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we can talk like civilized people right?

I would like to have a debate that exposes the differences we have and how we can solve it

  1. Why are we divided?
  2. keznit
  3. Does this problem come from Valorant or does it come from further back? (not keznit, only division ?

It seems to me that we are generating too much hate and VALORANT could be one of the most toxic games in the world instead of being the best first person shooter

let's solve our problems like people who are not 10 years old


we can speak in portuguese if you want


keznit i think

mzto [#3]

keznit i think

ok, what is the problem and why?


This can become a really good thread or become a really bad one, i am curious to see what is gonna happen?

j1ok1 [#4]

ok, what is the problem and why?

he`s toxic and racist???????????


our countries are divided because we lack education

even us brazilian we seem united but we arent

people from here (south brazil) hate people from the other regions, especially from the northeast

some researches showed that 98% of the people who live here are in favor of separating from the rest of the country


basta voce dar uma pesquisada no que acontece em qualquer esporte que envolva um confronto entre Brasil x Latam, futebol, volei, cs, valorant, etc. Em todos acontece algo em comum, alguém pode me dizer o que é? risos.


primero que nada estamos divididos por que riot lo quiso asi, podriamos ser tranquilamente una sola region(SouthAmerica) constituida por las 3 sub-regiones LAS-BR-LAN, LAS podria estar conectado en cuestion de servers con brazil y no tener que crear una cuenta con vpn para jugar con eles como en el cs

alitmanus [#7]

our countries are divided because we lack education

even us brazilian we seem united but we arent

people from here (south brazil) hate people from the other regions, especially from the northeast

some researches showed that 98% of the people who live here are in favor of separating from the rest of the country

south is my country!

alitmanus [#7]

our countries are divided because we lack education

even us brazilian we seem united but we arent

people from here (south brazil) hate people from the other regions, especially from the northeast

some researches showed that 98% of the people who live here are in favor of separating from the rest of the country

floripa do be chill af

mzto [#6]

he`s toxic and racist???????????

Toxic? yes, of course. Racist? No, if he wanted to say something racist ever, there are a million ways to say it better and more ofensive than just saying "you look like CJ".

mzto [#6]

he`s toxic and racist???????????

I don't defend it, let's discuss, first, evidence?

And really, just for one person, 2 such large communities are divided?

mzto [#6]

he`s toxic and racist???????????

never been racist and he's friends with most BR player, this battle was created by toxic fandoms ...

alitmanus [#7]

our countries are divided because we lack education

even us brazilian we seem united but we arent

people from here (south brazil) hate people from the other regions, especially from the northeast

some researches showed that 98% of the people who live here are in favor of separating from the rest of the country

but do you think there is no division and attacks by latam too?

j1ok1 [#15]

but do you think there is no division and attacks by latam too?

I've seen lots of chileans and argentinians being racist against mexicans

I think that's damn pathetic

blindadaodefe [#8]

basta voce dar uma pesquisada no que acontece em qualquer esporte que envolva um confronto entre Brasil x Latam, futebol, volei, cs, valorant, etc. Em todos acontece algo em comum, alguém pode me dizer o que é? risos.

So basically it's a division that comes even before esports, right?


Eu acho que a maioria dos BRs estão com raiva apenas da KRU, por conta do Keznit. Porque eu vi muito brasileiro, inclusive os casters, torcendo para a leviatan hoje. Odiar uma região inteira por conta de algumas pessoas é errado. Já que não tem mais time BR no campeonato, eu vou torcer pra LEV.

j1ok1 [#17]

So basically it's a division that comes even before esports, right?



mano voy tentar hablar un "portunhol".
sobre los pontos que voce citou :
1 - yo acho que deviamos ser mais unidos, somos vizinhos temos que se apoiar mais. Y seria mucho bueno se fossemos apenas 1 região (South America), imagina los games entre LOUD, NIP, Keyd, Leviatán, KRU, FURIA etc.
2 - keznit é un dos grandes motivos de las fanbases de latam e br se odiarem en Valorant, yo nao ligo mucho para ele mas os otros ligam.
3 - o problema vem de mucho antes, de futebol e otros juegos como csgo, mas acho que deveriamos esquecer esse odio e virar mais parceiros.

