Flag: Italy
Registered: September 30, 2021
Last post: July 17, 2022 at 8:05 PM
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Yeah new 100t may lack the experience but they are one of the favorites if will can stay consistent

posted about a year ago

Of course not any player, but yay… kind of. Even if it was an average yay, it’s hard to say they would win when it was a 13-5.
Also, why humilliating fashion? They were 2-1 and had to make come backs for a reason.

posted about a year ago

They got comfortably 2-0d and yay is consistent like that, they might have made it closer but they werent better imo

posted about a year ago

Theres some random val tournament going on thats keeping him busy

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Your last post literally said fnatic was winning masters, try harder 0/8

posted about a year ago

I understand why riot could maybe eventually limit them, but as a viewer I enjoy having multiple option and honestly couldnt care less what the majority choose to watch so I dont mind what the meta is

posted about a year ago

The good old days

posted about a year ago

Why do people say he’s dominating, he had a great ascent and a couple of good round on haven but not even close to mako/marved levels

posted about a year ago

Did you think this was good?💀

posted about a year ago

I just came to say that new keznit debates are circle jerking at this point

posted about a year ago

You can bring together a continent that big, they do it in emea.
Difference in languages is also not an issue, they do it in emea and sea

posted about a year ago

Good copium tbf

posted about a year ago

The game happened literally today, lets see how it ages. Its a clutch play but probably wont be remembered as hiko’s clutch or other plays

posted about a year ago

If you give a spray for kingg’s satchel then all the maps will be covered in grafittis in less than a year

posted about a year ago

For me it has to be chet so far, optic is the team that I’ve seen be able to have completely different looks in a map in terms of days, his timeouts always give results, and he has a title to back it up now. Shout out to mini too

posted about a year ago

He will come back somehow. The ghost of trembolona will live on and curse kru in lcq

posted about a year ago

They will loan out mwzera and trembolona will dissappear

posted about a year ago

Football security is 1000% better for the players. Trust me, if you throw the wrong player in a crowd if ultras, they may not make it out alive

posted about a year ago

Zander seems way more of an ayrin replacement than anything

posted about a year ago

Did you mean yurii instead of wolfen? The roles make way more sense

posted about a year ago

If you dont come to brazil, brazil will come to you

posted about a year ago

He didnt say you said that…

posted about a year ago

Not yet

posted about a year ago

Who did you pick and why

posted about a year ago

Big cock Jensen

posted about a year ago

They 12-0d kru on attack holy shit lmao

posted about a year ago

Throwing the nade definitely the best play in hindsight but he still good to keep it that close

posted about a year ago

He made a valid counterargument that you didnt respond to, russ gets criticized not for bottom fragging once, but for doing so consistently. Leo is probably guilds best player, why would anybody go after him for 1/2 bad series

posted about a year ago

Big for emea

posted about a year ago

No he didnt

posted about a year ago

What a birthday for suygetsu👏

posted about a year ago

Looking at stats also means looking at large sample size

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Its just an insane hypothetical scenario, like why would you compare small european countries with regions that are taken up by 1/2 countries

posted about a year ago

You mean 1.94 times?

posted about a year ago

I did… it just seems weird to have the post ready for something that didnt even happen, maybe just me idk

posted about a year ago

Loud didnt lose a single map in br this stage, and only 1 map in stage 2 closed. OpTic isnt close to that level of domination at all, and lets see about fnatic because they’re looking like the best team oat and have just had one run with the new team. Also, everyone calls drx a one team region

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No he looks like maluma

posted about a year ago

Maybe if he aced, it takes a bit more to name a location imo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ange1 has very good aim, he just cant seem to stay alive for some reason

posted about a year ago

Some weird valorant reporter

posted about a year ago

We doing reddit posts now? vlr falling off :(

posted about a year ago

My guy forgot his time zone

posted about a year ago

Babysasuke is my alt

posted about a year ago

Mada? What?

posted about a year ago

Yeah it has been a couple of rough months for them

posted about a year ago

Wait why are u posting this now lol

posted about a year ago
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