduces potential value for the team, while the Raze can easily disrupt people with their abilities in order to set up their teams incredibly well while having an individual value that is moderately reduced. Team play should trump individual play when played well enough, leading to a more consistent and higher peak for the team that maximizes team play.

posted about 3 years ago

Omegalul only the best team in the world

posted about 3 years ago

You have to play to the maximum in order to beat the best teams though, and that means Astra with good reads and perfect excecution.

NA hating Viper still makes me want to get some EU coaches and IGLs over here.

posted about 3 years ago

I agree that flashes are really good, but I feel that the utility combos can replace flashes as they greatly decrease the number of corners that people can be in.

Ascent the Astra-Raze combo is extremely good, and you could make the argument for the double initiator comp with Skye instead of Sage for Ethan, although this reduces the number of Raze, Sova, and KJ utility combos with the Sage slows, in addition to losing the Sage wall boosts. When NA gets more used to the Sage wall boosts then perhaps the switch to Skye would make a lot more sense.

Phoenix and Raze serve different purposes, and I feel as though the clearing, information, and movement abilities of Raze are more valuable than Phoenix's flashes, LoS blocking, and worse clearing abilities. The main thing is that Phoenix's ult is insane, and can almost make up for the difference in utility that pushes Raze over the edge. I wouldn't hate the Phoenix version of the comp, but I feel the Raze is too valuable.

posted about 3 years ago

Also my thoughts and thus this long ass post expressing my displeasure.

It is surprising to me that Steel and Frost thought that what they played was their best options despite how good Astra is.

posted about 3 years ago

SicK is the best Sage on the team, and Dapr has played it instead in the past on Icebox?

posted about 3 years ago

It lets you have many different compositions that you can pull out at any time. FPX in EU plays 2-3 comps on every map in order to make it more difficult for their opponents to do research and play the "perfect" counter comp. You definitely don't have to be able to be the best at every agent as that would be absurd, but you should understand every agent at the very least. Flexibility will trump mastery over time as more agents, maps, and general balance changes lead to meta changes and things that prevent a player from exerting their skill and mastery over one agent over other players with more looks and flexibility.

posted about 3 years ago

100T play worse versions of the comps that they could easily play.

Agent Choices:

Asuna: Not playing the Raze is understandable, but still somewhat questionable as it is his best agent. Sometimes the speed from the Phoenix and the better ult are worth it, but still... Raze is the better agent in terms of utility and the better agent for Asuna personally.

Ethan: Now that we have seen his Skye it is good enough to play wherever if he puts some time into those maps. His Sage is still his best agent, but there are maps and comps where the Skye is just better. He should be able to learn some duelists, perhaps Jett, in order to increase the number of comps that 100T can play. Ethan should be able to take the title of the best player on the team from Asuna in the near future as he continues to get better at Valorant.

Hiko: Still one of the top tier Sova's in NA, and a pretty good Breach when they want it for split. I like the breach a lot but Skye is ironically better right now given the prevalence of Viper and the double smoke compositions that sometimes can make Breach underwhelming. If he just played a bit closer to trade for the team their round winrate would improve a not insignificant amount.

Nitr0: Arguably the best Omen in NA, and top 3 for sure, which makes him playing Omen more than Astra like they should largely understandable, but almost certainly still the wrong choice. His Viper was reasonable but I feel as though they could have gotten more out of their comps with him playing some Astra, some Sage, and possibly some Jett.

Steel: Hey, Cypher is kinda just better than KJ, thanks. Also Viper is the best hard site anchor in the game. Steel being limited to KJ, Cypher, and Astra, and only playing two of those, really stopped 100T from playing the best comps on the maps they played. Hopefully he can learn Viper in order to allow for double smoke compositions with the right players playing the right agents.

Compositions by Map:

Ascent: Steel KJ, Nitr0 Astra, Hiko Sova, Ethan Sage, Asuna Raze. So many great utility combos here, but it is understandable that they wouldn't choose it. Asuna's Phoenix is excellent, and it makes the comp faster, but the Raze has so many combos with the Astra and Sage. The KJ and Sova also have great combos with the Astra and the Sage as well. Nitr0's Omen is excellent, but the Astra is currently better as an agent and in the optimal comp. I could see Ethan playing Sova and Hiko Breach in the future, but I feel like it does not fit them that well.

Bind: Steel should play Viper, Nitr0 the Astra, Hiko the Sova, Ethan the Skye, and Asuna the Raze. This comp is the best (or tied for best against the comp with Brim instead of Astra) bind comp. Watch some Fnatic games and other EU games and you'll see how good the comp is. Great utility combos, excellent post plants, great agents.

Icebox: Steel viper, Nitr0 Sage, Hiko Sova, Ethan Skye, Asuna Raze. An incredible amount of information gathering and great post plant ability. There are also some good general utility combos for midrounds between the Sova or Skye, and the Viper because of the information gathering nature of those agents comboed with the Viper walls for spamming through off the info. Ethan and Nitr0 could switch agents but this is the comp that they should shoot for.

Haven: Steel should play Cypher, Nitr0 the Astra, Hiko the Sova, Ethan the Skye, and Asuna the Raze. Great information gathering, excellent utility for post plants and retakes, good utility combos for midrounds. They played the Omen instead of the Astra, which is almost certainly incorrect, but it is understandable.

Split: Steel should play Viper, Nitr0 should play Astra, Hiko the Breach, Ethan the Sage, and Asuna the Raze. Just a great comp for the map, incredibly utility combos, great retaking ability, attacking ability, etc. Very good defensibly and offensively. Surprising that more teams don't play the comp.

Sorry for the essay, but any thoughts about 100T and compositions in the future?

posted about 3 years ago

what a turnaround that TenZless C9 could be the #1 team in NA

posted about 3 years ago

it doesnt matter that they are if they limit their team, which clearly they do

posted about 3 years ago

There’s no way it happens, but if it did, I still feel like the team would continue to have similar or the same problems.

posted about 3 years ago

Spike has sightly more stats that are easily accessible, and the predictions for the matches but that’s it. The layout of spike is atrocious.

posted about 3 years ago
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