Flag: China
Registered: June 15, 2023
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 9:38 PM
Posts: 546
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Only team that I see clove actually working on is with fpx and thats only because life can waddle in and get 3 about 85% of the time and he doesn't care if he dies or not because he can still support his team with smokes. Maybe later on but teams rn are playing way to heavy on util for entrys to have a player like life where he doesn't always need util to get value.

posted 1 week ago

because vic can play sentinel while demon1 can't and they do not need another controller since they just got s0m and can have fns play viper if needed

posted 1 week ago

dawg map 2 and 3 th lost 8 rounds in a row to g2 what are you saying

posted 1 week ago

whzy 👻👻

posted 1 week ago

prx igl hivemind 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

posted 1 week ago

drg put on one hell of a performance in shanghai with how they were rated, billy are my goats but they gotta figure their stuff out before they get ranked higher, and all gamers and nova are basically replaceable with each other but feel like nova is better.

posted 1 week ago

oh yeah sakura vandal for Laz too

posted 1 week ago

reaver op - TenZ
prism op - cNed
prime phantom - asuna (i'm pretty sure at least don't quote me on that)
champions 2021 - scream
default op - something
default vandal - something

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

well if you don't win anything for an entire year with that cracked of a roster then something needs to be changed

posted 1 week ago

well who else would they change if their roster has some of the best players in the world and cannot win?

posted 1 week ago

doesn't mean much if they can't win anything anymore tho

posted 1 week ago

despite being gold2 they magically pull clutches out of no where so I doubt they will be that bad

posted 1 week ago

fnatic have more experience but TH looks better, TH looked like they thought it was a bo3 and forgot that it was a bo5

posted 1 week ago

if they don't win anything they probably will look what happened to stax

posted 1 week ago

see that's what i said at first but monyet just seems like such a good pick up for rrq

posted 1 week ago

(including the new roster changes even those being rumored)


  1. 100T
  2. G2
  3. KRU
  4. LOUD
  5. NRG/SEN


  1. TH
  2. FNC
  3. NAVI
  4. KC
  5. FUT


  1. PRX
  2. GENG
  3. DRX
  4. RRQ
  5. TALON


  1. EDG
  2. FPX
  3. DRG
  4. TRACE
  5. NOVA
posted 1 week ago

its not confirmed but yeah he's probably gonna be back

posted 1 week ago

Well fns is out already and stax got dropped recently seems like the old igls are slowly disappearing. I see fnatic dropping boaster if they don't win anything this year and if he keeps up with his poor performance and I'm pretty sure saadhak will leave loud if they don't qual for champs. (also FNS might come back but that's just rumors rn)

posted 1 week ago

ethan was secondary calling on eg and he was still fragging doesn't mean stax can't either

posted 1 week ago

he's duelist

(checked his profile further and saw that he was kind of a flex but he's doing good on duelist I doubt he would want to change back)

posted 1 week ago

thats what i thought but I couldn't find another korean flex player that was actually good

posted 1 week ago

something called secondary calling, also why you so mad did you have a bad day?

posted 1 week ago

get rid of rossy and carpe add stax and jinboong

(xccurate and stax duo calling)

posted 1 week ago

and yet only half the list have made an international tournament this year, 2 of which being on the same team.

posted 1 week ago

In 2022 and 2023 they always have a top 3rd-4th finish, a 2nd place finish, and a tourney that they do horrible in. The 3rd-4th place finish has already happened so what will Shanghai be?

posted 2 weeks ago

that just shows how much of a hypocrite you are LOL. Not only has valorant in china been released for less than a year but they have ZERO idea what these teams are so why would they cheer for them since that's what you're saying for Brazil? Also look at Madrid or Tokyo or even Copenhagen the crowds were still cheering even without reason from the orgs to cheer for them.

posted 2 weeks ago

I know the actions of the org isn't in the hands of a player but just imagine if an org said something that insulted your country as a whole ofc they gonna be pissed

I never said it was

posted 2 weeks ago

bro are you good???

