Flag: India
Registered: November 24, 2021
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 9:03 AM
Posts: 858
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all this just to get owned by thais anyways

posted about a year ago

i dont think zeta crash and burn is a hot take
they are very overrated after one good run in masters meanwhile they have been dead last every other international tournament ever
zeta are the best japanese team rn (miles ahead of dfm) but I still think they are only better than dfm and rrq in the present apac league (heck a part of me thinks even rrq can beat the present zeta)

posted about a year ago

oh yea that is very braindead of him but let's see maybe they were just testing things out in lock in plus the team never even had any proper practice but this time it will be different so lets see
also to clarify prx are not bad but they are no longer dominant in apac as they were before
teams like talon,drx and geng can easily defeat them while others like secret, ge,zeta also have the potential to win against them

posted about a year ago

th? you ok lilbro? they would barely win against the old full indian ge lineup

posted about a year ago

do favelas even have computer?

posted about a year ago

this is too much copium even for you lilbro

posted about a year ago

nobody gonna watch the match everyone will be busy in chat with the indo vs india war

posted about a year ago

last I checked there is no alliance broadband in asia

posted about a year ago

prx are not that good anymore and this is a completely different GE team
texture gonna own fraudsaken

posted about a year ago

name a single spanish team that can even win a map against these 2 teams I'll wait

posted about a year ago

he is the only decent indian player so far and indians are very vocal in showing their love also he is a chill dude and lots of idiots are jealous of all the clout and hype he is getting which actually adds more to his clout

posted about a year ago

all fun and game till he ratios you back with all of his 9 alt accounts

posted about a year ago

just wait till tokyo masters and you will see how well crowds can behave

posted about a year ago

fnc, navi, vitality, liquid

posted about a year ago

skrossi also played csgo professionally later on though, but yes his playtime in cs is much less compared to other csgo pros

posted about a year ago

mid EU team? pretty sure from what we have seen so far vitality is in top 4 emea and this was the first time ever that an indian played in the international stage so for that yes 1 map is a decent achievement

posted about a year ago

yea surely content creators who are diamond and immo are better than actual pro players

posted about a year ago

and they are playing against frtt and skrossi? I mean they arent the best players but both are radiants/pros soo

posted about a year ago

skrossi won a map
singapore didnt

posted about a year ago

lilbro doesnt know pre-aiming is a thing

posted about a year ago

post approved by trembolona

posted about a year ago

ten is actually decent and very good at clutches
crow just aint good anymore

posted about a year ago

Americas:the guard roster
sscary (bleed winning ascension anyways so he will join the big leagues soon)
rawfiul (man crumbles under pressure but other than that he got cracked aim)
famouz (lacks international experience but yea he seems like a well rounded player with good aim and decent game sense)

posted about a year ago

zeta,secret and prx are not as good as you think they are
except drx,talon and edg all other apac teams except dfm are in an almost same level

posted about a year ago

and the thing is skrossi is such a humble and nice guy he doesn't deserve all this hate
sure I don't understand why he would awp as sova on attack but its not like he just bought the awp out of his own choice, pretty sure the team must have had some strats around it which unfortunately vitality didn't fall for

posted about a year ago

after seeing vitality's game today they seem like a top 4 emea team so lets see

posted about a year ago

most of these haters just jealous that their teams dont have such a huge and passionate fanbase so let it be
ignore them and move on that's all

posted about a year ago

no its a W he's tryna jinx

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yea I just saw his account
he is the matrix confirmed

posted about a year ago

man knows something that we dont

posted about a year ago

who tf still has perfect pickems and HOW

posted about a year ago

aged real fine

posted about a year ago

wait india has more champions than NA then

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

known to be a racist

posted about a year ago

if you guys have so much in common with indian culture and mythology why tf are indos so toxic to indians in general? I once saw an indo twitter page specifically made to make fun of indians and hinduism (not vlr related)

posted about a year ago

I hope you don't have mirrors in your house then

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

portugal doesnt even have their own vrl lilbro

posted about a year ago

saw Ge 19-7 talon too

posted about a year ago

im sure you must be bright in studies

posted about a year ago

most likely will be playing initiator I think

posted about a year ago

the huge stadiums and other halls in india are too expensive for small indie company like rito so i dont think so but if it does happen then it'll be a banger for sure

posted about a year ago

ever wondered why indians are getting those jobs and not americans? 🤓

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

more like vietnam needs india's support to stay relevant in the scene

posted about a year ago

better than rrq cope

posted about a year ago

more indian players than malaysians in franchise cope

posted about a year ago
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