Flag: International
Registered: June 22, 2022
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 11:40 AM
Posts: 485
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je ne comprends pas le britanniques non plus, je ne suis pas un britannique

posted about a year ago

NAVI Ange1
NAVI Zyppan
NAVI suygetsu

facile gagner

posted about a year ago


Navi va gagner la Sao Paulo et va Γͺtre le meilleur team dans EMEA. Merci pour le discussion

posted about a year ago

Yeah no disrespect but flor would just get dunked on if she or whatever faced zekken/asuna/victor or even jawgemo or any other t1 player...

posted about a year ago

That Faze Sweag Tournament was just a reminder of me posting that thread. That point still stands. C9 wont replicate what Optic did. Thats it. There is nothing more to it yay is still the best player in the world and its gonne be like that for a while

posted about a year ago

Im being serious

posted about a year ago

Cant take this no more

posted about a year ago

Yall mfers are heartbroken, its a fucking forum website i just shared my opinion and now i have a bunch of baiters running at me for no reason πŸ’€

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Take a break for a week. It sounds ridiculous but trust me on this one. Also do consistent warmup. Consistent. Do it every day every time before you play. Never skip Preperation. Also dont autopilot. Finally, i recommend watching pro players before playing yourself, it helped me tremendously. Before i play i always watch a 5 min montage from like yay or cryo it makes you tap heads more and spray less onggg.

posted about a year ago

Not too far from reality, he used to be widely considered to be one of the best. I am obviously talking about recency, FNS is recently the best IGL because he achieved so much recently. Zombs achieved much 2 years ago

posted about a year ago

I think SEN will experience a renessaince
GE will surprise
Talon will place well
EG will do better than people expect

posted about a year ago

Achievements, personal opinion

posted about a year ago

Ofcourse they will but it wouldnt be as good as Optic yay. What is up to vlr calling me names for just pointing out an opinion

posted about a year ago

Bro youre right i worded the thread extremely badly. In my opinion yay is the best player worldwide and that will remain, Although Fns put him up for Opportunities to get into favourable gunfights and farm kills that way which i dont think will be replicated in c9. Hoping for the best tho.

posted about a year ago

Yeah I think so. Just to clarify

I love FNS, yay and Vanity

I dont think yay is only good because of FNS or vice versa

I dont think Vanity is a bad igl

I dont think yay will be a shit player, or let alone be worse individually

I dont think c9 will be shit

I literally only want to say that FNS is a Goat igl. The thread was more like a "Goodbye Optic we will never see such good strategic valorant ever again".

posted about a year ago

Good point there is nothing coming to my mind to say anything about/against it. W for a reasonable non agressive reaction compared to some other retards who are literally pointing at me for just saying that fns is a legendary igl

posted about a year ago

Its literally just using logic proactively for 5 minutes. Just watch any video of Optic from TMV or Valorant Ascended/Alchemy and my point proves as true

posted about a year ago

Dude thats not possible while babysasuke rickyindian and sheahh are on this site

posted about a year ago

Its not its just bad timing, although i waited about posting this (which i should not have). My Point still stands. Watch the Video "Optics Attack Strategy Explained" by Valorant Alchemy for a few mins.

posted about a year ago

Dude i know are you not understanding the contrast i want to make...

posted about a year ago

Dude i know are you not understanding the contrast i want to make...

posted about a year ago

But good points tho

posted about a year ago

Not as good as fns tho

posted about a year ago

What you commnted is braindead because it is statistically wrong but applying that logic TenZ without shahzam would be way better, which many vlr players believe religously

posted about a year ago

How do you have an optic flair but dont understand how their strategy even works

posted about a year ago

Alr lets see next event

posted about a year ago

He will be exactly the same, if not even better individually. Although based on team strcture he will be worse I THINK

posted about a year ago

Again i didnt watch that faze tourney.

This post doesnt discredit yay, it just shows how good of an IGL FNS was.

posted about a year ago

Bro are you braindead?

posted about a year ago

That was in T2 tournaments, look at yay now ripping on LANs as if the enemies were bronze players

posted about a year ago

Did i say hes gonna play like shit every game? OpTics entire team was built around him in the most profitable way possible. I dont think c9 will reach this kind of mastery.

posted about a year ago

Im literally just talking about how well FNS used yay up to his maximum potential, and that potential will probably never get reached again. I didnt say hes gonna go 0.5kd every map and going to get owned by every other player.

posted about a year ago

i didnt even watch that shit at all, i dont even know what team yay was on.

posted about a year ago

Im trying to say that whatever team will offer contracts, SEN will keep content GOAT and flex GOAT at any cost.

posted about a year ago

Tell me 3 IGLS in NA, fuck it, Worldwide who are better than FNS. Go.

posted about a year ago

Literally 0 correlation to that Faze whatever tourney.

C9 yay < OpTic yay
Vanity < FNS

posted about a year ago

Yeah i dont think vanity and Mce will be as good as the gigamastermind duo of FNS and Chet

posted about a year ago

Obviously 99% was a exaggarational rhetoric use of language but FNS build Optic solely around yay. For example watch Optic vs Team Liquid this Champs on map Ascent. Every round was planned for yay.

posted about a year ago

I think hell be significantly worse on C9. FNS was like 99% Of the Reason why he was a demon. Dont get me wrong im not discrediting yay in any way. He would shit on me 100 out of 100 times, but yay without FNS is like a Car without a Driver.
Goofy comparison but i dont care.

Your opinion?

posted about a year ago

There are good players in each rank everywhere. Thats how rank works. Hes gonna rank up in plat and will be only decent there

posted about a year ago

Ur shitting on Bro whos 1 year older and is like 10x as succesful 😭😭

posted about a year ago

you know sick and tarik are both on sen right?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this has to be cap there is some kind of mmr in dm

posted about a year ago

So "shit starxo" is on a playing 5 but Keznit isnt? Says a lot about the "best player in LATAM" πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

Yeah i used to play Apex and im playing OW now (Beam Heroes) and its really helping me improve my tracking.

posted about a year ago

Wait this makes me think, whoever called Tailwind "Dash" first literally changed the perspective of the game

posted about a year ago

Yeah i only use Beam Heroes in OW (Zarya, Moira doesnt really count but fuck it) and other Hitscan Laser agents such as Sojourn and that other shit. My Tracking is pretty good especially on Zarya since i live for a shitton of time and so have to worry less about missing shots.

But i dont understand good Tracer players. How. You literally need like god tracking to get value of her

posted about a year ago

Sitting on a million dollars with a LAN win πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

Where keznit?

posted about a year ago
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