Country: Iceland
Registered: March 4, 2021
Last post: October 9, 2022 at 12:13 AM
Posts: 412
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he's like the argentinians who think they're europeans just because they were a colony in the past lmfao

posted about a year ago

kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk imagine having a good UK team in ANY esport

posted about a year ago

caralho tu mora mto perto de mim kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

all of the playoffs (semis and finals)

posted about a year ago

ué, tu mora na região também? Sou da Vila Mariana kkkkk

posted about a year ago

2- NA
4- BR
5- KR

posted about a year ago

yeah, but I can see some upset potential between them u know? It's more logical to XIA/KRU/NIP upset DRX/PRX than the TOP 4 imo

posted about a year ago

group 1: insane battle royale with 4 title contenders
group 2: barney and the backyard gang

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I used to play CS and League of Legends a lot, then I heard about Valorant and since I like League esports scene and also FPS games I searched about the beta

I'm one of the guys who played the first closed beta in NA using VPN lol

posted about a year ago

from 5 to 12 any team can beat each other imo

also NIP > LEV

posted about a year ago

C- NIP and NTH

posted about a year ago

that overlord from the country by west from Japan u know?

posted about a year ago

lmao the fact that u didn't even mentioned him and everybody knows who are u talking about

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

are u okay mate?

posted about a year ago

probably the same thing as last Masters

posted about a year ago

and the 2 subs played better than the og team

posted about a year ago

That's not an offense at all, it's the true and nobody can argue with that. LOUD are just rolling over any other BR team, that's why they NEED to qualify asap and bootcamp in EMEA to Masters. They're playing in one of the weakest regions (by level of competition), without any other stacked team to scrim, with 2 kids in the team, less than 6 months as a team and even with all these problems, they won every single game from open qualifiers in BR, closed qualifiers, groups stage, playoffs and went straight to grand finals in Masters with ONLY 3 MONTHS as a team. That's why they're scary.

posted about a year ago

Mas é meio óbvio que sempre vão negativar contra a LOUD, pq eles tem disciplina, coisa que nenhum outro time BR tem. Eles nunca vão abrir pixel buscando trocar tiro 1v1, sempre vão usar alguma tática/utilitária para ter vantagem ou abrir sempre na vantagem numérica. Os poucos rounds que eles tentam fazer loucura e sair abrindo pra trocar tiro, vira um round 50-50 (pode ver, sempre que resolvem jogar no jeito BR de sair trocando tiro aleatoriamente eles vencem por detalhe). Agora a mentalidade pra não querer dar um 3/4k todo round, não querer abrir sem vantagem/info, não querer jogar uma situação de clutch de maneira burra é oq torna eles melhores doq qualquer time do VCT BR.

Eles não são deuses da mira que abrem vários 1v1 e saem dando one tap em todo mundo, são simplesmente um conjunto entre bons de mira, sinergia do time e jogo inteligente.

Isso inclusive é oq impede os times BRs de irem bem lá fora além da LOUD, só olhar aquele round no 12-8 da NIP vs. ZETA. Era um 4x3, Cauanzin de KAY/O com ultimate pronta, ao invés de recuarem e jogarem numa boa, resolveram sair abrindo sozinho e morrendo 1 por 1. A LOUD faz oq? acalma o round, não deixa a vantagem escapar e tenta abusar da vantagem deles.

posted about a year ago

TL? can't win against LOUD
G0-2? can't win against LOUD
FNC? can't win against NIP and ZETA, imagine against LOUD

LOUD owns EU teams, the only team that can probably stomp them is FPX or GUILD, even Optic won with 2 maps going OT (and LOUD being on match point several times) and the other one was a comeback.

This team litteraly exists since february and already won against tier 1 teams, reached the grand finals of an Masters while being invicted, to lost in the finals with 3 close maps, a team from tier 2 region and 4 months of age (at the time)

posted about a year ago

Mas poder de fogo não é o problema do cenário BR, todos os times que foram lá pra fora trocaram de igual pra igual com os gringos, o nosso problema é mentalidade mesmo.

posted about a year ago

NIP is the only team who plays Reyna

posted about a year ago

finally, next year we need to see Masters/Champions in Tokyo and Brazil.

posted about a year ago

Jhow sempre foi muito inteligente, a verdade é que todos da antiga Gamelanders eram jogadores com talentos individuais muito fodas, Nyang, Fznn e Jhow sendo os cérebros e Jonn/Mwzera sendo o talento em mira. Uma pena esse time não ter dado mais certo.

