Flag: South Korea
Registered: August 31, 2021
Last post: February 19, 2024 at 11:54 PM
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Yep. People call DRX bad but that's just their bias overruling their ability to think clearly. DRX is consistently good and at an international level. They may not be the best, but that doesn't automatically mean they're bad. DRX is a really good team and they've been so for a very long time. Honestly, I feel worse for the haters than I do for DRX. DRX is accomplishing a lot for their age and they're successful at what they want to do. But the ones with hate boners? It must be a really boring and sad life to drive them to the point where this is what they do in their spare time.

posted about a year ago

Sad to see hate boners for DRX but otherwise doing fine. Besides, it says more about them than DRX or DRX's fans. I hope you're doing good as well.

posted about a year ago

I already responded to this guy on this exact topic. Waste of breath.

posted about a year ago

Wouldn't even be surprising either.

posted about a year ago

I'm on the hype train. Not the overhype train.

posted about a year ago

well yeah, hiking is a recreational activity. I wouldn't classify it as a sport. But I wouldn't be surprised if there were some league or association or something else out there for it.

posted about a year ago

There's definitely a sport for hiking out there somewhere. I swear there's a sport for everything. I mean there are competitive hiking events. But when I brought it up I meant it as a physical activity I found fun. Like, I've done a lot of sports I haven't found fun. Some of the most boring years of my life were when I did fencing and cross country/track competitively. And I'm not as into archery or baseball as some of my other family members are.

posted about a year ago

nah, badminton is great. Racquetball is fun too. And tennis and volleyball. A good hike or climb is great too.

posted about a year ago

bro badminton is so fun. If I didn't swim I would 100% play badminton. It's definitely one of my favorite sports to play. You have great taste.

posted about a year ago

thanks man lmao

posted about a year ago

I like swimming. I'm on the swim team so I swim like 2 or 3 hours a day with additional dryland while traveling to competitions and doing outside workouts, so you kind of have to like it to do it. I enjoy watching the Olympics, especially the USA swimmers since I enjoy watching Katie Ledecky, Bobby Finke, Caeleb Dressel, Zach Apple, etc. And if there's a Korean swimmer then them too. I think I recall watching 황선우 and 이주호 swim at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

posted about a year ago

EDG is not a contender for second in all of Asia (yet). They need to prove themselves against international competition for that. They're good, but this Champions will let us see specifically how good.

posted about a year ago

What's that Studio C quote?

"You can't break what's already broken."

that quote basically embodies DRX fans...

posted about a year ago

Says Mr. Top G BR with one post and who had his account created today.

Country: Brazil
Registered: August 19, 2022
Last post: August 19, 2022 at 8:28 PM
Posts: 1

posted about a year ago

yayyyy cgi good guy beat cgi bad guy let's gooooooooo

yep, we don't watch because we don't know what's going to happen. We watch in spite of that, or in the case of superhero movies, for that.

posted about a year ago

Exactly, there's a difference between rooting for a team to win it all and believing a team is actually going to win it all. Beyond a few fans that genuinely overhype DRX, I don't think most of us are the latter. DRX haters just assume all of us are. Sure we're sad they lose, but we're not entirely shocked. People overreact to the small minority, loud as they may be. Teams like EDG and 100T are the ones receiving the majority of the attention. In fact, I've probably heard more about Furia and "the second superteam of Brazil" compared to DRX over the course of the last few weeks.

edit: i accidentally wrote former instead of latter

posted about a year ago

I'd like to see DRX give themselves a chance during Champions

posted about a year ago

I clicked on this because I thought SA meant South America, because of the LATAM Game Changers... :(

definitely an unwelcome surprise

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I don't insult teams, I insult people. I only went after Sentinels this time because he started it and I'm petty. I'm not some saint. I'm not trying to act like I'm somehow superior to him. I simply wanted to let him know that two can play at that game. But I'm done now.

posted about a year ago

Sen can't make it to playoffs in their own region. They go out 0-5 in their own regional group stage that they barely qualified for even with a bye. And in the group stage that they did qualify for they bombed out 0-2. They lost to V1 and Guard. V1 didn't qualify (they lost the next match against a team that also didn't qualify (no hate to C9, I love C9)) and DRX made it farther than Guard did in Reykjavik. Sen hasn't qualified for a single international event this year and they didn't even come close a single time.

posted about a year ago

no, they wouldn't, because they wouldn't beat DRX. In fact, even if DRX didn't exist I still doubt they could. At least On Sla2ers came second in LCQ. Your argument may work if Sen just barely didn't make international events, but no, they haven't. Sen is not even remotely international material, even if they were to compete in APAC/Korea. I understand that Korea is a weaker region than NA, but that doesn't matter because Sen would lose even there. Stop coping.

"Sen would qualify for every event in Korea because Korea is dogshit." Perhaps if Sen were actually still good and achieving any sort of result then I could see a world where they would qualify if they played in Korea. But no, you're just wrong, let me remind you of some Sen facts.

Sen barely got top 5 in LCQ. You're hung up over a win that they've won a year ago when they couldn't even get past groups in the last Champions. Sure at that tournament, DRX didn't either, but since that champions, Sen has not ever made another international appearance because they couldn't qualify. In fact, they didn't even come close. In the last three months, out of eight games, Sen has won one.

