agent balance : your opinions

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which agents should receive a buff / nerf in your opinion ? let's start a discussion

astra : buff
honestly should get her fifth star back, she has up to four smokes per round but if she chooses to use four smokes she has no other spell bar the fake smokes, whereas Omen has four smokes per round most of the time, but also an incredibly strong flash and tps to reposition himself. i would also consider buffing her ult so it only costs six orbs instead of seven but i'm less sure on this one, let me know your opinion

cypher : buff
this one is kind of a hard one, his traps are already the best in the game, being more reliable than those of killjoy and chamber. i'd say they should buff his cam so its dart applies the same effect as sova's drone, same for his ult maybe ? idk it might some op since his recovery cooldown is 15s, which means he's got a semi-drone every 15 seconds. this could create a meta where cypher lurkers slowly creep up to the enemies with the possibility to heavily punish them if revealed, this could be a really nice tool but also could be extremely obnoxious so i'm not sure about this one

chamber : nerf
still too powerful and impactful, the last changes were hit-and-miss, i feel like the trap and ult are fair now, but the tp is the real problem, and it's probably a nightmare for riot to find changes that dont kill the agent... my guesses at nerfing him would be that there would have to be no obstacle (wall, box, anything really) between him and his tp for him to be able to teleport (aka having his golden shirt activated), maybe also make his tp not instantaneous? it would still be super strong but more fair. also i find the equip time for his deagle is completely unreasonable and should be increased to match at least his ult (aka 0.67s vs 0,3s now)

viper : nerf
im a viper main myself and i really feel like the ult is way too strong right now, i think it locks down situations way too easily and there is not enough counterplay, it just feels unfair
i think it should damage your teammates so instead of putting it on the spike or the site and playing inside as a team, the viper player should lock down an other area of the map and be isolated while doing so (double doors on A breeze, screen on A icebox, elbow and lamps on bind, gen on B fracture)

sage : buff
i feel like they should buff her heal, like come on give her back like it was on the beta, it's not even that strong of a spell and it adds value to the agent

killjoy : buff
im asking this : if killjoy's bots had no activation range, would it be too strong ? my answer is clearly : no. i'd remove her bots' range completely (would also make her ult 8 points since it's the strongest in the game but i can agree that's not necessary since it's breakable by everything)

brimstone : buff
cmon give the 2nd stim beacon back i loved entering sites on a fucking scooter rofl (i can see why it's a bad idea but it was so enjoyable to play while stimmed all the time.....)


one of the best eras of valorant

90% of agents seems on a good state as of now


nerf everything


i think controllers are in a healthy position except viper but i expect the new agent to balance her out
and i think fade needs a nerf though


Plus give jett her old dash back


Don't touch the game so much, I feel like smokers are perfect rn, all of them are played on their own maps, Fade might need a slight change to equal but Initiators are all used too. Only problem are sentinels and Duelists and I think chamber is the problem for both, nerf him and give slight buffs to Phoenix and Yoru.

Lastly Reyna needs a little rework imo, it's really good for rank but shit for competitive I feel like the idea I once saw here in VLR was perfect, it was something like Reyna being able to use the dismiss without a kill but taking Hp away if she does and consuming 2 charges, that way Reyna would be able to open space like other duelists and not play everything to hitting your shots


i just want a small cypher buff thats all i ask for

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