Flag: United States
Registered: August 9, 2020
Last post: June 23, 2021 at 6:47 PM
Posts: 5

overwatch is the better valorant anyway. valorant itself is just pure chaos and sooner or later guns will not matter anymore since we have already so many bullshit abilities that lets you not even play as you want. the pro scene we know now will not be the same in a few years since i can totally see it coming that cracked kids will change the way this game is being played. i mean if you do your homeworks well its so easy to abuse all the key abilities and agents so playing this game will always be lottery, even in pro scene. a game full chaos cant be a good competitive game. but if the prize pool will be alright, people will still play it. that how pros work. you play the game where you see a chance of winning even when you hate the game. in short, many other people you guys love will leave this game because it gets to hard and annoying to handle so many abilities at once. its not even possible holding sides with 2 man haha

posted about 2 years ago

Had full faith in DIG . Represent all the way.

posted about 3 years ago

2-1 Sen. IMT would put up a great fight.

posted about 3 years ago