Flag: Thailand
Registered: September 4, 2021
Last post: May 27, 2024 at 3:42 AM
Posts: 580
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yoman is good but he's kinda inexperienced tho you'd think if drx were trying to build with a young core of players the one guy they would keep is the igl with good fragging and tons of international experience which is stax

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 month ago

forgot the game was on 13-0 on your own map pick is CRAZY

posted 1 month ago

bro why is brother so stiff man he sees a pretty woman and can't maintain eye contact 😭😭😭😭😭😭

posted 1 month ago

so i watched from the timestamps u posted there because I don't really have time to watch the whole thing but tbh i do agree with the points he made about the thai scene lacking new ideas and professionalism, I've been complaining about the same thing for the past few years. however, it doesn't explain talon's bizarre roster-making decisions. like how do you explain picking up not one but TWO na imports as well as a singaporean player who has never been more than above average and was regularly getting rolled by xerxia while also playing with two imports on his team. I've always liked ban from when he played in na as well as when he was on t1 last year but no way both him and governor got picked up over all the other players because of another reason other than some sort of nepotism (or something like that, english isn't my first language so the correct isn't coming to mind). Like, the Thai scene isn't like the Indian scene where you need to have a bunch of imports to surround one great mechanical player to have a competitive team (no offense to the indian fans btw, for the record i've always thought that ge should have always been majority indian, and from watching the scene on and off myself i think that there's a bunch of players who deserve a shot but aren't getting one). We've always been a top region in asia and either the best or second best in SEA (and its not just my own bias, I've seen many non-Thai fans echo the same sentiment) we have talent here, you can't just throw in a bunch of imports who weren't super hyped up, call it a day, and expect the fanbase to be happy with it.

This roster just feels kind of lazy and comprised of players that the coaches knew could play well enough without actually putting in the work to find hidden gems (yes, i know they said they did go through a pretty extensive trial process) but there are a bunch of players on big thai teams that the fans have wanted to see on the next level for a while now and the fact that they picked up none of them feels so discouraging. boi basically ignored the whole drama about talon being shady and trying to get players out of their contracts without paying the buyout. like this is just looks like such a lazy view of the thai scene. we have a scene with a healthy level of org representation and talon can't just strong-arm their way into getting players just because they're in franchising, it's not our fault that good players in the country are on orgs instead of fa teams like na.

And even if they really can not afford to buy the players, simply dismissing young more unknown players with raw skill but maybe unrefined in terms game sense by saying they're just not good enough is just lazy roster building. Karon was literally someone nobody knew about who was picked from ranked, you're telling me he's the player that he is today the moment solo or hsk scouted him out? no way he was. you are supposed to find those types of players and turn them into stars and teach them about the game and teach them about being in a team, isn't that what they're saying they're trying to do? why not do it then? The xerxia/x10 core were able to do that with surf and brought him up from being an unknown ranked demon to a player who could at least hold his own internationally back in 2022 and even had some insane mechanical peaks, why can't they do that with someone else?

Also I really don't like the attitude he's had throughout the whole time he's talking about this stuff, where he was painting himself and frost as like the americans saviors of the thai scene (they did this in the interview on the talon esports channel as well) and that the players were straight up stupid and didn't know how to think about the game (they also said this in that video). like excuse me? I'll agree with you when you say that the players got better but not when you say they were shit before. The xerxia/x10 core achieved more than b0i ever did as both player and coach and had a way more sustained period of success than frost did, surely they were doing at least something right. surely they weren't straight up dumb when it came to the mental aspect of the game. hell, talon looked like a great team at lock in and that was way before b0i joined the team.

