I hope we can make it to Masters Copenhagen It would be great to see Cryo in Copenhagen
cya later and don't forget to touch the grass #RepTheSet❌
Bye bye when will u back?
Man’s starting a greek drama now just cause he has to go to his grandma’s birthday party
ok L orenzo
I gotta thank you for making me laugh
i gotta ask you why am i getting downvoted ? they can't downvote me like that man
I am not going to lie...when I saw this...I just thought pls be chovymaker pls be chovymaker...it sure as hell was u....W move🙌🙌
dont come back
Wont be missed!
All the good users are leaving, soon it will just be optic and fnatic fanboys on here
yikes that's gonna fucking suck man, maybe we the good ones should leave already?
its all time zones my friend. eu sleeps, na wakes up, na sleeps, apac wakes up and the cycle continues
no way people sleep! that's mindblowing
yea its crazy people think its "good users" leaving the site
thank god
chovy my good friend
you'll be back...
No why you can’t leave