é isso

awaky [#20]

mano voy tentar hablar un "portunhol".
sobre los pontos que voce citou :
1 - yo acho que deviamos ser mais unidos, somos vizinhos temos que se apoiar mais. Y seria mucho bueno se fossemos apenas 1 região (South America), imagina los games entre LOUD, NIP, Keyd, Leviatán, KRU, FURIA etc.
2 - keznit é un dos grandes motivos de las fanbases de latam e br se odiarem en Valorant, yo nao ligo mucho para ele mas os otros ligam.
3 - o problema vem de mucho antes, de futebol e otros juegos como csgo, mas acho que deveriamos esquecer esse odio e virar mais parceiros.

é isso

estaremos juntos en la franchising, debemos unirnos para dominar la liga y vencer a NA 😈😈

Joakin [#9]

primero que nada estamos divididos por que riot lo quiso asi, podriamos ser tranquilamente una sola region(SouthAmerica) constituida por las 3 sub-regiones LAS-BR-LAN, LAS podria estar conectado en cuestion de servers con brazil y no tener que crear una cuenta con vpn para jugar con eles como en el cs

that's because you can't bring together a single continent that big in a competition and also because of the difference in languages, basically this division is necessary, but not the hatred between the 2

buddyhoodie [#21]

estaremos juntos en la franchising, debemos unirnos para dominar la liga y vencer a NA 😈😈

vamos mano!

buddyhoodie [#21]

estaremos juntos en la franchising, debemos unirnos para dominar la liga y vencer a NA 😈😈

Buena suerte, la región de las Américas en la franquicia va a ser salvaje.


well, LATAM already knows me here on this site, I have no problems with anyone in your region, I have always acted with respect and received respect in return here


É um problema que começa muito antes do valorant, vem desde os primórdios, a maioria dos países da América do Sul possui algum tipo de preconceito contra o Brasil, talvez por sermos o único país com linguagem diferente, foi criado uma certa distância entre os outros países. Pra quem gosta de futebol, essa edição da libertadores está tendo casos de racismo em todos os jogos contra brasileiros, está um absurdo. Existe uma rivalidade muito grande entre Brasil x Argentina

Sobre o keznit, acho que muita gente concorda que ele é tóxico, o clipe dele que bombou em 2020, em que ele diz que "imitou um cachorro", deixa dúvidas até hoje no cenário. E o caso do CJ mais recente também. O Brasil é um país miscigenado, então o racismo acaba sendo um tópico bem mais sério por aqui.

Sobre os brasileiros que ameaçam de morte, o keznit e outros, nem preciso dizer que são idiotas, e deveriam tomar algum tipo de punição na justiça. Porém, a própria The Guard disse que sofreu ameaça de morte, quando saíram no masters, todos os países tem esse tipo de pessoa, só que no Brasil é em maior quantidade.

alitmanus [#16]

I've seen lots of chileans and argentinians being racist against mexicans

I think that's damn pathetic

Basically like latam and br, vs lan, I guess in the end we are more toxic than I thought


i actually have a really weird question, it is not to ofend tbh, but, why does actually brazilians get so annoyed an say "it's racism" to call someone in a videogame "a monkey"?. I mean, this is like a very used word to insult people who are just playing really bad, even europeans or north americans, even in LATAM a lot say it to people in games when there's a teammate that play annoyingly bad, but if u use it in brazil it's like "racism", i don't really get it

j1ok1 [#22]

that's because you can't bring together a single continent that big in a competition and also because of the difference in languages, basically this division is necessary, but not the hatred between the 2

You can bring together a continent that big, they do it in emea.
Difference in languages is also not an issue, they do it in emea and sea

awaky [#20]

mano voy tentar hablar un "portunhol".
sobre los pontos que voce citou :
1 - yo acho que deviamos ser mais unidos, somos vizinhos temos que se apoiar mais. Y seria mucho bueno se fossemos apenas 1 região (South America), imagina los games entre LOUD, NIP, Keyd, Leviatán, KRU, FURIA etc.
2 - keznit é un dos grandes motivos de las fanbases de latam e br se odiarem en Valorant, yo nao ligo mucho para ele mas os otros ligam.
3 - o problema vem de mucho antes, de futebol e otros juegos como csgo, mas acho que deveriamos esquecer esse odio e virar mais parceiros.

