Flag: Finland
Registered: May 2, 2022
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 5:26 PM
Posts: 158
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loud got 2nd in m1, in m2 they got grouped. could happen again, maybe a runner-up curse in the making?

posted about a year ago

you know what, respect

posted about a year ago

Xset being the most boring is actually so correct, lol

posted about a year ago

M3C hopium

posted about a year ago

best take ive seen on this site

posted about a year ago

yep, talking about asia as a whole and ignoring the apac & east split while talking about NA and SA as fully separate is some prime american self-centeredness. the americas have 7 slots, asia has 6.

posted about a year ago

u mean champs?

posted about a year ago

m3c my beloved

posted about a year ago

bro i have no clue abt the context either but even still i know that to comment sth like this is plain stupid and misses the point

posted about a year ago

that'd be fire i'd buy the whole bundle

posted about a year ago

TMV actually the best

posted about a year ago

this is literally not at all what happens, take a look at emea rosters and see how many nationalities are represented in just a few teams. its completely normal for all 5 players to be from different countries.

posted about a year ago

ice cold response, w

posted about a year ago

leave it to vlr to cry about a competitive esports scene lmao. no one's stomping this event and that's objectively amazing

posted about a year ago

love that every other region is basically set (other than LATAM), and then all of EMEA is just in shambles and nothing's guaranteed and everyone's qualification requirements are so complicated

posted about a year ago

how you feeling on this fine day, sir?

posted about a year ago

staying consistent is difficult, that's what makes it so entertaining to watch. it's not even that loud or optic played like shit (sure, yay had an off day but the maps were close), the other teams are just also very very good at the game

posted about a year ago

Title. Why are so many people so disproportionately angry about this, that the two finalists from last time are facing an elimination match this early? It just shows the scene is healthy and competitive. I think it's amazing to not have the same people playing for every title, you really have to work your way through the brackets and deserve the trophy. Makes everything so much more enjoyable to watch!

I understand frustration over LOUD having to play through the groups despite being dominant at home, because that seeding was out of their hands and I agree it's a stupid system. But other than that, you really just have to earn your spot and keep performing, can't expect one good tournament to grant you consistent top placements. There's a lot of competition internationally, the game is constantly evolving, and you have to stay on top of that if you truly want to keep calling yourself the best. It's literally just healthy for the sport.

posted about a year ago

the scene is growing, other teams are getting better. c9w losing matches and having to work harder for success than before is amazingly healthy for the scene, and as much as i love them, im happy to see this!

posted about a year ago

yeah and he himself tweeted something about "watching" this tournament, so... don't think he'll be there

posted about a year ago

F/A GC teams around the world have some incredible names

posted about a year ago

understandable. i really enjoyed my IB experience, but that had a lot to do with the fact that the IB section in my school was rly small and our class was very tight-knit. made all the pain bearable lol

posted about a year ago

for every subject you take (typically 6 but max 7), you have to do what is called an Internal Assessment (IA), or an equivalent but differently named assignment for languages, and the grade from that is a part of your final grade, along with the final exam grade. idk if this is very different from other systems across the world, but here in Finland at the "regular" high school, only the final exam grade matters for the diploma grade so that was very different for me.
There's also what's called CAS (creativity, action, service), where you have to do 50h of extracurricular stuff for each of those categories, so 150h total. you do this over the 2 years of the diploma programme, and then you have to write short reflections after.
Another big thing is the Extended Essay (EE), which is a 4000 word essay you need to write about a topic of your choice (for example, i wrote mine on the portrayal and representation of mental illnesses in two sitcom shows) and that also gets graded for your final diploma
The last one i can think of now is TOK (Theory of Knowledge), which is an extra subject mandatory for all IB students and is... the definition of wacky, really. think philosophy but on drugs, and specifically about what it means to know something and how knowledge can be defined. it has its own graded assignments, which are notoriously difficult.

the only costs i had were the final exam fees (about 500€), but high school in general is free in finland so that's why. some IB schools around the world have super high tuition fees.

EDIT: oh and a big thing is that the IB is only offered in a few languages worldwide, so despite living in finland and speaking finnish natively, taking the IB meant i had to do high school in english (and study english as if it was my native language instead of a foreign one like i had until that point in middle and elementary school). as a result i have a "bilingual diploma" which acknowledges my fluency in english and would enable me to skip a language test if i were to apply to a university in an english-speaking country.

posted about a year ago

IB is International Baccalaureate, an international high school system used in various schools all over the world. It has a lot of wacky "special" assignments, subjects and requirements for completion, and it's very academically demanding.

  • IB2020 graduate
posted about a year ago

as others have said, this is definitely true right now and will probably be true for a while still, but i think (and hope) that it really is just a temporary issue and that as the GC scene grows (since we are barely 2 years into the game being live and even less time for the current competitive structures being in place), the issues will disappear as GC teams and players manage to climb their way up to the top

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

finnish team to stop them all ayo

posted about a year ago

W post, like the analysis

posted about 2 years ago

fair enough, would love to see that matchup

posted about 2 years ago

what makes you think so? i'm curious

posted about 2 years ago

Last week there was a thread here discussing which is better right now, c9w or c9a. I think that discussion has now been settled: c9w beat oni 2-0 last friday (and in no uncertain numbers), and oni already took one map from c9a in their currently ongoing matchup. The last map is still underway and it's looking fairly tight.

edit: c9a just lost the match 1-2

posted about 2 years ago

if they have practiced tactics and setups, surely the terminology related to those is easy to pick up quick. im sure it wont be a big problem

posted about 2 years ago

theyre streaming open quals now and they have at least 10k fewer viewers than during the GC finals.

posted about 2 years ago

there's one happening towards the end of the year, isnt there?

posted about 2 years ago

actually criminal that this isnt being streamed

posted about 2 years ago

maybe they should just full save pistol and 2nd round to get an economy boost if theyre gonna lose those anyway
edit: or fullsave 1st and force 2nd
edit2: nvm they just won a pistol

posted about 2 years ago

sometimes the chemistry just isnt there between players, we dont know what was going on

posted about 2 years ago

can't believe you did me dirty like this, i was just trying to help you out :(

posted about 2 years ago

thanks for the tip! thats cool

posted about 2 years ago

messed up your negation there bestie, you accidentally implied you are not pro-equality. we wouldnt want that, would we?

posted about 2 years ago

EMEA: fnatic m3c liquid
NA: c9w and optic

  • after their reykjavik run im a fan of anything ZETA does
posted about 2 years ago

in case youre serious (and curious), its about regional league teams in the german regional league :)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

huffing that c9w hopium but its gonna be a tough match

posted about 2 years ago

top 15 is a big stretch imo (and i say this as a c9w fan), but seeing as they did just get to ro32 + 8 teams have already qualified, top 40 is for sure. possibly around the top 30 range others have been discussing, will have to see how they measure up in their next match!

posted about 2 years ago

did you watch their match just now? definitely not just "mel and friends"

posted about 2 years ago
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