Flag: France
Registered: July 14, 2022
Last post: May 29, 2024 at 7:12 PM
Posts: 48

1) people want to support their favorite team, sen has many fans -> many people bought the bundle
2) everyone has different tastes. Not everyone likes busy designs. Bland to you is nice for others. I personally like their shade of red, it's bright.
3) they won the last masters, people wanted to buy the bundle of the winners
4) zellsis promo became a meme and everyone wanted in

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

It's not that they had no money for the buyouts, it's just that they were too high. Even if you were a millionaire you wouldn't justify paying 10k for a plain white shirt. Overpaying (the key word here) for a coach that hasn't achieved anything couldn't be justified meanwhile the org benefitted a lot from paying 1 month of salary to shroud. And I love Shahz, it's just that you have to have perspective.

posted 1 month ago

Going out of your way to use the wrong pronoun of a fictional character to make a point and crying about being banned is even more dumb.

posted 2 months ago

Sen's run has been ANYTHING but lucky, what a crazy thing to say.

posted 2 months ago

Entertainment is subjective.

posted 2 months ago

What's wrong with they? "They" isn't only a plural pronoun, it's constantly used in the English language when who we're referring to is indefinite. The only cringe thing here is you.

posted 2 months ago

That's why I think it was a lame excuse.

posted 2 months ago

He said he won't do one for asuna because he gets enough shit from the community already... As if it wasnt the case for tenz too. Whatever.

posted 2 months ago

Real, just cringe content and cringe social media posts 👌

posted 2 months ago

Good thing not everyone's masculinity is this fragile that sleeping next to a friend is something to be scared of.

posted 2 months ago

Y'all are easy to bait uh

posted 2 months ago

Bro thinks only being loud or a shit talker = having a personality.

posted 2 months ago

I don't blame Sykko, I still think he was a good coach and what happened to him was unfair. But there was absolutely 0 roster moves before he got fired so i'm not sure, what rotation are you talking about?

posted 2 months ago

Well it was cleared that he was in talks with another org already and knew he was free to go if he wanted to. Tf u talking about

posted 2 months ago

If they listened to Shahz Johnqt wouldn't even be the igl which is his highest quality. Also back then he wasn't the leader he is now. He grew tremendously during his time with M80.

posted 2 months ago

Any fanbase is annoying if you're salty enough ;) let people celebrate their teams and take a deep breath.

posted 2 months ago

Never in vct history a team got a map veto advantage after making out of groups. It was playoffs, not a grand finale. Wtf you on about. Once everyone is in playoffs everything is reset. There were 3 groups winners, by your logic both EG and Loud should've gotten a map veto advantage too, but they went against each other so now what? LMAO

posted 3 months ago

Can't wait to see fnatic in madrid dude.

posted 3 months ago

The disrespect is crazy no? He's a world champ, he's still very good despite what people here may say. And you don't even know how much is buyout is anyway so why y'all make stuff up

posted 3 months ago

Are you 10? Do you actually know what a contract jail is? Genuine question.

posted 3 months ago

Sen paid his expensive buyout from Loud. Why can't other teams also cough up some money for a high quality player if they want him? Do you know how contracts work? Do you know business?

posted 3 months ago

You don't even know how much his buyout is. Also sen paid a lot for him, they should recoup at least a bit of that and not give him out for free tf.

posted 3 months ago

He's free buddy.... He's on a contract, people have to buy him out, that's just how it works.....

posted 3 months ago

They will say "it's not him! It's the fans!" But still send him the nastiest messages. The truth is misery loves company. People love to hate because they hate their own life and want successful/happy people to feel that way too.

posted 3 months ago

Lev had the advantage to prep against Loud's comps and SEN still performed better than them on Split and Ascent. It'll be 50/50.

posted 3 months ago

SEN had a sick player and still could've won the 2 first maps vs Lev... but there's no point in comparing anyway since it's all different rosters now.

posted 3 months ago

Dude, this is x years old, people can grow and learn. He made a mistake, said some fucked up shit and got punished for it. Unless you have proof that he's the exact same person he was then this is just stupid.

posted 3 months ago

Him not thinking your favourite team is the best based on what we've seen from them so far is being dumb? lol he's 100% right but i guess it's a crime to be honest nowadays lmao

posted 3 months ago

Tell another team to buy him then 🔥

posted 3 months ago

Analyzing ranked 🤓 thank god the off season is ending.

posted 3 months ago

He's free to go and any team is free to buy him. This isn't charity and no one should expect to get a player who's under contract for free. Unless pancada himself says he wants out and sen doesn't want go negotiate his buyout there's no point in petitioning for pancada to be "let out".