é isso

but everyone wants to have a war against Brazil?
not only in esports but rather also before, I guess we should leave differences behind

I guess we can be united if we do something about it

I also want to know what Brazilians want with keznit. maybe a public apology to the entire Brazilian community? would that be enough?

alemonkey [#28]

i actually have a really weird question, it is not to ofend tbh, but, why does actually brazilians get so annoyed an say "it's racism" to call someone in a videogame "a monkey"?. I mean, this is like a very used word to insult people who are just playing really bad, even europeans or north americans, even in LATAM a lot say it to people in games when there's a teammate that play annoyingly bad, but if u use it in brazil it's like "racism", i don't really get it

Brazil is the country with the biggest black population in Americas

In the past, people thought that black people were closer to apes because of Darwinism

and also people from latam are very ignorant about us, they think that here is just favela, poverty and black people everywhere when in fact only 8% of our population is black


Racism > death threats by keyboard warrior

There was literally 0 case of someone killed by death threats in eSports scene.
And there was a million case of someone abused mentally/physically by racism.

alemonkey [#28]

i actually have a really weird question, it is not to ofend tbh, but, why does actually brazilians get so annoyed an say "it's racism" to call someone in a videogame "a monkey"?. I mean, this is like a very used word to insult people who are just playing really bad, even europeans or north americans, even in LATAM a lot say it to people in games when there's a teammate that play annoyingly bad, but if u use it in brazil it's like "racism", i don't really get it

Cada país tem sua cultura, seus costumes, suas regras. Aqui essa palavra é visto como racismo. Assim como a palavra 'gringo' é visto como xenofobia por muitos países, enquanto aqui é visto como uma palavra normal. Acontece que quando você vai conversar com alguém de outro país, com uma cultura totalmente diferente, o mínimo que você deveria ter é consciência das palavras que está utilizando, para não ofender. O que não acontece contra brasileiro. E muitas pessoas se escondem nesse argumento de que "essa palavra não é racismo" para de fato ofender de maneira racista.

divisionbell [#26]

É um problema que começa muito antes do valorant, vem desde os primórdios, a maioria dos países da América do Sul possui algum tipo de preconceito contra o Brasil, talvez por sermos o único país com linguagem diferente, foi criado uma certa distância entre os outros países. Pra quem gosta de futebol, essa edição da libertadores está tendo casos de racismo em todos os jogos contra brasileiros, está um absurdo. Existe uma rivalidade muito grande entre Brasil x Argentina

Sobre o keznit, acho que muita gente concorda que ele é tóxico, o clipe dele que bombou em 2020, em que ele diz que "imitou um cachorro", deixa dúvidas até hoje no cenário. E o caso do CJ mais recente também. O Brasil é um país miscigenado, então o racismo acaba sendo um tópico bem mais sério por aqui.

Sobre os brasileiros que ameaçam de morte, o keznit e outros, nem preciso dizer que são idiotas, e deveriam tomar algum tipo de punição na justiça. Porém, a própria The Guard disse que sofreu ameaça de morte, quando saíram no masters, todos os países tem esse tipo de pessoa, só que no Brasil é em maior quantidade.

I suppose that the previous problems, like in football, can no longer be fixed, but basically I want to know what we can do to resolve our differences.
With the keznit thing, would a public apology to the entire community suffice?

