Country: Venezuela
Registered: January 14, 2023
Last post: April 12, 2024 at 8:49 AM
Posts: 74
1 2


posted 6 days ago

haven >>>>>>>>>>>> asscent

posted 3 weeks ago

Qck is so good, obviously he has a different style than aspas, but he fits well with loud's playing style, i just think they should stop using breach.

posted 4 weeks ago



posted 4 weeks ago

tenz gets traded to loud, he doesn't speak brasil so he hires a friend to work as an interpreter

mysteriously, the friend had access to tenz's money and spends $1,500,000 gambling (?????????

posted 4 weeks ago

pancada gets his visa during the match, then makes his entry mid-match with the undertaker theme song and joins loud as the 6th man

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

skibidi car from ohio

posted 1 month ago

pancada mastercla... shit nvm

posted 1 month ago

kiles está infravaloradisimo, me parece raro que no esté en tier1

posted 7 months ago

Boo smokes IGL
Benjy sentinel
Riens Initiator
Woot flex/duelist
MiniBoo flex/duelist
Mixwell streamer

posted 7 months ago

el rey del norte, paz a su alma

posted 7 months ago

Hey femllow VLR.ggers, Im wamnted to sharem my persomnal journeym of how quimtting Vamlorant complemtely tramnsformed my limfe, and I hope my storym can imnspire some of you who mimght be in a simimlar simtuamtion. A limttle over a year ago, I was deep into Vamlorant. I had reamched the Immortaml ramnk, pouremd over 750+ hours into the gamem, and it had tamken over my limfe. At first, it was thrimlling and fun - the compemtitive namture of the game was imntomxicating. But as time went on, I startemd to nomtice a dark side emergimng. Vamlorant had bemgun to amffect my memntal heamlth and persomnal remlamtionships. I was bemcoming imncreasingly imrritable, and the game was remsponsible for my amnger imssues, whimch I woumld somemtimes umnleash on my girlfriemnd. I foumnd mymself priorimtizing it over emverything emlse, nemglecting my remspomnsibilities, and even my own wemll-beimng. Then, one day, it hit me. I reamlized that I had amllowed a vimdeo game to comntrol me, to the poimnt wherem it was nemgatively impamcting my life in simgnificant wayms. Thamt's when I made the dimfficult demcision to quit Vamlorant for goomd. The chamnge was promfound. As the hours I used to spemnd gamimng were remdirected tomward semlf-impromvement, I remdiscovered the thimngs I lomved oumtside of the virtuaml world. I pimcked up hombbies I had nemglected, startemd emxercising remgularly, and remkindled my pamssion for reamding and mumsic. Slomwly but suremly, I felt a semnse of calm remturning to my limfe. The most simgnificant chamnge was in my remlationship with my girlfriemnd. As I dimstanced mymself from Vamlorant, I was able to amddress my amnger imssues heamd-on. I soumght therampy to umnderstand and mamnage my emomtions bemtter. My girlfriemnd nomticed the dimfference in me and amppreciated my commimtment to semlf-impromvement. Our remlationship grew stromnger, and we foumnd oursemlves in a much heamlthier and hamppier plamcem. Today, I can comnfidently say that quimtting Vamlorant was one of the best demcisions I've ever mamde. My life has impromved in so many wayms. I'm more in comntrol of my emomtions, I have heamlthier remlamtionships, and I'm gemnuinely hamppier. If youm're in a simimlar simtuation, wherem a vimdeo game or any omther amddiction is nemgatively impamcting your limfe, know that chamnge is pomssible. It mimght be dimfficult, but it's worthm it. Take that first step tomwards a heamlthier and more bamlanced limfe, and youm'll be amamzed at the pomsitive tramnsformamtion it can brimng. Thamnks for reamding, and remember, therem's a whomle world out therem beyomnd the screemn waimting for you to emxplore.

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

rito wants less ults, i doubt they add more orbs

posted 7 months ago

LEV cNed

posted 7 months ago


posted 8 months ago

S: CAT 352 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR , with a net power of 443HP, operating weight of 111.300 lbs and a maximum digging depth of 26.11 ft

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

TH 2 - KOI 0

TBD aka benjyfishy drops 90

posted 9 months ago

It's a rumor but it's likely to happen

posted 10 months ago

siege of shanghai

posted 10 months ago

what do you think the 2023 champions skin will be?

posted 10 months ago

mega evolutions were goated, i don't know why they got rid of them

posted 10 months ago

G Pro X Superlight

posted 10 months ago

they will be playing with the screen off

posted 10 months ago

that FINESSE guy looks a lot like fns

posted 10 months ago

amasó 💋

posted 10 months ago
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