my dream last night

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i just got home after going to a birthday party. For some reason, it was my childhood home. Through the window I saw someone playing spiderman on the ps4. I heard my grandpa say "Who's that". On closer inspection, it was ex-Sentinels player Shahzam. I say, with pride, "it's Shahzam!" my grandpa, thinking I meant the DC hero goes "Really?" but once he sees the blonde hair said "Oh, you mean Shahzeb." I think shahz is trying to enter my head to potentially use me as a drone in his scheme to re enter sen. Be wary, vlr. He may be after you next.


i just got home after going to a birthday party. For some reason, it was my childhood home. Through the window I saw someone playing spiderman on the ps4. I heard my grandpa say "Who's that". On closer inspection, it was ex-Sentinels player Shahzam. I say, with pride, "it's Shahzam!" my grandpa, thinking I meant the DC hero goes "Really?" but once he sees the blonde hair said "Oh, you mean Shahzeb." I think shahz is trying to enter my head to potentially use me as a drone in his scheme to re enter sen. Be wary, vlr. He may be after you next.


Nice copypasta content


for the most part this wasnt a joke except like the last 2 sentences


i just got home after going to a birthday party. For some reason, it was my childhood home. Through the window I saw someone playing spiderman on the ps4. I heard my grandpa say "Who's that". On closer inspection, it was ex-Sentinels player Shahzam. I say, with pride, "it's Shahzam!" my grandpa, thinking I meant the DC hero goes "Really?" but once he sees the blonde hair said "Oh, you mean Shahzeb." I think shahz is trying to enter my head to potentially use me as a drone in his scheme to re enter sen. Be wary, vlr. He may be after you next.

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