liquid can fix their roster easily by dropping kamo and adding scream
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Registered: | July 2, 2021 |
Last post: | February 5, 2025 at 5:01 PM |
Posts: | 91 |
liquid can fix their roster easily by dropping kamo and adding scream
tejo nukes them teams will probably adapt with multiple controllers to double as sentinels like having a harbor or viper
its not a bait, boostio is pretty clear when he's joking or baiting. i don't think he's necessarily wrong, individually they're all really talented players. Cryo is mechanically one of the best in NA, Boostio is a solid IGl that frags out when needed, eeiu is a T5 support player right now, asuna can literally fuck up teams with his playstyle, and zander has shown extreme promise when people thought he couldn't step up to bang. while I think part of it is to build confidence because when you think you're the best you try to play like it, I also think there's some truth although we cant really see anything from them for like a month because of Riot's formatting. I think we can all see where 100 Thieves place once this season plays out, because we haven't seen much but when they play at their best they are really fucking scary.
dude the report is so generalized and looks gptd there's a reason why they passed on it. they have to process probably hundreds maybe even thousands of applications which means they wont spend more than probably ten fifteen minutes on your submission. Your 100 page report includes so much useless information and fluff that just doesn't need to be there. Your report could probably be condensed to less than half if you cut to the chase immediately and removed some of the graphics that just don't need to be there. you don't provide an actual strategy just a summary of strategies and wins and losses for the org that its hard to actually get anything out of the paper even if you actually read the whole thing. cut down and be concise and offer an in-depth look at the game play. also take advice from coaches that have actually made it in Tier 1, there's a reason why they were signed and have won titles.
asuna inconsistent is the problem. PRIME asuna when he's at his best is actually a monster to deal with
flor seemed pretty good its a question of longevity and if shes able to continue this performance, there's been plenty of stars in VCT where they have a break out stage and then they stagnate. i think most people were skeptical because we didnt see her play outside of GC where its clear that she shits on everyone but nobody knew how well she would do when competing with other Tier 1 pros
yea agents can honeslty fit between roles and none of them are purely stuck to one
Sage is one of the weaker sentinels but on certain maps is very good. I don't agree with you personally just because she does lock down sites with her wall and slow orbs and supports through her utility very well. You might be right as a pure sentinel, shes admittedly weak since her wall can be broken extremely fast and her slow orbs arent good for deterrence because they don't do damage and can only reveal when people are going through them, but on maps like split and bind and even haven where there are sites with one real entrance her wall and slows become a lethal combo for fending off site hits especially paired with mollies.
I think she fits the role of sentinel, the only part where she may be weak at is holding the flank on attack rounds(but even other agents sometimes don't really fill this role that well with agents like Deadlock and her sensors)
In my opinion she doesn't fit the role of controller because the only real piece of utility she has for cutting of areas is her wall and its very limited in its usage because it requires her body to be near in order to place which weakens which areas she can actually control. The main role of the controller is to block off sightlines and make sites more manageable for attackers to take space, and Sage just isn't really good at that. As opposed to someone like omen who can smoke from across the map and has two of them which allows for greater control of a site
respect the opinion though and if you disagree with me I'm happy to respond to you
if 100T bring the heat like they did to MIBR then easy 2-0, but if FNS decides to lock in then who knows
his russian probably at minimum conversational
Realistically, there's not much they can do. Every regional event is held somewhere near a Riot Games HQ, and LA is where the BASE of their operations is located. It would be much more expensive for them to move it to somewhere out of the US, therefore making every event they held be foreign and become a logistical nightmare. I don't agree that US teams should get screwed; instead, it's just shifting the problems. All other LATAM teams were able to secure visas and get there on time(mibr iirc had some problem but was able to make it). Its genuinely unfortunate that FURIA had this problem and they got the short end of the stick because it sounds like they did the standard procedure. VCT schedules are strict and it would probably ruin the flow of events which is why they don't postpone or adjust. It works differently for traditional sports which is why these traditional orgs can collaborate with governments to secure visas easier, but esports is still a grey area meaning that riot cant do much.
