Flag: China
Registered: June 15, 2023
Last post: June 11, 2024 at 1:11 AM
Posts: 557
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You calling me dumb is actually hella funny. TenZ only played that much because back then there were WAY more teams that they had to play to qualify for masters but if you look at it the time when he joined and the time when he won Iceland is only 2 months apart. While if you look over at paTiTek he joined the roster in February (not even including the time during the offseason where he was their stand-in because of wo0t) and the time they lost to fnatic in the GF where miniboo said he wouldn't attend Shanghai is 3 months apart. I don't know about you but having THAT much time with one team is surely to make more bonds than with someone who just randomly pulled up to your team because one of your players got into some major drama so your point is just completely stupid lmao.

posted 2 days ago

what are you saying dawg a sub's job is hard no matter what era of the game you are in. TenZ had no interaction with the team to bond or create relationships and this goes with subs throughout any era. At least Patitek has already played an international LAN with TH at this point he's basically already part of the team.

posted 2 days ago

Its stupid that TH play at shanghai finals on June 9th and have their first EMEA stage 2 game ten days later, like they most def gonna spend 1-2 more days in shanghai and even then the plane ride is gonna take up another day with rest included. Basically they would get back on the 11th-12th and then they also have to solve the miniboo issue while other teams have probably already VOD reviewed their gameplay. What's even worse is that GENG has less time only having about 7 days before they play their second stage 2 game but at least the plane ride home isn't too bad.

posted 2 days ago

It wasn't Seider's fault for losing that match plus the fact that they even got through groups with a sub that has never interacted with the team before is already impressive enough for him

posted 2 days ago

pretty sure he was, Sinatraa got removed because of the drama so TenZ came in to take his place

posted 2 days ago

TH also choked 11-2 lead against G2 does that mean Boo isn't a good IGL?

posted 2 days ago

prx fan with the PTSD of copenhagen 💀

posted 2 days ago

GenG beats G2 in the upper finals 2-0 and any tourney with an upper final win of 2-0 always resulted in the winning team winning the tourney.

SEN 2-0 Nuturn iceland
LOUD 2-0 OPTIC turkey

posted 3 days ago

Korea and Brazil have proved to be one of the best regions for the longest time (since the beginning of valorant), Turkey is just now getting good don't be biased just because you're from Turkey.

posted 3 days ago

didn't they say c9 dropped close to 1m for yay?

posted 3 days ago


posted 3 days ago

true I'm just giving an example of comps where LOUD tried to make one and failed and because of it didn't have enough time to adapt to the newer meta and other teams dominated them.

posted 4 days ago

not really gaming?

posted 4 days ago

PRX still had comps that were similar to the meta just changed some characters to match their playstyle and LOUD making comps is true but most of them don't always work (phoenix comps)

posted 4 days ago

yeah fracture was most def their best map but ascent is a close second

posted 4 days ago

Yeah I do think that it makes the game more fun but that being said if you just shove these many changes onto teams then the actually good teams like LOUD and PRX will fall off because they don't spend all of their time on these meta changes and teams that only focus on these meta changes will dominate. Also apparently the duelist changes take action in stage 2 and shanghai ends like a week and half before China and Pacific start so they have no time to adapt to the changes (especially GenG I wouldn't be surprised if they underperform).

posted 4 days ago

anyone else think that VCT or valorant in general is just who can adapt to the meta the quickest will be the best team during that time? Like genuinely they change the meta every few months even throughout the season where it just seems teams who have spent all of this time in learning things about the previous meta is just wasted. Look at SEN they adapted and learned the gekko meta extremely quickly where other teams kind of neglected it and SEN became the best team at madrid because of it. Like they should just chill and let the meta play out and make small adjustments so they don't create a chamber 2.0 but also not making it so the meta shifts every few months and then if they want change the meta in the off/season so people can actually adapt to it.

posted 4 days ago

EG never lost ascent during and after Tokyo except to PRX in champs (plus all the wins were <7 rounds on enemy)

posted 4 days ago

if he wins shanghai then that means he brought two completely different teams to a LAN win which is something that FNS and saadhak have never done? I don't even see why you bring FNS into this argument since if boostio wins shanghai his accomplishments will be better than FNS's (plus the lackluster performances in 2023), only person is saadhak since he is an amazing IGL but even then he hasn't won anything outside of champs 2022.

posted 4 days ago

boostio is already a 2nd place finisher and a champs winner, if he wins shanghai he'll have a better record than even those on FNATIC.

posted 4 days ago

he's never been a "fragger" he's mostly just there for vibes and pretty sure he helps with midrounding

posted 4 days ago

just imagine him on VIT instead of runner god damn that would be a dangerous team with Trexx and Sayf

posted 4 days ago

nah the buffs didn't really address the problems with reyna and since her healing got cooked her play rate might go even lower now

posted 5 days ago

W list except that ardiis is from latvia and not the UK

posted 5 days ago

Ofc none of these systems I suggested are perfect but everything in valorant is abusable. Plus would you not want these changes to the community of valorant than the stuff they are thinking of adding?