I also want to clarify that in Latam there are also mestizo people who also suffer from racism, racism is not only in some parts of the world, I suppose you take it more seriously

j1ok1 [#30]

but everyone wants to have a war against Brazil?
not only in esports but rather also before, I guess we should leave differences behind

I guess we can be united if we do something about it

I also want to know what Brazilians want with keznit. maybe a public apology to the entire Brazilian community? would that be enough?

when brazilians put something in mind they dont forget it for so much time. If keznit makes a public apology, a big part of the hate would probably stop, but some people would still hate him

totneK_kaT_umkaM [#32]

Racism > death threats by keyboard warrior

There was literally 0 case of someone killed by death threats in eSports scene.
And there was a million case of someone abused mentally/physically by racism.

but is it an excuse to threaten someone?

alemonkey [#28]

i actually have a really weird question, it is not to ofend tbh, but, why does actually brazilians get so annoyed an say "it's racism" to call someone in a videogame "a monkey"?. I mean, this is like a very used word to insult people who are just playing really bad, even europeans or north americans, even in LATAM a lot say it to people in games when there's a teammate that play annoyingly bad, but if u use it in brazil it's like "racism", i don't really get it

I think that is more the culture of each country/continent and how you express it, I suppose that for them it is an offense

alemonkey [#28]

i actually have a really weird question, it is not to ofend tbh, but, why does actually brazilians get so annoyed an say "it's racism" to call someone in a videogame "a monkey"?. I mean, this is like a very used word to insult people who are just playing really bad, even europeans or north americans, even in LATAM a lot say it to people in games when there's a teammate that play annoyingly bad, but if u use it in brazil it's like "racism", i don't really get it

Because calling someone monkey in Brazil is a racist slur. It's something you should never say to a person specially if that person is black.
Some of us know that the term is used with other meanings in another places but you can't expect everyone to take it lightly.

j1ok1 [#36]

but is it an excuse to threaten someone?

No excuse to threaten someone, both parties wrong.
I just wanna point to you which has more serious impact in bigger picture.

divisionbell [#33]

Cada país tem sua cultura, seus costumes, suas regras. Aqui essa palavra é visto como racismo. Assim como a palavra 'gringo' é visto como xenofobia por muitos países, enquanto aqui é visto como uma palavra normal. Acontece que quando você vai conversar com alguém de outro país, com uma cultura totalmente diferente, o mínimo que você deveria ter é consciência das palavras que está utilizando, para não ofender. O que não acontece contra brasileiro. E muitas pessoas se escondem nesse argumento de que "essa palavra não é racismo" para de fato ofender de maneira racista.

that image is not only held by Latin America but basically the whole world, I am not justifying any behavior with respect to that but the image of Latin America is basically poverty and insecurity, when it is not like that, I understand you

j1ok1 [#34]

I suppose that the previous problems, like in football, can no longer be fixed, but basically I want to know what we can do to resolve our differences.
With the keznit thing, would a public apology to the entire community suffice?

I also want to clarify that in Latam there are also mestizo people who also suffer from racism, racism is not only in some parts of the world, I suppose you take it more seriously

Não disse que o racismo só acontece aqui, sei que todos os países sofrem. Mas uma parte dos argentinos dizem que "viemos de navio" para a América do Sul, por exemplo (além de errado historicamente, mostra o nível de pensamento de alguns). Enquanto o Brasil é um país que desde sempre foi miscigenado, temos todos os tipos de povos morando aqui. Lidamos com isso muito mais no dia a dia.

Sobre o keznit, acho difícil, um pedido de desculpas não pode retirar o sentimento das pessoas que ficaram chateado aqui com o que ele disse. Quem sabe se ele estudar mais sobre o assunto, conversar com brasileiros, e entender o nosso sentimento, isso se amenize com o passar do tempo.

LuffyVlr [#38]

Because calling someone monkey in Brazil is a racist slur. It's something you should never say to a person specially if that person is black.
Some of us know that the term is used with other meanings in another places but you can't expect everyone to take it lightly.

now i get it, it's totally understandeable, it's kinda sad tho, it's like that little difference on culture and knowledge bring a lot of problems within our regions when in some kind of way, racism is something that south america in general is a victim of, thank u for the info<3

Ovejadepoder [#12]

Toxic? yes, of course. Racist? No, if he wanted to say something racist ever, there are a million ways to say it better and more ofensive than just saying "you look like CJ".