Edit: jesus christ why the fuck did I write that much bruh

posted 1 month ago

yeah would be kinda sad if true, although I'm pretty sure primmie has been hopping around fa teams in challengers for a while and I think was actually on a sub on a team with jitboys on FW Esports and was pretty good when he came on (not sure about any other time he played tho)

posted 1 month ago

I remember hearing that primmie was scouted by teams in the past but just didn’t want to play pro
Edit: don’t quote me on this it’s been a while lol so I’m not completely sure

posted 1 month ago

In one of the videos talon made they said surf was there to help with the practice and if he performs better than governor he’ll get to play

posted 2 months ago

go read one piece you could start reading it now and keep up with it until it ends and the match still wont start

posted 3 months ago

ok its definitely true that the EMEA and NA shitposters really turns the conversations to shit because they don't allow anyone to be excited for any APAC teams. like sure u can switch sides and come help us that would be great. but what would be even better is if u got a fucking job brother ur account was made in august and u have 1589 posts.

posted 6 months ago

free thug until thug free

posted 6 months ago

so im gonna say first that i do like the fs roster and think they can go far in ascension, they played well today and I hope they can beat prx which is probably gonna be pretty hard. but full sense has a choking problem and has had it since they made it to champions in 2021, they are gonna have to really fix that if they want any sort of chance to make it into the league. like they could have definitely won if they closed it out on ascent and they could have at least shown a better performance on the second half of bind

posted 6 months ago

Not really he played really well that year and the team said that it was mostly due to management issues where they didn’t have enough time and good enough environments to practice if I remember correctly

posted 6 months ago

The management not even trying I hate it

posted 6 months ago

Come get ur weed before the new government decide to make it medical only again lmao

posted 6 months ago

JohnOlsen is still that guy and Leviathan is the next sScary. PTC is still a flex god and sushiboys is still as reliable of a sentinel as you can get. Foxz is alright I guess💀

posted 6 months ago

When rrq first announced that they picked up estrella I was very much against it because it looked like an import that really did not move the needle. But now they picked up Jemkin as well. So now I am no longer upset because I know it could be WAY worse. They could’ve gone the talon route of picking up mid to take away the opportunities for their local talent.

posted 6 months ago

governor the only signing that i think is really troll tbh ban has good potential. but bro wtf why is it that when we get imports we get players who weren't even all that good in their own region. do talon think thai talent is that bad? surely fucking not bro we've been a strong region and one of the deepest in asia for a while, no way the fucking franchise team can't pull top talent away from local challengers orgs. I'm fine with imports as long as they are really good and get us wins and I can't say these players are gonna be able to do that. this is fucking stupid I thought the whole fucking reason talon are in the league is for representation.
edit: we could've had tixx as well bro what is this org doing

posted 6 months ago

talon are washed im a bleed fan now
the CEO said that they are always trying to build the best team and help bring up thai talent just to sign some mid imports
at least when bleed do imports its always a move to WIN instead of signing foreign players just for the sake of it (aside from when they signed pyth and maxie but we don't talk about that era)

posted 6 months ago

they can win ascension as long as they can dodge the role issues

posted 7 months ago

aint no way brother did all that just to announce lightningfast WHO WAS ALREADY ON THE TEAM

posted 8 months ago

fr bro he's been so good this whole time and just has never been picked up

posted 8 months ago

the farming is insane cus watch it just be the blazeking announcement

posted 8 months ago

GE Yay comes home from work after a 10 hour scrim with C9, PSG, and FNC, and 5 hours of vod review. He opens his door, and infront of him is GE Benkai in a maid outfit. "Welcome home yay-sama, would you like your dinner? Your bath? Or perhaps.... Me? D-don't just stand there! It's embarrassing for me too!" Benkai said. "Silly pumpkin pie, you know I would choose you and Valorant. Besides, I think I need support, no? :)" yay replied. The two went on with their night like they usually do; however, in the corner of the street a big boy watches them from their window, and it was Ardiis. He seems to be depressed as he slowly mutters the words "Bro, I miss him bro, I miss wearing the same maid outfit for him bro, bro, yay... What happened to us bro?" Ardiis said. He watches the couple till sunrise and he left after his jealousy and regret got the best of him. #GEKISSING

posted 8 months ago

he did but ig hes coming back, he's been playing ranked and premier with sscary this whole year and seems like he always wanted to come back.

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

I feel like theres just a really weird obsession of Korean talent right now. Aside from DRX and T1, the quality of Korean pros are really not that much better than the average SEA pro, especially in tier 2. And the argument that Korea had the 2nd and 3rd best team in pacific does not make sense. Korea had 3 teams in the league while SEA teams had one team from each country. And T1 does not prove that Korea has a deeper talent pool, especially in tier 2. T1, aside from intro, consisted of Korean players who were already established and played outside of Korea (NA and Japan) alongside a coach that worked in NA. The development of those players is not the result of the Korean T2 environment. No other region benefits from that. But despite that, it feels like orgs think picking up a random T2 Korean player will be the final piece of the puzzle even though talent from the rest of Asia can probably provide the same thing.

