Calling aspas 'primate'
another one, you are actually asking a flakeflagger named idkbro to reveal his flag?! I am not scared I just got the most obvious fake flag possible so motherfuckers dont think I am actually from that country, if I could have no flag I would, also I dont call myself Vaticanoverlord, he actually calls himself korean
Lol fake flag says the guy with Vatican Flag. How's the esports in your country? Stupid wanna be online catholics who have nothing to do with the essence of the religion and do nothing but complain about people they consider woke or some shit online. I would bet good money that you can not look at yourself in the mirror for a minute and honestly tell yourself you dont hate yourself. Pussy go outside and try to feel some real human warmth
I don’t know why Brazilians keep thinking when they get insulted it’s way worse than when they insult others. First of all dgzin started the fight, and called them fat, they answer with a racist insult, and then dgzin literally threatens with beating them up
Why do you think what dgzin did is any better than what Keznit did. Idc whatever the punishment is but BOTH deserve an equal one
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk are you kidding, right?
So, if I say that you are silver on valorant, this is a incredible offense, in the same levels of a attitude racist?
The racism is one topic literally huge, mainly in Brasil, and keznit just don't accept that he's wrong, because that word he says always, it's a really offense here.
The attitude by dgzin is wrong to, it's clearly that he and keznit are both wrong, but call someone fat it's not the same thing to be a racist.
Racism is a topic for humanity, we are fighting against this for a more than thousand years, literally
Call someone fat it's wrong to, but this two words do not in the same level
No I’m not kidding to me both are ways of discrimination, and no calling someone play is not the same. And to all that you have to add he insulted first and the physical threat. I’m sorry but we are just not gonna agree on that one.
Dude I’m not defending racism by any means I’m just asking you to leave your bias to a side for a sec
Now you're kidding, because in this case, we understand as a primate the question of intelligence, if he said monkey then the game would be different. But because Keznit doesn't stop cursing others (wasting time), what a toxic guy (guy has covid and instead of sending a positive message send friendship to type shit). And another one, even though it's not racism, it's not cool to say no. But stop messing trembolona, your image is getting good on this site, don't screw it up again.
In my country is used against dumb people. And again you just can't prove how he meant it which sucks because if he actually meant it racist, deserves a punishment. But on the other hand you can't just punish someone without knowing because if we start like that we can find racist or respective connotations to every single sentence
Ah é Trembolona? mostra essa pesquisa linguística que você fez aí que resultou em 99%. A lingua não funciona assim, depende do contexto e da entonação nem sempre é racismo. Porém.. bora pegar um recorte histórico, houve no passado aquela aliança do Brasil, Argentina e Uruguai na Guerra do Paraguai. Nessa época a escravidão já havia sido abolida tanto na Argentina quanto no Uruguai, esses 2 países ao longo dos anos não traficaram tantos escravos negros quanto o Brasil que manteve a escravidão por muito mais tempo depois dessa guerra. Enfim, haviam batalhões formado por negros exclusivamente nos 3 exércitos, mas havia muuuuito mais negros no exército brasileiro, pois para muitos foram prometidos alforria, ex-escravos ou não, os Argentinos, Uruguaios e Paraguaios na época tratavam de menosprezar o exército brasileiro com base no duvidoso argumento de que, por ser formados por negros, deveria ser de qualidade inferior e se referiam a eles pejorativamente como Negritos e Macaquitos. Já o Fracisco Solano Lopez, presidente do Paraguai, foi mais longe e fazia muita propaganda de que o os líderes brasileiros eram Macacos que pretendiam escravizar os Paraguaios. Se procurarem vão achar diversas tirinhas em espanhol retratando os brasileiros como Macacos, inclusive o Imperador (branco que só) e sim exemplo de racismo. Essa expressão foi carregada pelo resto da America Latina pra se referir aos brasileiros pejorativamente e de forma racista aos longos da história. Vimos essas desmontrações racistas diversas vezes nas torcidas de futebol. Então quanto algum outro latinoamericano usa expressão obviamente por todo histórico de cara o brasileiro já pensa em racismo. Agora se o cleitinreidelas11 de Piracicaba começa a dar rage na ranked porque o juniscleison tá bangando o próprio time e em vez de chamar o juniscleison de burro ele o chama de Macaco NESSE exemplo tendo somente dito isso e NESSE exato contexto aqui não é racismo.
