Country: South Korea
Registered: November 24, 2021
Last post: April 16, 2024 at 1:34 PM
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posted about a year ago

dont even watch his streams and this has been said many times before

posted about a year ago

ange1 die first, fpx win!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

shush dont try to jinx us

posted about a year ago

yeah ik its just...what were they thinking when they put single elimination?

posted about a year ago

honestly baffles me how f4q got to masters and not tnl

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

maybe its the jap valorant all stars event? no clue tbh

posted about a year ago

dont overrate drx guys. got 2-1 drx but could go either way, esp depending on aspas condition

posted about a year ago

literally dont even care if they bomb out, this has not been my year in life in general but honestly this is the happiest ive been all year

posted about a year ago

ive got really small hands and ive been trying claw grip but it feels uncomfortable and ive been doing horrible. do i just need to get used to it or should i just go back to palm grip.

posted about a year ago

idk about you guys but as a drx fan buzz has impressed me a lot. 290 acs on jett so far

posted about a year ago

geng is going to na? fuck does that mean korea gets 2 slots for the asia league

posted about a year ago

free public holiday in aus!!!

posted about a year ago

I've been itching to comment this forever but ofc that would have come with instant downvotes

posted about a year ago

antistratting drx this time around would be a lot harder because they've roleswapped and changed team comps

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

is he good?

posted about a year ago

you missed the whole point if ur bringing up the statsheet, and he didnt even diff mako in that game

posted about a year ago

mako and has been for a while. sure he may not have the as many kills and lurks as marved, the most insane clutches like mindfreak, etc but all around in all aspects of being a pure controller it has to be mako. theres so many things mako doesnt that is visible on the statsheet for example https://twitter.com/_SushantJha/status/1567089563226750976

posted about a year ago

they farmed the teams that beat apacs #2. still need more chances

posted about a year ago

God dammit why even bother being 1st seed if they are gonna have to face fpx first

posted about a year ago

apac has stayed the same

posted about a year ago

ik this was just to spite KOL but apacs record against kr is abysmal

posted about a year ago

saying shit like this is like judging rap off mumble rap. sure bts has generic garbage, but if u actually listen to their albums esp their older ones they have such good songs like butterfly for example

posted about a year ago

cuz kpop isn't just singing, it's a performance. they have some of the best dance choreography

posted about a year ago

you don't understand how tempted I was to say edg will get shit on at champs but I didn't because I knew it was gonna get 10 down votes lmaooo. people deadass argued that edg was on drx level

posted about a year ago

i swear im one of the few asians who think TL will win

posted about a year ago

i wish we got to see ONS (kr) or DK (non-choke version) at champions instead :/

posted about a year ago

if drx played under damwon they lose to CR 🤣😭😭

posted about a year ago

nah I'm pretty convinced most of the korean flaggers are ethnically korean. most of us are residing abroad tho. I'm aus, bada is uk I believe?, archetype is in the US I think, sprouts and KOL in the US, silent is in PH, not sure where seulgi and vortexy are at tho

posted about a year ago

consistent 2nd best apac lost to nth but sure

posted about a year ago

maybe academy team?

posted about a year ago

not making into franchising + there are better tier 2 FA in korea

posted about a year ago

what high expectations? everyone knew loud was gonna win, zeta technically wasn't even Japan's #1

posted about a year ago

platchat said scrims are better with xdll i think

posted about a year ago


if you go to 'matches' on rbs profile you will find everyone else's profile

posted about a year ago

honestly you're probably right but im hoping they change something up to see something fresh

posted about a year ago

I checked tracker.gg and found that rb has been spamming chamber games and buzz has been spamming jett. obviously it's ranked so it's no indicator of the pro scene, but would you guys be down to see this happen?

posted about a year ago

I definitely see a world where Lev wins but prx 2-1

posted about a year ago

scream is igl?

posted about a year ago

I can definitely see optic blacklist happening

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no, maybe top 6

posted about a year ago

he kinda threw the first match tho..I still believe the team would have at least made it to the finals if they had exy on controller and bangnan on kayo

posted about a year ago

low-key a mid roster ngl

posted about a year ago

also forming a new roster with minimial time with role swaps was not ideal

posted about a year ago

they sure did have a strong core but they weren't a 'super' team. I'm sure most fans were questioning esperanza and allow before the start of lcq

posted about a year ago
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