The org (GenG) had no reason to bring taiwan into a tweet and make everything political its widely known that china does not take anything related to taiwan lightly yet they still tweeted that with no regard of any of the consequences. To answer you question about the game's release since you don't understand it, Brazil has been in valorant since the beginning meaning that the people of Brazil know about the other teams meaning they can create fans within Brazil that aren't Brazilian teams. But this doesn't seem to be the case is it? that can be seen with any match at Lock//IN while China has probably NEVER heard of these international teams while Brazil has known them for 3 years leading up to LOCKIN.

posted 2 weeks ago

the real cope is for the person who made this post what are you saying

posted 2 weeks ago

Well sure its petty but you have too know that valorant has only been available in china for less than a year these people who are at the venue or watching VCT in china probably have never heard about these international teams outside of other games like LOL. Unlike Brazil where teams have been widely heard about and cheered for since basically the start of valorant still have trash crowds to other teams. (also for GenG ofc the people are gonna be offended by them I know the actions of the org isn't in the hands of a player but just imagine if an org said something that insulted your country as a whole ofc they gonna be pissed)

posted 2 weeks ago

its supposed to be "random draws" (don't trust the rito propaganda its all rigged)

posted 2 weeks ago

drg has nothing to lose while th has to hold up their reputation. remind you of some other teams that appeared in champs 2023?

posted 2 weeks ago

I'm also a d0rke hater but you can't lie he was destroying people back in tokyo

posted 2 weeks ago

have people noticed that if you have an really good raze player on your team they would usually be one of the best teams of all time? (from 2022-2024 ofc)

2022 OPTIC - Victor
2022 LOUD - Aspas
2022 FPX - Zyppan
2022 PRX - Jing
2022 Iceland ZETA - TENNN
2022 DRX - BuZz

2023 PRX - Jing again
2023 EG - Jawgemo
2023 LOUD - Aspas again
2023 FNATIC - Derke

2024 SEN - Zekken
2024 PRX - Jing again
2024 GENG - Texture
2024 LEV - (despite being kind of mid aspas be carrying them and his raze be cranking)

posted 2 weeks ago

hey i got both the winners right the scoreline we don't talk about t1 forgot they were bad and won 13-1

posted 2 weeks ago

well well well

posted 2 weeks ago

i've been that edg fan since I got on here put me on the list

posted 2 weeks ago

OPTIC was accepted into franchising over C9 after the G2 drama. In this meta (and 2023) would be one of the most dominate teams, Victor raze was one of if not the BEST razes in 2022, yay wouldn't have so much pressure on him and would be more comfortable while FNS let him transition off chamber one trick and focus more on jett and other agents, Marved wouldn't have melted (kekw ice cream man), and crashies would still be good.

Still don't know why they didn't get accepted OPTIC was such a big org if anyone knows lemme know.

posted 2 weeks ago

Ult wall is slightly thicker, when in the middle of it, become fully deaf, invulnerable but also unable to use weapon (bullets get stuck in the wall).

Free defuse lmao no more knife ig

posted 2 weeks ago

What was the most entertaining tournament in VCT? Personally I would have to say Iceland 2022.

Rise of smaller regions + ZETA cinderella run was hella entertaining
No domination, wasn't like tokyo where every match was basically a 100% fnatic win and optic actually had to lock in to win the entire thing
Big upsets, being ZETA and also KRU (even tho they didn't make it out of groups)

posted 2 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

first something and now jinboong? bro is putting up incredible numbers WHILE PLAYING SENTINEL. Do we think he can get onto a korean team like GenG or T1 seems like an incredible upgrade if he turns out just like something. (also sengoku gaming lost AGAIN to fennel 2-3 in lower finals kekw)

posted 3 weeks ago

pistol round in question

posted 3 weeks ago

if you mean T2 LANs nah those don't count you can pick players from there tho

posted 3 weeks ago

there's been like only 12 pretty sure (only talking about VCT ones)

posted 3 weeks ago

it was just a random title i made because idk what else to title it

posted 3 weeks ago

what the best team you could make of players who haven't placed at least top 4 in a LAN tourney yet?

posted 3 weeks ago

qw1 goat and soulcas is somehow popping off too

posted 3 weeks ago

players not teams

posted 3 weeks ago
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