posted 3 months ago

They're actually making fun of y'all crybabies. It's very parasocial to feel offended when pancada himself is joking and on good terms with everyone.

posted 3 months ago

He's a free man, seems like you just want him to stop getting paid lmao

posted 3 months ago

You do know that there are transfer windows between splits right ? pancada could've been picked up in the off season if he wanted to leave and can still be picked up in the near future. Yes dapr has been fucked over but they had the chance to pick up a duo of champions and even Dapr said that he understands and at least his replacements were not some randos. No shit they're trying to bank on the popularity of its members, it's a business, they didn't sign tarik just because they wanted to have him on payroll. DUH! Y'all are crybabies.

posted 3 months ago

I find NRG bandwagoners extremely insufferable and cocky but idc enough to hate, support who you wanna support, you do you.

posted 4 months ago

He wasn't kept on main duelist bc he had clout but I just don't think they thought about him playing initiator as an option. He was constantly the Jett player and had 0 experience playing other roles. I'm happy they finally gave it a try tho.

posted 4 months ago

That's very delusional of you. They're not dumb they wouldn't have kept him in the roster if he was bad. Just like they benched him last year when he was going through a rough patch and needed time off they wouldn't risk their whole season, especially when there are 4 other player's careers at stake. TenZ could've been 6th or signed as a CC but the coaches made the conscious decision to keep him.

posted 4 months ago

Cody begged to join and they went back to him with a contract that he didn't sign because it was bad. He didn't sign anything, nothing has been done. How is that fucking over someone? Like, yeah it was a bad that it was publicized other than that no one has been "fucked over".

The Johnqt thing was already talked about so many times, they already tried to get him before but his buyout was too high, just like Kaplan's. Shroud is different because at least you can get a ROI on a big spending and let's not act like he's some kind of bad player. His smokes were absolutely NOT the reason why sen lost LCQ.

You can question some decisions made but to act that Sen has one of the worst rep is really funny. There are orgs out there that promote scams to their fans, orgs where people talk about toxic environments, abusive ceos, etc.

posted 4 months ago

You are literally lying, or you are extremely gullible and just believe the lies that have been fed to you. The only person they "fucked over" was Dapr. There was no one else, even across their other games, even with the staff.

Last year's "roster changes" were absolutely not because of the "opinion of the public", someone got sick and needed time off and someone left. The opinion of someone that doesn't know shit about what happens within the team does not matter.

"Worst org in terms of reputation", LOL maybe for you, but generally? Not even close.

posted 4 months ago

His Jett is still amazing in a double duelist setting as he does not like being entry. His Breach, at least the little we've seen is very good too and has been praised. Disrespectfully, you don't know what you're talking about.

posted 4 months ago

Oh yes please replace someone who plays yoru, initiators and omen like a duelist with someone who only plays smokes. LOL Y'all are so weird ffs get a grip.

posted 4 months ago

Idk where this narrative that pANcada is in a contract jail comes from. It's not smart to assume a team should give up a player for free (especially when he probably cost a lot), that's not how real life works. And as far as we know pANcada never said he wanted to be released. He would've posted about being a restricted free agent the minute he knew he was benched if he was looking for another team, but he did not. The conversation would've been different if a team approached sen and tried to negotiate to buy him and sen refused or negotiated in bad faith but that didn't happen.
And yes he didnt want to play senti but he did say he didn't like playing smokes, he was totally down to try out something else that suited his play style and made up for his inability to comm effectively at the time. Things didn't work out but that's just hindsight.

posted 4 months ago

Why would they just release someone for free? It's a business, they're not giving away players that are still in contract. paNcada could've announced being a restricted F/A months ago (ever since zellsis stepped in) if he wanted, but he didn't. Y'all love to assume things when the player himself never said he wanted to be released.

posted 4 months ago

So where's that LFT post then? Did he ever say he was looking for a team? Did he ever say he wanted to leave? Like the situation sucks for him but he also never expressed the will to leave.

posted 4 months ago

You do realize that they stream just as much as any other pro that stream regularly right? Check the numbers before yapping for nothing.

Also, being a "content org" is not the drag you think it is, many orgs are dreaming of being labelled as such. Whether you like it or not orgs (fnatic and nrg to name a few) were starting to tweet like the sen account, and they even pivoted their YouTube content too. Producing more digestible content has nothing to do with how serious they are about winning. They have a day where they film a bunch of content and post it in the span of a few months. That doesnt mean they spend their day filming skits....

posted 4 months ago

Good luck to her. I think it's cool that she left to pursue her passion, it leaves room for people who truly love the game.

posted about a year ago