What Role/Agent is your country/region known for?

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For NA/USA IMO it's entry flex players. It's by far our deepest role and though Marved and Yay were our two best players last year the controller and awp role goes very downhill after Bang and Cryo.

For Entry tho, they have Asuna Zekken Victor who were three of the top 5(debatable) entry flex players in the world this year and all have pretty good agent pools and strengths.

We then have Leaf and Jawgemo who both were probably better individuals than victor in domestic play despite bad team teams.
Zellsis and Xeppaa are all both good at the role(though Xeppaa is for sure better at initiator) but there's not enough space in franchising for them to play it over the other 5. Similar story with guys like s0m, sick, and tenz, they're good at the role but because of other players are forced off of it.

Then in T2, Nismo is absurdly cracked, Babybay was insane last year, Saya doesn't really count but was great as well. WIll was awesome at the end of the year, Penny was cracked in the first stage and will prob be great on G2. Mada and Corey were both up and down last year but still have immense talent.

That's about 15-18 people right there, and that's before you get into the up and comers like Oxy, Clear, Snirot, Reduxx, Sym and guys who used to be highly rated but because of the hard market to play in had to switch roles or retire like Android, Shawn, Dre, Shot_Up, Neptune.

The role is extremely deep in NA and the only one that you could make the argument for is initiator. I'd love to know what individual countries you would say, tho, as off the top of my head something like sentinels for CIS makes a lot of sense, or Raze in BR.


sweden: uhh initiator, flex maybe?


Turkish Jett, but definitely our best role is Controller

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