Also I think another big reason is that the league is based in Korea and its way easier for orgs to pick Korean players as they don't have to deal with visa issues. That's honestly pretty fair but it can be really damaging to the rest of Asia. Honestly I wished riot changes the location of the league every few years if its possible because at this point Korea, Japan, and China will have such a large advantage because they get to regularly practice with the best teams in Asia with decent ping while Korean talent just gains an insane advantage that makes them more likely to be picked up because they don't have to deal with visa issues. I'm pretty sure this same problem is affecting Brazil and LATAM in Americas as well.

posted 8 months ago

I can see monyet playing like a similar role that jawgemo did. There's no way PRX signed monyet just to be a jinggg replacement because its like basically impossible to do that because jinggg's agent pool was so limited and niche but he was so good at them. PRX have always been really creative with working around the agents that their players are good at so there's no point for monyet to just play raze and phoenix. monyet was incredible on smokes and played really well on jett/raze in the past, so that will be what PRX will work with next year.

posted 8 months ago

i know its champs but this is big for ascension I think. also this might also be a problem to talon to be honest, ptc was one of the best players in apac ascension last year and now looks like he won't be going up to the pacific league. this might be a worrying trend as last year both ptc and kadoom chose to join MITH instead of talon due to buyout and also the fact that a lot of the local orgs have a pretty good reputation locally. i think this problem can become for the whole region as japan has also seen this issue during the past year as a lot of players chose to join local orgs that take care of their players like crazy raccoon resulting in franchise orgs like DFM having a smaller talent pool to pull from and building terrible rosters like DFM did.

posted 9 months ago

anywhere but portland

posted 11 months ago

he better go to miami not even a heat fan I just wanna see it happen

posted 11 months ago

twitter down💀💀💀

posted 11 months ago

man i just wanna what the point of making these posts are. why do i, as an apac fan have to "face" this "truth." so what if the tier 2 in apac is underperforming? can i not support the teams that i do? is it wrong for me to want the people i support to succeed?

posted 11 months ago

i dont want to be toxic as I still have some belief that xerxia can turn it around. but I just can't help but think about how mith would have easily been doing better with how they looked throughout the year and especially with how bleed looks weaker than a lot of us thought they were. I've been wishing that a thai team win ascension this whole year and with how xerxia has been performing, the future is looking grim to be honest. I'll still be rooting for them tho.

at least I got to see gin win something in apac I guess

posted 11 months ago

champions 🤫

posted 11 months ago

he's him

posted 11 months ago

king of valorant

posted about a year ago

ez for superbood🔥🔥🔥

posted about a year ago

i was busy so i just tuned in during the desk segment. didn't secret win? why am I hearing paperthin fucking talking about gen g playing "beautifully" and "big brain" for like a minute straight. i swear the talent in pacific just cums whenever they see a Korean team play

posted about a year ago

i feel like the comparison here isn't really fair because cs has had years to build up its community and the content that they make while val have only been out for a few years

posted about a year ago

lets go mith thai last hope

posted about a year ago

was watching na challengers back in stage 1 of 2021 here and there but never really cared until reykjavik. it was really cool seeing the sentinels run and i really got into it when i saw x10 play cus that was like the first time I've ever seen a whole team from my country play on a big stage internationally and i was an ow fan before as well so it was really cool to see patiphan pop off

posted about a year ago

not getting kremer and pavlos is criminal they've been grinding in apac for the longest time and they are so good

posted about a year ago

get ready to learn chinese buddy

posted about a year ago

talon/x10/xerxia be good for more than one tournament in a year challenge (difficulty impossible)

posted about a year ago

i remember when he casted bleed vs xerxia last year and him and his partner were like crying when xerxia started winning lmao

posted about a year ago

superbuss boomburapa = pro kekw

posted about a year ago

patt as well 😭😭😭

posted about a year ago

dont care Lsasuke

posted about a year ago
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