Flag: United States
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 1:36 AM
Posts: 21

ahhh yes. Derke's chamber year was better than the year he won 2 trophies for sure. Horrible list

posted 1 day ago

Tuned into this match late expecting map 3 to be live already, only to learn that were halfway through map 2. Assuming there was a super long tech pause? if so, what was it about?

posted 4 weeks ago

master of failing flanks every round

posted 4 weeks ago

Great take. Sen haters gonna be pissed when zekken lifts that champs trophy

posted 1 month ago

LMAO i didnt even notice

posted 2 months ago

VLR doesn't let you do double spacing but here's a 5 paragraph essay. cant be asked for 5 pages.

The Triumph of Sentinels in VCT Masters Shanghai and VCT Champions

The success of the Sentinels Valorant team in the VCT Masters Shanghai and VCT Champions tournaments this year can be attributed to a combination of strategic prowess, team synergy, exceptional individual performances, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. The Sentinels have consistently demonstrated their ability to adapt and overcome, setting them apart from their competitors and positioning them as the frontrunners in the global Valorant scene. Their journey towards victory is not just a testament to their skill but also to their dedication and the strategic mindset they bring to each game.

Firstly, the strategic acumen of the Sentinels' coaching staff has played a pivotal role in their success. By meticulously analyzing their opponents and the evolving meta, they have crafted innovative strategies that capitalize on their team's strengths while exploiting the weaknesses of their rivals. This preparation ensures that the Sentinels are always a step ahead, allowing them to control the pace of the game and adapt to any situation. The team's ability to execute complex strategies with precision underlines their tactical superiority and is a key factor in their dominance.

Moreover, the synergy among the Sentinels' players is unmatched. Valorant, being a game that heavily relies on teamwork and coordination, requires players to harmonize their skills and playstyles. The Sentinels have mastered this aspect, with each member understanding their role within the team and how to best support their teammates. This unity is evident in their seamless site executions, defensive setups, and ability to clutch difficult situations. The trust and communication between the players amplify their individual talents, creating a formidable force that is difficult to dismantle.

Additionally, the individual prowess of Sentinels' players cannot be overlooked. Each member of the team is capable of making game-changing plays, with a high level of mechanical skill and game sense. This individual excellence allows the Sentinels to turn the tide of matches, even when the odds are against them. The ability to rely on any player to step up in crucial moments gives the team a significant advantage in high-pressure situations, making them unpredictable and versatile opponents.

The commitment to continuous improvement and resilience in the face of challenges is another hallmark of the Sentinels. Valorant's competitive landscape is ever-changing, with new strategies and talents emerging constantly. The Sentinels' dedication to honing their skills, studying the game, and learning from their experiences has enabled them to stay at the pinnacle of competitive Valorant. Their resolve to bounce back stronger after setbacks and their hunger for victory drive them to push the boundaries of what is possible in the game.

In conclusion, the Sentinels Valorant team's journey towards winning the VCT Masters Shanghai and VCT Champions tournaments is underpinned by a blend of strategic ingenuity, team cohesion, individual brilliance, and an unyielding pursuit of excellence. Their ability to adapt, innovate, and execute with precision sets them apart as a powerhouse in the Valorant esports scene. The Sentinels have not only proven themselves to be formidable competitors but also inspirational figures in the world of esports. Their story is one of triumph against odds, driven by a relentless quest for glory. We're winning it all this year for sure.

posted 2 months ago

with all this washed talk, I just wanna say I called it all the way back at lock-in so I'm gonna need those downvotes reversed.


posted 3 months ago

bro threw crashies in there for fun

posted 5 months ago

Bro never takes a break from this website.

posted 10 months ago

Wasn't the SEN C9 game supposed to be at 7PM EST? Why'd they switch it?

posted 10 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Bcj and ethan are the only ones that are notable. Jawgemo kinda proved himself over lock in so maybe him as well

posted about a year ago

bro watches vct in a different universe...

posted about a year ago

yay is washed asf and forgot how to play jett he's just a chamber one trick. Dashed into the wall like 50 times during lock in

posted about a year ago

bro is a shahz glazerrrrr lmaooooo

posted about a year ago

Yes!!!! I posted a week ago with this exact roster

posted about a year ago

This move gotta be confirmed and we all know it.

posted about a year ago

Crashies or someone else idk

VCT Dub for NA

posted about a year ago