Loud Raze Ult

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So I heard that Bzka was fired because he was a bad coach. Does this mean Saadhak the one doing all the work last year? How about now?


Fr0d def added a lot of ideas


Saadhak and Sacy were the leader of the team, they were making strats, calls and helping Less and Aspas in their roles (which was a lot of work and distress for them), bkza helped to mitigate some of that distress (even tho that was a period of that time that he was like a manager for the team, he was invited to be the manager this year btw ).

now Saadhak and fr0d are responsible for making strats( e.g. Saadhak came with the idea of 4 agents of the "harbor viper loud comp" and frod added the final touch ) and trying to stay ahead of the meta, also there is assistant coach stk which helps to reinforce basics of fps concepts and less that is now the 2nd caller but saadhak and fr0d are the main minds of this team.

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