Ofc he won't say something racist directly
he would get instantly banned from eSports

So he says racist stuff in code words , he can make an excuse and at most will get temporary penalty like he did last time...


I will try to explain as impartially as possible.

Rivalry between Brazil and other South American countries has existed for a long time due to football, cultural differences, etc.
It's a combination that would certainly go wrong most of the time, Brazilians who have the above temperament sometimes and we tend to defend our country a lot when foreigners talk about it, and the MANITOS who have a good history of acid provocation, often racist, just researching recent cases of Argentine fans imitating monkeys for the stands of Brazilian soccer teams, this year alone there were many. (I'm not saying that BR doesn't have it, I'm just contextualizing it).

Then we get to the games, the BR community has always been very engaged in Couter Strike, and there, we often share servers with Argentines and etc, unlike Valorant. And on these CS servers, MANY TIMES the Argentines were on one side cursing us as a monkey and on the other we were cursing them back as BOLUDOS.

Then we arrive at Valorant, Keznit makes references in some situations imitating monkey playing with Brazilians, some say it's out of context, then again associates DGZIN with CJ, obviously, for all this history, many Brazilians would find this behavior strange, how it happened. And since racism is a much discussed issue here in Brazil, anyone who really thinks keznit is racist wants his head, and they won't give up until he's screwed.

This site shouldn't be a parameter to discuss this kind of thing because there are a lot of baiter and children who want to show up, or just weirdos who live 24 hours a day in internet forums and just want to talk bad about BR at the first opportunity they have. So any attempt at dialogue that exists will be ruined by this type of person.

I hope that was clear, my point of view, obviously.


Bom, com certeza essa rivalidade vem bem antes do valorant, só assistir qualquer partida da libertadores pra perceber isso. Nós somos em geral muito competitivos e quando a disputa é com qualquer time da América do Sul, damos a vida. O caso do keznit influenciou negativamente essa disputa, todos aqui já viram o vídeo dele imitando um macaco/"cachorro" pra um jogador brasileiro, mas essa fama negativa dele com os brasileiros vem de lá do cs, onde muitos o chamava de "xitado" etc. Também tem um clip dele chamando o aspas de "primate" por "fazer default na ranked", para nós brasileiros ele é racista por essa e outras coisas. Video dele falando com o aspas (tempo: 2:51).

Também tem o caso do Onur, que ia vir pro Brasil ser coach da Loud mas foi barrado por conta do passaporte vacinal. ele criticou esse lance de vacina no Brasil e muitos jogadores e casters daqui ficaram puto, fazendo com que muitos brasileiros o odiasse.
Torci muito pela LEV hoje, e sei que a América do Sul vai dominar as franquias!

vini_zaan [#45]

Bom, com certeza essa rivalidade vem bem antes do valorant, só assistir qualquer partida da libertadores pra perceber isso. Nós somos em geral muito competitivos e quando a disputa é com qualquer time da América do Sul, damos a vida. O caso do keznit influenciou negativamente essa disputa, todos aqui já viram o vídeo dele imitando um macaco/"cachorro" pra um jogador brasileiro, mas essa fama negativa dele com os brasileiros vem de lá do cs, onde muitos o chamava de "xitado" etc. Também tem um clip dele chamando o aspas de "primate" por "fazer default na ranked", para nós brasileiros ele é racista por essa e outras coisas. Video dele falando com o aspas (tempo: 2:51).