posted about a year ago

Rhz e RgL jogaram muito nessa partida contra a LOS, Mw e Heat amassaram nas 2 partidas.

posted about a year ago

a T1 não é sul-coreana, o time tinha parceria com a telecom da KR, mas a org é americana

posted about a year ago

OpTic vs LOUD
ACEND vs Vivo Keyd

posted about a year ago

It's almost certain that BR will have 3 teams in Champs again lol LATAM outside KRU don't have chance (maybe Leviathan) against BR teams.

posted about a year ago

8 slots? Rlly? Brazil having dozens of female tournaments since 2020/2021 ans they're giving 1 slot? Not just that but the >ONLY< international LAN of the year will have JUST 8 teams? L from Riot. Even the first Iceland had 10 teams with Berlin increasing to 16 (we're talking about an circuit with 2 Masters and 1 Champions while female got only ONE tournament per year).

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


SOURCE: https://twitter.com/berserk_project/status/1534023434174627840

posted about a year ago

considering everyone in their "prime"

Mwzera and Heat (both duelists who can play toe-to-toe or even be better than Aspas in terms of micro skill)
Jingg and Forsaken
Aspas and Sacy (just incredible, remembering that Sacy used to call Aspas a cheater 2 years ago and now they're one of the better duos in the World)

posted about a year ago

Mw tem mais que o triplo de RND doq o Aspas e mesmo assim coloca stats acima, o cara é bizarro

posted about a year ago

comeram a mina do cara 100% kkkkkkkkkkk, isso se ele tiver uma

posted about a year ago

100% LAN

posted about a year ago

M3C/FPX vs OPTC/LOUD it would be incredible

posted about a year ago

crazy raccoons

posted about a year ago

concordo contigo Trembolona, o cara tem várias continhas fake pra ficar dando upvote kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk e ainda acha ruim que chamamos ele de burro

mas tu ainda é lunático em certos pontos

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Liazzi também é muito bom, acho q o mais inconstante é o Myssen, ele parece ser o elo fraco do time, porém um ótimo jogador também, se pá eles apenas não dão certo juntos.

posted about a year ago

VK ainda mostrando diversos erros bizarros. Não acho que vão ganhar nada esse ano, eu diria que é impossível qualquer time brasileiro tirar o trono da LOUD esse ano. Mw vem mostrando alguns sinais de conforto jogando de Raze, muito mais do que no começo do split, o cara é bom com o boneco. Vale também elogiar a execução da Liberty na Bind com as ultimates, que bagulho lindo de se ver.

Por enquanto: VK dependendo de algumas atuações brilhantes para vencer, sem estratégia mirabolante, mas tá conseguindo ler bem a Liberty

Por outro lado: nenhum time até agora mostrou nível para ganhar da LOUD numa MD3/MD5, vejo uma evolução, mas ainda estão MUITO, mas MUITO longe MESMO da LOUD.

posted about a year ago

dessa vez sou obrigado a concordar, nessa Bind ele fez muita diferença.

posted about a year ago

pastel, feijoada and pamonha

posted about a year ago

I would like to see Americas with 20 slots

8 teams from NA
8 teams from BR
4 teams from LATAM

if they put group stage, then 4 groups with 5 teams, 1 LATAM team in each group.

posted about a year ago

12 slots for Americas

5- NA
5- BR

NA- 100T, TSM, C9, OPTC and _
LATAM- KRU and __

if 16 slots, give 7 to NA, 6 to BR and 3 to LATAM

posted about a year ago

Gamelanders x paiN Gaming
First Strike Brazil Grand Finals

posted about a year ago

never lol
Jhow wasn't the best in his position
Ntk wasn't the best in his position (neither Mwzera)
Vixen was good, but probably top 2/3
Murizzz isn't the best flex in Brazil
Koy isn't the best coach in Brazil

the only international tier player in VK was Heat (maybe Mwzera can return while playing Raze)

posted about a year ago

you can't compare VK with LOUD. LOUD have at least the TOP 3 from each position, while VK have RHZ (known for being bad in tier 3 competition, imagine in VCT)

posted about a year ago

n fode mlk kkkkk, mete o pé daq, só sabe bullshitar e ficar dando hate nos mlk. Ngm quer tu aq n, rlx. Só seus colegas/contas fake

posted about a year ago
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