Flag: Argentina
Registered: October 19, 2020
Last post: September 20, 2022 at 4:45 PM
Posts: 493
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I think the same, I also believe that with the passage of time the level will be equalized. Something similar to what happened with NiP at the beginning of CS:GO, they were unbeatable until the level was equal for the simple fact that the players got used to the game and NiP became another team, very good, but one more

posted about 3 years ago

I think that Korea today is the 4th region, behind NA, EU and BR. But I also believe that it is the region, of these 4, with the greatest room for improvement and I think that in the long run it will be one of the regions to beat.

posted about 3 years ago

The Korean team, Damwon KIA, has signed a roster with players coming from the teams: aNg DarkHorse and Cloud9 Korea

The roster is made up of:
Lee Hate Ye-hun
Jeong RyZzi Gi-jin
Kim Secret Ha-jin
Kim Eugene Su-yeong
Kim T3xture Na-ra

Coaching staff:
Hong Eraser Chang -pyo
Son Taeri seo-jun

Can this team dethrone Vision Strikers?

Tw from DWM KIA: https://twitter.com/DWGKIA_Esports/status/1349920155501903874

posted about 3 years ago

I need someone to sign Moon Raccoons, they are very good players but they need an organization to guide them

posted about 3 years ago

Although we know that G2 Zeek is almost a fact, Mixwell in his stream left us a little parapraxis to confirm it even more.

Twitch Clip


posted about 3 years ago

Sad day

posted about 3 years ago

Nice, great roster

posted about 3 years ago

According to sources, KRÜ, Sergio "Kun" Agüero's team would be entering the Valorant. The roster would have Leobas and Klaus as its first two players.

The technical staff would be made up of: Onur, who has just won the First Strike LAS with Estral Esports and Betony, former pro player of CS, Smite, HotS and Magic.

According to rumors, others former Estral Esports players would join the team.

posted about 3 years ago

Watching him play JUGI is always great, even if it's a bit inconsistent in terms of intent and makes a few mistakes. I feel that in Valorant it will be able to stand out a lot, so I congratulate Liquid for the possible purchase. Also liquid needs to make changes and this means that they are open to making them and that is good

posted about 3 years ago

According to sources, the former Cloud9 Blue Shinobi is trialing with Equinox Esports. Opinions?

posted about 3 years ago

Yes, I remember there was talk that the team could be Rogue, but I am eager to see an official presentation

posted about 3 years ago

I need a team to sign them, they are one of the best in Europe that is still free agent

posted about 3 years ago

Maybe, best team in EU

posted about 3 years ago

Mixwell said in his stream that if no one could be IGL, he would be, but that possibly means he has to change roles and not play so much Jett. I think if he said that it means that it will probably happen, otherwise he would not have said something like that in his stream.

posted about 3 years ago

Nice, this is great to strengthen the female scene

posted about 3 years ago

He made the leak in his streaming. The team would be composed of: Ruben "RUBINO" Villarroel, Enzo "Fearoth" Mestari, Darkzone, kada and Tabz


Likewise, I accompany Ange1's words and recommend to all players that they delete LoWkii from their friend lists, to avoid these leaks since it is not the first time they have done it.

posted about 3 years ago

This was announced by one of the Biggest and most historic organizations in Latin America with a post on twitter


posted about 3 years ago

According to sources, Matias "saadhak" Delipetro (former Estral and First Strike LAS champion) will be the next player for the Brazilian Team Vikings.

posted about 3 years ago

According to our sources, the French team would already have the 5 players and the coach who would represent them in Valorant.
Vitality already had bramz and Fragon as coach. The players who would accompany them are: Ouali "M4CHINA" Manset, Lukas "feqew" Petrauskas, Vakaris "vakk" Bebravičius and Jokūbas "ceNder" Labutis

posted about 3 years ago

The former CS:GO player who was on teams like eUnited, Singularity and Chaos, announced the official change to Valorant today with a twitlonger


posted about 3 years ago

Which team will sign him? I think Fnatic or Vitality

posted about 3 years ago

He announced it today with a video on twitter


posted about 3 years ago

Yes, forget that rumor. Either one may be possible, we'll see what happens. But seeing that Vikings signed Sacy I would say that Saadhak is also going to be presented these days

posted about 3 years ago

All players remain under contract until the end of December but it seems that the team will not renew them next year. Maybe Estral wants to go back to Mexico instead of having an Argentine roster. Likewise, all the Estral players are negotiating with important teams for next year, such as Saadhak who would go to Brazil to be part of Furia. When I have more information I will post it

posted about 3 years ago

The team is made up of 4 players who come from Australs (Keznit, byrf, suther and ZakreN) and one from Furious Gaming (WKN).

With this Chilean roster, Wygers Argentina tries to position itself as one of the best teams in Latin America.


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

According to a report by Halo of Thoughts, FunPlus Phoenix have decided on Dmitriy "dimasick " Matvienko as their replacement for Johan "Meddo" Lundborg.


posted about 3 years ago

Likely related to Riot Games policies on concurrent ownership.
T1 korea dropped their roster

posted about 3 years ago
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