pretty sure it would be the same the otherway if they chose to do it somewhere in LATAM. Also LA is where Riot Games is based in so it makes sense
he was ass on NRG because he was never an entry duelist on EG, they forced him into a role he was never really known for.
the game mode is similar but its kinda hard not to be based off of overwatch or some other big hit game. its super fun to play the mechanics are interesting and the graphics are insane
Sova's util is much easier to use and more predictable. Swinging or spamming after a drone or a dart is faster and easier on sova than it is on fade. Fade's eyes also take longer to activate on average as well
they both played sort of different roles so its hard to compare, but player wise prime yay diffs demon1. currently idk because yay hasn't had a good system to support him as a player in awhile, so I would say demon1 but not by a lot
they nerfed him once by making drone and shock dart more expensive and decreased the amount of pings his dart has along with how long his drone is active for. they literally don't need to do anything else because he is balanced
Boaster actually improved his aim but his calling ability slightly declined after that. A good IGL's main goal is to be able to hold the team together and allow each individual player's skill to shine through. The reason why IGL's are almost never the top fraggers on their team is because they're focused on the the whole game, strategy, and the team. While I agree that an IGL cant be inept at shooting, I don't think Boaster is close to being just a deadweight that can just call.
My personal take is that Asuna is overhated, people just love to hop on a hate train when they see one. People see that he gets outplayed by certain teams but then forget that some of these teams have some, if not the best players in their roles(e.g zekken, Aspas, etc.). I think he gets too much hate and is just in a slump right now.
her cloudbursts provide short term cover for repositioning and support. And her updraft allows her to take more angles and for more creative entries. The reason why almost every pro plays jett is because her utility helps her adapt to different situations. This is probably the worst take I've seen on this thread so far
They can still bring in another player, I don't think coaches count as an import
Excited to see where this goes, this is genuinely game changing news! best of luck flor!
I think its an apples to oranges comparison because even on liquid soulcas was never only a duelist he was more of a flex player if anything. nobody is gonna hate if flor just mogs in tier 1 and shits on everyone if something like this was said, but we just haven't seen her play yet
Not saying Asuna is like the best at his role but they've made it with him and when he shines(esp his 2021 era) then he's insane. The point of the post was that like these players have shown their skill ceiling to be fairly high and they've had decent results. Xeppa has kinda just been there for the past four years and they made it once in LCQ to champs and that's about it
How does Xeppa have tenure with C9, or at least it feels that way. One LAN in four years I feel like you change things up after that. I can only think of a couple of teams where they retain one member of like an OG roster(e.g 100T Asuna, NRG s0m, DRX MaKo) but they've made it LANs and proven their skill. How is this guy still signed to a tier one org
soulcas is a solid player who has hella experience in T1, I think that itself has its own weight in gold. maybe say this in six months when we've seen florescent play in T1
some good news after that C9 roster bullshit. some goated pickups
Im pretty sure Sentinels is just trying to take care of Sick because he was going through some mental health problems.
DRX chose not to re sign BuZz and stax, of course they're gonna look for other options. Meteor's contract with Gen.G also expired and T1 simply offered better. Its just business lol
I personally dont like how they removed ascent, much rather they remove abyss and sunset
no limits. Assume each players in their prime.
what team are yall most excited to watch play given the roster changes? i wanna see T1 since they signed hella talent like BuZz, Meteor, and more and see how 100T does with zander. What about yall?
He wants hardware for the game. In CS, his aim was insane and he always got recognition for his mechanics and got some silverware, but he never won a major and he probably wants to go out with a bang(winning an LAN or smt). ScreaM just had a bad season bc they put him on IGL, something that he barely or never done. I think put him on his normal role and with a solid team he would do great.
He consistently put up numbers in ACS, damage, and kills. Also his experience in tac fps has its own weight in gold, so age doesn't really matter unless he's fallen off severely. He is also very consistent as well
Jake Paul chooses his opponents; I don't even think we know whether Florescent has had offers. But also she just does dumb shit in matches and bails herself out with her aim, and that wont really fly in Tier 1. 0/10 ragebait