Também tem o caso do Onur, que ia vir pro Brasil ser coach da Loud mas foi barrado por conta do passaporte vacinal. ele criticou esse lance de vacina no Brasil e muitos jogadores e casters daqui ficaram puto, fazendo com que muitos brasileiros o odiasse.
Torci muito pela LEV hoje, e sei que a América do Sul vai dominar as franquias!

acho q tu botou o link da thread reizao

uentzoul [#46]

acho q tu botou o link da thread reizao

KKKKKKKKK percebi agr, acho que arrumei

alemonkey [#28]

i actually have a really weird question, it is not to ofend tbh, but, why does actually brazilians get so annoyed an say "it's racism" to call someone in a videogame "a monkey"?. I mean, this is like a very used word to insult people who are just playing really bad, even europeans or north americans, even in LATAM a lot say it to people in games when there's a teammate that play annoyingly bad, but if u use it in brazil it's like "racism", i don't really get it

Porque o Uruguai, Paraguai e a Argentina chamavam os brasileiros de Negritos e Macaquitos porque no nosso exército na época da Guerra do Paraguai tinha negros escravizados.
O presidente do Paraguai Solano Lopes até fazia propaganda do tipo “não podemos ser dominados por esses macacos inferiores”, tinha até desenhos nos jornais do nosso imperador sendo representado por um macaco
É histórico

alemonkey [#28]

i actually have a really weird question, it is not to ofend tbh, but, why does actually brazilians get so annoyed an say "it's racism" to call someone in a videogame "a monkey"?. I mean, this is like a very used word to insult people who are just playing really bad, even europeans or north americans, even in LATAM a lot say it to people in games when there's a teammate that play annoyingly bad, but if u use it in brazil it's like "racism", i don't really get it

No Futebol latinos e europeus usam a palavra pra ofender apenas pessoas negras. Em alguns casos jogam até Bananas.
Ninguém chamava o Kaká de macaco, mas chamavam o Daniel Alves por exemplo

Ovejadepoder [#12]

Toxic? yes, of course. Racist? No, if he wanted to say something racist ever, there are a million ways to say it better and more ofensive than just saying "you look like CJ".

proof 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc_KDdrlkeM
proof 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f-s-Ktal1U
proof 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6s_ZEbJm5s&t=125s (2:57)

Ovejadepoder [#12]

Toxic? yes, of course. Racist? No, if he wanted to say something racist ever, there are a million ways to say it better and more ofensive than just saying "you look like CJ".


mzto [#51]


Papi, en el momento que alguien dice una estupidez la escena entera se le tira encima y eso es algo notorio POR EJEMPLO, el que es ahora coach de Boca en cs "Hellpa" fue un misogino con las chicas de ese entonces 9z Fem (creo que dijo que le gustaban las tetas de Chjna) en el stream de Guishorro; Al dia siguiente Hellpa y Guishorro fueron hechados de 9z.
S1cop fue hechado de Malvinas Gaming cuando amenazó a Fakzwall con "pisarlo a el y a su familia con la moto si no venía a entrenar".
Creeme flaco, acá la escena es muy directa y si dijiste una pelotudez te lo van a hacer tragar con todo el peso, pero este no es el caso, TODAS las veces que dijeron algo malo de Keznit fueron malas interpretaciones, ya sean intencionales o no.

mzto [#50]

proof 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qc_KDdrlkeM
proof 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f-s-Ktal1U
proof 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6s_ZEbJm5s&t=125s (2:57)

Proof 1: Keznit is chilean, chileans are known for not speaking clearly, Keznit particularly speaks really bad (like, i can't understand him if he speaks fast), in that same stream they were imitating the brasilian dog meme (even in yout video at the end he clearly says "el perro brasileño") here's some footage of the other streams at the gaming house at that same night. So no, he's not imitating a monkey, he's imitating the dog meme.
Proof 2: Dgzin and the coach of GL Blue were previously bullying Mazino so Keznit called DGZin "the CJ of valorant", he was later banned for toxicity (and well deserved, but even after the investigations it was a Toxicity ban, not a racism Ban)
They didnt ban DGZin nor Shaw btw, the ones who sent a death threat to Keznit directly and after the ban from Riot kept making fun of him with a picture of a fat chicken (Shaw deleted the twit but dont worry, we have the screenshots)
Proof 3: "Primate" is "Cousin" in Chile, Keznit and Aspas are in good terms... Don't twist the words

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