The Ranking system is so bad..

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This Ranking system is so bad.... Was monitoring EU's ranking and it's not even close to being true....
Any team who wins games against BS teams can make it to top 5..
Liquid who should be atleast #3 are #7 because they only play big tournaments..

This system needs to be updated or it will never be credible.




Why should liquid be #3?
they have lost 6 of their most recent 15 games and of their wins only 2 are against slightly stronger teams (nip and prodigy/orgless). So why should they currently be further ahead (when they even lost their most recent games against teams ahead of them (e.g. guild/bonk)?

Everything behind G2 and FPX is a pretty open field inside a 100 point range from position 3 to 8. So you can't deduce much from the standing and it seems possible that most of them could take a map from one of the other teams.

Most likely the standing will be different after the completed first strike event, but currently everything else would be just speculation about how teams might have evolved over a certain period where we haven't seen anything big from them.

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