aqui a questão n é concordar, é questão de bom senso, o trembolona já ta forçando coisa aonde n tem. E eu na maioria das vezes to discordando com eles, como no jogo da NIP contra Fnatic hj. Só que eu n saio atirando comentário pra tudo que é lado que nem o Trembolona faz. Esse caso aí do Keznit da pra entender o que ele quer falar, embora fique o duplo sentido. Mas primata se usa no sentido de inteligência. Agora eu acho que ele merece sim uma punição, porquê isso vai contra as diretrizes éticas que a Riot exige sob os jogadores durante campeonato. Chamar alguém de primata é um xingamento, e foi gratuito ainda. Aspas n fez nada pro mlk e o cara já ta com o nome manchado por conta do bagulho com a gamelanders.
to ligado, esse site ficou uma chernobyl de toxidade depois do champions. E eu n falo isso pra sair como "voz da razão" falo isso porque quero que vcs parem de criar entrigas nesse site, pra melhorar a imagem da nossa região tanto dentro do server (com os cara amassando lá fora) , tanto fora (Nós a torcida brasileirinha).
concordo, não vejo isso como caso de racismo, apenas uma brincadeira de mau gosto. Se tivesse dito macaco ou coisa do tipo, enquadraria no termo racista, mas nesse caso ele apenas fez uma zoeira pelo Aspas e o Sacy ficarem fazendo default nas rankeds (o que sim, é chato pra caralho). O termo usado foi meio peculiar, mas não vejo como proposital.
They've fallen against several times recently, even on the same team like here:
he was talking in spanish with chilenian words in their stream. Each country have their owns words and doesn´t have relation with others. Like conchita in spain means "Consuelo" name, but in Argentinian mean vagina, and Mexico means mollusk. We will cancel Spain cuz they call "mono" to all thing or person that are cute? We will cancel Korea cuz in their language I´m is niga and You´re is naega and that sound like N word?
Just stop dude, Keznit and Aspas are friends, he said it in that same moment, and after that comment the both of them went ahead to play a ranked game together, where they both treated each other as frends, laughed and had a good time.
Also and very important, here in Chile, the word Primate is used by low classes (Keznit comes from a poor household and neighborhood) as a homologue to the word "Primo" that is the spanish for "cousin". And it denotes a sense of closeness, same for other words that Keznit uses a lot in stream such as "Sangre/sangrecita" (my blood/my little blood brother").
Stop trying to cancel everyone for every word that you yourself cant comprehend. Aspas was okay with it and laughed, why can't you?.
Trembolona is weird, he forces nonsense things like this, I think a large part of Brazil doesn't understand that in other countries culture influences some meanings of words, and this is one of them. And you could understand that in this context it wasn't a racist or offensive intention, it was a joke since they both get along well. Here you can hear the word being used in the same way I explained in my comment by a very popular character in chilean culture of the impoverished classes named "Loco Rene" (you can look him up on youtube).
He says "Ya primate, cuidate, buenas noches, que amanezcan bien igual" which means "Ok primate (cousin, not in a literal, but a closeness way), take care, hope you get up well/have a noce morning", phrase that is used in Chile to say goodnight.
Please don't take things out of context once again. Stop trying to cancel things that you don't comprehend.
Já virou perseguição. Os próprios Chilenos explicando o regionalismo dessa palavra e brasileiro que mal sabe português cancelando o cara e discutindo com falantes do idioma espanhol dizendo que a palavra só tem um significado kkkkk. Me lembrei daquele jornalista gringo cuzão que fez todo um alvoroço em cima da palavra "Apavoro" dita pelo caster da Riot teimando contra todos os falantes da lingua portuguesa falando que aquilo era uma ameaça de morte aos jogadores...
I get and justify why some brazilians can get mad about this, because this term keznit uses even with Aspas (explained by sebaiacoR in #61 #73 and #74) is too local, too specific for foreign countries to know. Chilean spanish it's know all around latin america as one of the worst spanish variation and hardest to understand because there are a lot of words like that.
