Umbrella Academy Fans come here

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Alison's sass was so pointless
Stan just brought the energy down single-handedly, the most annoying character.
Harlan being a boomer waited for Vanya, for so long, was so cool calling her victor
Why was grace so religious all of a sudden
pogo do be badass
sloane is crazyyyy hot,
Luther did decent this season.

What are ur thoughts, did you like the series?


Move to off-topic pls, I am sorry for posting it in GD


Bump :)


Five was always the star of the show for me, but I felt he was a bit muted this season. I found all the conflict of the team vs. Alison and vs. most of the Sparrows to be very manufactured and not believable or convincing. Luther's transition to comic relief which started last season is really annoying to me. The overall buildup of the central storyline was not as good as the first season.
7/10. Still good but not quite as good as the first season (9/10) or the second season (8/10).

FerahgoTheGreat [#4]

Five was always the star of the show for me, but I felt he was a bit muted this season. I found all the conflict of the team vs. Alison and vs. most of the Sparrows to be very manufactured and not believable or convincing. Luther's transition to comic relief which started last season is really annoying to me. The overall buildup of the central storyline was not as good as the first season.
7/10. Still good but not quite as good as the first season (9/10) or the second season (8/10).



I found some parts of last season a mess tbh like how

When Diegos’s fingers get cut off and he acts like nothing has happened or when Fives arm gets chopped off only for it to have no purpose at all and how the Most of the Sparrow academy dies and the last 2 members doesn’t even give a shit and it doesn’t have the same vibe as the first season it’s probably the worst season but it is still good and fun to watch

BBL_Wtcn [#6]

I found some parts of last season a mess tbh like how

When Diegos’s fingers get cut off and he acts like nothing has happened or when Fives arm gets chopped off only for it to have no purpose at all and how the Most of the Sparrow academy dies and the last 2 members doesn’t even give a shit and it doesn’t have the same vibe as the first season it’s probably the worst season but it is still good and fun to watch

exactly lol

BBL_Wtcn [#6]

I found some parts of last season a mess tbh like how

When Diegos’s fingers get cut off and he acts like nothing has happened or when Fives arm gets chopped off only for it to have no purpose at all and how the Most of the Sparrow academy dies and the last 2 members doesn’t even give a shit and it doesn’t have the same vibe as the first season it’s probably the worst season but it is still good and fun to watch

the season felt like such a random storyline.
It's like they morphed random short stories into one season.

Also was Harlan's death necessary? they did nothing to develop it

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