Flag: France
Registered: August 31, 2021
Last post: May 5, 2024 at 2:45 PM
Posts: 377
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bro said it was his day off

posted about a year ago

sick having this weird villain arc was not on my bingo card for the year

posted about a year ago

yeah im convinced t1 is just cursed in valorant for some reason

posted about a year ago

thanks buddy

posted about a year ago

Yo can anyone explain this challenger format? Do the winners of the playoffs get a slot for ascension or how does it work?

posted about a year ago

English isnt the first language for majority of the team, so they probably had a pretty shaky time with comms and just were probably panic comming which is alright that's fixable

posted about a year ago

maybe rotate them between games to find out who works better?

posted about a year ago

Surely that team can win a masters right?

posted about a year ago

this kid has some of the best movement I've ever seen he's fucking insane

posted about a year ago

brother I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you

posted about a year ago

yeah i think only sacy and saadhak know english

posted about a year ago

T1 Spyder back on Omen gg

posted about a year ago

Finally a french roster which i think can do well I'm excited if this works out

posted about a year ago

Lembo reported on Sayf to TL but getting redgar and nats will be difficult due to visas so lets see how it pans out

posted about a year ago

where in the fuck did you get this number from

posted about a year ago

Fuck that bro they are world champions they have every right to demand high salaries especially if they've received offers from other teams

posted about a year ago

I know yay is going to C9 and there's no info on marved but can you imagine the scenes if NRG manage to poach both of them
Massive Copium

posted about a year ago

Issues with org or issues within the team?

posted about a year ago

EG nahtE returns

posted about a year ago

Can someone give me the rundown on what the situation is with loud?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

my man just forgot about 1leaf

posted about a year ago

He was sick on LAN hope he stays in the scene + seems like a really cool dude

posted about a year ago

Probably still trialing so cant confirm 100% but he probably has an idea who it is

posted about a year ago

Plus homie looks like a model he could honestly do that as a side gig too

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure the fifth is trent, marved might just go to NRG or EG

posted about a year ago

Holy fuck its happening

posted about a year ago

yeah salah is rumored to join them from OGLU

posted about a year ago

Good fucking find bro W

posted about a year ago

nah they already mentioned they were going full Korean while keeping xeta ban and munchkin

posted about a year ago

My guess was Gen g as well I think they're the only team flushed with cash like that

posted about a year ago

My man got a million dollar a year offer from APAC holy shit

posted about a year ago

wild how g2 wanted to buy out xset, I know there was rumors of tsm buying optic but surely they would have looked into that too right?

posted about a year ago

Ok that makes sense thanks

posted about a year ago

what happened to navi not dealing with russian players? or maybe now that the players have to relocate to berlin it doesn't matter?

posted about a year ago

Rip Optic/Envy it was fun while it lasted :(

posted about a year ago

if you watch any sports you'd know contract info is accessible by anyone so why can't esports do the same? just a thought

posted about a year ago

Should contract information be made public?
I can understand if salaries are made private but I feel like contract lengths and buyout clauses can be made public

posted about a year ago

that yay check would have hecz foaming from the mouth

posted about a year ago

IGL's are in high demand, EMEA has a shortage of them and boaster has shown great results I don't see a world where he gets dropped

posted about a year ago

It would be criminal if those two don't find a team, I really hope they stick as a duo though

posted about a year ago

If Fut and BBL dont roster the best 10 turkish players in the scene they are doing something very wrong

posted about a year ago
This seems weird honestly i doubt they will get picked up as a 5 when there are better players. I can see zekken and cryo getting picked up I'm not sure about the rest

posted about a year ago

the guard is backed by kroenke and they didn't make it, riot probably has more reasons than just money

posted about a year ago

brother they will definitely get the best players from the rejected teams that's almost certain

posted about a year ago

Victor and crashies f/a posts its over :(((((((((((

posted about a year ago

No slots for Oceania is wild, its like riot doesn't care if the game progresses in that region

posted about a year ago

i hope so bro thats the only possible outcome from what I'm seeing, but its most likely they split up which fucking sucks

posted about a year ago

They have been financially one of the best orgs I guess that's one of the main reasons, and out of all the teams in Americas i can see them buying the whole optic roster if they decide not to split up

posted about a year ago

reports said tsm was looking into buying the roster, but with them not making it I think the team gets split up :(

posted about a year ago
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