Yes, the dgzin episode was bad, but before doing this statements you could ask here what does it mean. There are chileans here than can explain those things if you guys are interested.
I've seen people doing this here for another languages before making bold accusations.
yeah, I agree. It was just an unfortunate way to call a brazilian friend. It must suck to be Keznit, he has to watch for every thing he says or does in stream. Last night he explained that a sound he and Delz1k do a lot (a high pitched sound) for the funsies (i know, very children-like) was a sound they had to come up to joke around because everything they did could be considered racist by people with bad intentions (like the sound of the "brazilian dog dance" for which people tried to cancel him, and that he was doing because the son of the owner of "Australs" -JFarias- -a chilean esport organization that dissapeared and that was home to the actual Leviatan roster- mimicked so well it was hilarious while both were playing together -Keznit and JFarias-. Keznit then did this on a game on-stream, said "el perro brazileño" refering to this same video and trying to do the same as the son of JFarias and people tried to cancel him for that).
I know racism is a very serious issue in Brazil and that it should not be taken lightly, specially by public personalities like Keznit, but u people have to understand that here in Chile it is not such a serious issue and we take our language in a much more light manner in that regard, while in other issues, such as patriarchy and its connotations in our language, we do try to not say things that are "machistas" (patriarcal ways of doing stuff).
U need to know that are a world outside br, with their words and types to talk, in Chile that means amigo (friend), if keznit was from another country maybe ur right, but not in this case. Example in spanish we have: chucho, in one country that means dog (central america), in other a dude that steal (many countries of south america), in other country that means Jesus (mexico). Chile have many worlds to reference a one thing. It´s like portuguesse world "pico" in spanish pico it´s a reference of mountain or something with triangule figure, but in portuguesse it´s penis.
mano kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk os dois são amigos há mó cota e ainda fizeram duo, mesmo DEPOIS desse "xingamento"
é como tu chegar pra um amigo teu falando: "Dae viado, sussa?" ou um "Fala seu merda, tudo bem ctg?"
então relaxa bro... se o próprio aspas não criou caso, pq a gente deveria? Se ele tivesse se sentido ofendido já tinha mandado o Keznit tomar no cu e tinha postado no twitter
ok então, vc deve ser o "Valorant de cadeia" em pessoa, o maluco julga o outro sem nem conhecer e fica cuspindo um monte de besteira como se fosse o dono da verdade absoluta. Ta explicado pq você achou que ele tava sendo racista
Mas pra deixar claro, não to falando que ele nunca foi racista, o caso do dgzin é nítido que o Keznit tem histórico, mas dependendo do contexto de como a palavra ta sendo usada, o significado dela é alterado
Talvez tenha explicado de uma forma errada, mas não to me contradizendo... ele tem histórico, mas não é por isso que ESSE caso postado na thread ele tenha sido racista, é só isso que eu to dizendo
Não defendo o Keznit como pessoa (pq ele realmente não se mostra uma boa pessoa), mas isso não quer dizer que todas as ações dele são racistas e erradas... nessas horas que temos que ter um bom senso e julgar o fato pelo que ele É e não só pelo histórico
I know there's no ill intent, I know they're friends, that's no excuse.
Making up that "it just means cousin" when it clearly doesn't is so lame and avoids the conversation of keznit needing to grow up and change his vocabulary because in the ends it hurts Kru. If he doesn't understand that he needs to stop calling brazilians monkeys (yes, even his friends) then Kru will continue to soak up controversies every few months and that's not fair to everyone working at the club.
Todo bien con keznit es un crack y lo banco pero tiene que darse cuenta y dejar de decirle monos a los brasileros. Aunque sea un amigo, aunque no sea con mala intención. Es cuestión de PR y de no dejar mal al club. Cuando algo perjudica la imagen del club, a pesar de que todos pensemos que es una boludez, hay que frenarlo porque no suma. El es adulto ya, puede cambiar un poco el vocabulario. Ojalá ganen hoy vamos Kru y vamos deus.