They went out 0-5 in NA's group stage. Don't come talking to me about DRX underperforming in playoffs when Sen can't even make it to playoffs in their own region. In fact, they barely even qualified for the group stage in the first place. Sen lost the open qualifier even with a bye. And in the next open qualifier, they lost again and had to qualify through the lower bracket. And then they went 0-5 in the group stage. They won 1 map in five matches. It was 1-10. -48 Round differential. And you talk about Korea being dogshit.

In the VCT before that, they barely passed group stage with a 3-2 record and then proceeded to completely bomb out of playoffs 0-2. Who underperforms in playoffs again? Sentinels. At least DRX are losing to teams like FPX and Optic. Sen got doggied by Guard and V1. DRX made it farther than Guard, and V1 didn't even qualify for Reykjavik. At least DRX makes it out of groups. At least DRX wins a match or two in playoffs. At least DRX lose on a world stage.

Sen can't qualify for anything by themselves, they had to rely on other teams underperforming and bombing out for them to even get a chance. And when they did get a chance they still didn't achieve anything.

And don't use that "Sen third best in LCQ pepega" logic. Just because Sen lost to 100T and Guard doesn't mean that they're somehow third place in the tournament. It means that they're worse than 100T and Guard. 100T and Guard were even in worse form playing Sen and still won. You know who else got eliminated by 100T and Guard? C9 and Faze. And in the end, it still doesn't matter because 1. they still lost and 2. they didn't qualify (again, at all this year).

Don't come to me with that "your argument is flawed" when you're the delusional one.

It's fine to support your own team through the ups and downs but don't try to shit on mine when I'm doing the same thing.

posted about a year ago

bros going to the forever sleep. Welcome to the shadow realm Jimbo.

posted about a year ago

stop living in the past, DRX has made playoffs in tournaments Sen weren't even qualified to compete in.

plus I talked about group stage DRX. Even I'm not high enough to say anything for playoff stage :(

posted about a year ago

sentinels don't perform period

posted about a year ago

Group D doesn't stand for death, it stands for DRX!!!

proceeds to aggressively inhale hopium

posted about a year ago

haven't put much thought into it but I feel it's def a viper map

posted about a year ago

Zeta has a sub, they need the support more I reckon. But PRX from what I heard definitely won't make franchising. This might be the last international event in which we see this PRX, either org-wise, roster-wise, etc. I would say do both flairs. Change them intermittently.

posted about a year ago

the music of Minecraft actually slaps unironically. During late nights it's one of my go-to's.

posted about a year ago

Everything - 검정치마

maybe later some Slackjaw or Lorna Shore when I'm working out.

posted about a year ago

yeah, I got my name changed by asking mods in the VLR discord, I'm sure you can do the same.

posted about a year ago

All good man. DRX's time will come eventually. It may not be today, and it may not be tomorrow, but I believe. They have been incredibly consistent and driven. I'm sure one day in the future they will hold a trophy. And I will support them throughout their journey.

posted about a year ago

Pretty big W from Riot. Looks like the Tier 2 scene will be fine and that Riot has listened to the concerns. This is good. I'm excited for the future of Valorant.

posted about a year ago

This is really good. Rito W, glad they and the players are doing this.

posted about a year ago

man... hoping everything works out for them

posted about a year ago


hope you have a good one!

posted about a year ago


they'll be back stronger, no doubt. Waiting for that VCT Game Changers.

posted about a year ago

you're right, the instant I stepped foot in VLR, my descent into toxicity and rage was inevitable. I've become my worst nightmare :(

posted about a year ago

you can get a name change by going to the VLR discord and asking. I had my name changed as well, relatively early into my activity. In fact, I think one of my first posts was thanking Purest for changing my name.

posted about a year ago

twitter is cancer anyways. Actually social media in general is. I only use it when I have to ngl. I feel like if I use it for a prolonged amount of time I will become a toxic angry person lmao.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

that was a different roster though

posted about a year ago

Not bad. The grind don't stop though. Hope you're having a good time as well.

posted about a year ago

fair enough, I hate hypocrisy too. I believe that it's not a good mindset for any pro to have their first priority be streaming over all else, but I honestly don't know if Shahz is that kind of person or not. And I'm not going to go looking for a reason to hate him so all good lmao. I'm sure he's a great dude. But yeah you have a point, there are some obsessive haters out there who get off on being pathetic and desperate, and those people are irritating. I see why you'd also be frustrated when someone you support is consistently a huge target of that, and I get why you would defend him against that.

posted about a year ago

haha, thanks my guy but you don't have to worry about me. I doubt anything on this forum would faze me, plus I've been here a while so it's not anything new. But thanks for the concern. I wrote what I did because I wanted to and because I had time, I don't care about what others say, think, or want lol.

posted about a year ago

no, it was a joke lmao, all chill. We're supportive here, helping a bro live a better lifestyle and grind. I and no one else thought you were public shaming. We're just giving Mjtchell extra motivation and you just asked a solid question. You don't need to be sorry, we all good. Your point was a valid one too.

edit: i in no way meant to say nor imply that you were publicly shaming him, my bad if it came across that way. What I mean was that getting others to hold him accountable would be a lot more effective than a reminder to himself, which is why he chose this option.

posted about a year ago

LMFAO yeah whatever works works lol. At least you're aware of it and being smart about it. Plus you're using it as motivation for one of the best purposes out there. respect.

posted about a year ago
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