Flag: Philippines
Registered: August 31, 2021
Last post: May 22, 2024 at 7:17 AM
Posts: 372
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they will be in Tokyo but as spectators

posted about a year ago

If this happens I might give someone free battlepass/skin

posted about a year ago

Talon not making it to the play-offs, hopefully they make it

posted about a year ago

While I believe they are really good, people are quick to put them on the top after a single performance. The other teams take 3 or more games before they are recognized the same way as the Korean teams.

posted about a year ago

Most users believe the top 3 teams are the Korean teams, hopefully Team Secret can prove them wrong and win

posted about a year ago

DFM 2 - 1 RRQ (Someone said this will be "el trashico", I won't be surprised if RRQ wins somehow)
PRX 2 - 0 T1 (cope?????? i still believe in their potential and want them to come back. T1 looks good though and might just 2 -0)
GE 2 - 0 ZETA (GE looks good while ZETA struggled against RRQ)
Talon 0 - 2 DRX (Talon against arguably the top 3 teams for their first 3 matches really sad)
GenG 1 - 2 TS (Very close match, this will tell whether Korean Teams will dominate or not)

posted about a year ago

If Talon continues to struggle then GE just might be the 6th team on the playoffs

posted about a year ago

EJAY currently has better stats than him by 30 ACS (granted it's only 2 games).... He needs to regain his form or they might not even make the play offs

posted about a year ago

Indonesian player will break the kill record and get 40 kills but will still lose the series.

posted about a year ago

Should we be worried about Talon? They currently have the worst record but there are still a lot more games to go. They are gonna be against DRX next which might make their record 0-3. I wasn't really that worried after them losing to T1 as I thought the bottom four were GE, ZETA, DFM, and RRQ. After seeing both GE and DFM make it close against the Korean teams while T1 struggled I'm kinda worried.

posted about a year ago

i think TLN needs to win this or atleast make it a close 1-2 loss, they're currently last and going 0-3 will be difficult for them even though they will be facing easier opponents after this.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

While I still think Talon is strong they are currently struggling, T1 defeated Talon easily

posted about a year ago

I prefer ZETA set-ups and plays, idk how DFM is winning these rounds. If DFM win against GenG they just might be better I guess.

posted about a year ago

Here before DFM win 2-1

posted about a year ago

Still not enough games, I think PRX still up there with TS considering all maps were close. TLN also struggled against T1. One thing is for sure and that's RRQ on the bottom.

posted about a year ago

DRX too strong but I hope they can win

posted about a year ago

Just noticed Team Secret won all games where they knifed and lost all games where they didn't

posted about a year ago

Team Secret looks so different compared to last year. Not blaming anyone but warbirds is a very big upgrade.

posted about a year ago

If TS wins against DFM/RRQ it will also be an upset

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I agree. While he is one of the most clutch players in valorant he does struggle a lot and constantly has negative KD and low ACS.

posted about a year ago

VIT looks better but I'm hoping TL wins

posted about a year ago

For the Zeta one I still believe in Laz. They showed that they have the potential to compete with the best in the world, the question is if they can replicate it. Fluke or not you can't deny them beating many good teams/

posted about a year ago

Pacific: DFM
Americas: MIBR
EMEA: None (I think there will be some teams that will go 1-8)

posted about a year ago

Pacific: Global and Zeta has the potential to beat the top 6 favorites in the region and make the play offs

posted about a year ago

I think they are up there, DRX is on top while Talon, PRX, Gen G, and TS are fighting for the final 2.

posted about a year ago

3/4, picked GE over T1

posted about a year ago

Casters still doubting. This was the closest match-up out of all the five matches in the 1st week, there's no way this is an upset.

posted about a year ago

TS = Team Samurai

posted about a year ago

Mako is the best controller currently and he is not from the Americas

posted about a year ago

so far DFM, they haven't won any map with their new roster. RRQ won against Tier 2 teams but showed better results in LOCK IN. Gotta see how RRQ performs tomorrow though.

posted about a year ago

DFM had so many chances but can't win at the clutch, PRX talent too good despite being outplayed in the early/mid rounds.

posted about a year ago

bench him, he needs to rest after carrying

posted about a year ago

A - f0rsaken

posted about a year ago

monyet is in GE so..... Indo team i guess

posted about a year ago

Design looks good but kinda small

Edit: it's not smaller, it's just harder to read. The old one looks better

posted about a year ago

All of the players are average to above average. They don't appear on the worst player list and the best player list. Pretty much a balanced team.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I was wondering why Kessoku Band and Distortion sounded familiar, the song really is fire

posted about a year ago

100T defeated EDG yet they are two ranks below them

posted about a year ago

How are teams that won (100T, LEV) have a lot worse record than the teams that lost (EDG,FUT, VIT). For the C9 one i understand why they are rated lower than PRX because of the current drama but PRX still seems too high. I think S might also be too much for VIT

posted about a year ago

Cardgame with a Z

posted about a year ago

Some players removed their flag so I think they can do that if that's a problem (SUYGETSU and Shao)

posted about a year ago

Hopefully, I hope they will make it competitive and somehow beat NAVI.

posted about a year ago

They got some good rounds and many bad rounds like the "crypto throw" on pearl by viper. I think BOOM is currently a little better than them but it's 60/40

posted about a year ago

worst bait i've seen in a while

posted about a year ago

Heart goes Team Secret
Brain goes NAVI

posted about a year ago

Worst: DFM (Won 11 rounds total, might also be RRQ)
Letdown: TL (Many people thought it would be the most one-sided R1 match)

posted about a year ago

FURIA 2-1 T1

Both close games, a must win for EMEA after Liquids early exit,

posted about a year ago
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