posted 6 days ago

idk if you're hating or what but 👍

posted 6 days ago

I can respect Valorant for trying to have a better community but come on what are these changes they are trying to add. People getting hardware banned for simply afking??? that is absolutely crazy considering how outside factors contribute to these numbers of afks. Also being toxic will also get you hardware banned??? come on you're an fps game I know no one likes toxic teammates but getting hardware banned over it is crazy considering how people in your own professional league are toxic yet at this point nothing happens to them. Legit just sounds like people can play victim, cause an outburst, and get people banned or if people disconnect for reasons outside of their control they get hardware banned.

SO my takes on this entire system:
ADD A REPUTATION SYSTEM. Basically the same as games like Brawl Stars where if the majority of the team reports you saying that you were a horrible teammate for things like afking or being toxic then you lose rep which THEN leads to bans and penalties not this be toxic or afk = 300 hours ban which is just hella dumb. This way if you have higher rep then you can play with players who also have higher rep which will lead to ACTUALLY GOOD TEAMMATES. (rito idk how you haven't figured this out yet its not that difficult). They can also make it so if you're in a party with 3 people or a majority of the team the reports count as less reduction of rep since I know some people are scummy and want to just mass report someone just because they feel like it.

ADD SMS VERIFICATION. God damn I don't know why rito hasn't added this yet they already added it for premier why don't they add it for comp? I know for a fact that the people playing valorant have a sms that they can use for verification or they have a parent/guardian who can give theirs to use for it. Not only will this kill the number of alt accounts/smurfs but also will kill the amount of bots you encounter in your games that just throw the game or make the game unfair for you.

rito if you need someone to fix your causal competitive scene hire me its not very difficult to do so.

posted 6 days ago

ye I know I'm just talking about the thing under the team's name when you click on their profile where it takes you to the previous team before merging (can be seen with DRX and VS)

posted 1 week ago

ah I see

posted 1 week ago

well that would make sense but that wasn't the case for optic tho they never had previously envy (even though they are disbanded now)

posted 1 week ago

why doesn't it say previously FPX on their profile? like drx has previously VS on theirs but not NAVI despite having the exact same roster.

posted 1 week ago

Monyet was hated because he couldn't live up to Jing, now Jing is hated because he couldn't live up to Monyet

posted 1 week ago

idk if I'm tweaking or cooking

posted 1 week ago

isn't zellsis hella buff?

posted 1 week ago

hold up

Master Copenhagen
FPX loses horribly first round
FPX eliminates an EU team 2-1
FPX eliminates an apac team
FPX eliminates an EU team
FPX eliminates an NA team
FPX wins over an apac team

Master Shanghai
FUT loses horribly first round
FUT eliminates an EU team 2-1
FUT plays an EU team in elimination
FUT will probably play another APAC team in elimination (prx)
FUT will probably play another NA team in elimination (g2)
FUT wins over an apac team (GenG)

... (both second event of the year following an NA win first event...)

posted 1 week ago

what you said basically sums up the definition of a racist nt british boy

posted 1 week ago

I'm not upvoting my own post also you just racist as shit lmao you should be snoozing don't you have school tmr?

posted 1 week ago

lmao its 1 am for you too hypocrite what are you saying

posted 1 week ago

"This man is playing GUN GAME"

posted 1 week ago

first LAN was copenhagen in 2022 as well lmao

posted 1 week ago

well well well guess we were right

posted 1 week ago

you're more pissed than me right now LOLL its the same if some random dude picked out some of PRX's worse games and said that they were shit because of it lmao

posted 1 week ago

g2 got that 2-1 curse where they have to lose a map to win the game

posted 1 week ago

It really is not only is Twisten's death something that should've never been brought up again for such a reason but I'm pretty sure no one has addressed or apologized for it which is just fucked up. They are basically just tossing Twisten's name in the mud with these comparisons lmao.

posted 1 week ago

I'm supposed to find something that was deleted off the face of the internet? yeah no thank you kekw. You defending her just shows that you think she's right, why would you defend someone if you don't think they are right? also I have 4 stars on vlr because I don't say shit that people disagree with and is just bait kekw.

posted 1 week ago

she deleted her tweet kekw, also I didn't write a paragraph because I saw her say that I wrote a paragraph because people still think that yinsu didn't do anything wrong just like you. You have about 1k posts and 0 stars says a lot about you ngl.

posted 1 week ago

Then she shouldn't expect her bf to be treated any better than the other people who get the same criticism. You saying I'm looking for a reason to be mad is hella funny and ironic coming from you

posted 1 week ago

the post was made for people like who you think she's in the right for this

posted 1 week ago
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