Flag: International
Registered: February 4, 2023
Last post: August 3, 2023 at 3:37 PM
Posts: 5993
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true, at this point it's just a game of he said she said, it's pointless.

posted about a year ago

exactly, it's just a couple of kids butthurt to one another that make all of this, I literally call soulstalker from the start when he was making that shit, there's also a lot of indian users already calling soulstalker when he was doing that india fakeflagging post too, stop generalizing indos that "oh I see one indo doing this that means the entire community is toxic against indians" that's exactly what are they trying to achieve.

posted about a year ago

I never said that lmao, talk about strawmanning. this indo vs india "banter" is just pathetic from the start, just turn from banter into racist shitfest

posted about a year ago

I bet you also an indian fakeflagger, smh the cycle hell of doom starts again

posted about a year ago

isn't it all started because of that legendary AE vs GE match thread?

posted about a year ago

true, but it's getting a bit too toxic, indians creating fakeflagger indo account (lolmao) just to make indo look bad just like how previously indos making fakeflagger india account (soulstalker) just to make india look bad, making the two community polarize when in reality is just a bunch of same dude making fake acc to one another, making the community became a bit too hostile to one another, kinda sad tbh but I guess at the end of the day it's just kids butthurt over ppl on the internet, better just to ignore them I guess

posted about a year ago

A couple of Indias too salty they dont get any attention so they make threads about Indos bc they so obsessed wuth Indian men. Kinda weird but I shouldn't be kink shaming.

basically both region sucks anyway who cares

posted about a year ago

wait really? I have a relatively high sens (0.4 1600) and I love control pads

posted about a year ago

vlr users are filled with overreacting kids smh

posted about a year ago

L yall don't have trembo brazil clears india

posted about a year ago

i heard that some really important news will be shared during this conference.

posted about a year ago

nah I'm exactly like you lmao

posted about a year ago

plot twist: he jerk you off or that photo is your hand

posted about a year ago

you don't understand that ppl can jerk off with their left hand?

posted about a year ago

VIT lose to GE
SKRossi will show why is he the goat

posted about a year ago

who do people always try @-ing someone in here like it's twitter lmao

posted about a year ago

now this is gotta be racially motivated fr

posted about a year ago

nah for me it needs to be at least 5 year ban, and the ban can be lifted when he left the pacific league so GE can win the league πŸ‡³πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡³πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡³πŸ‡ͺ

posted about a year ago

SKRossi clears Dorke

posted about a year ago

NA Immortal is like plat on Mumbai

posted about a year ago

who cares about scrims zzzz

posted about a year ago

east asian*
if I see a brown dude with that haircut I'll be laughing my ass off

posted about a year ago

SKRossi will own dorke

posted about a year ago

bro stop πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

1600 0.38
my sens keep getting higher and higher these days 😭

posted about a year ago

nah genesis 100% clears die for you, you have bad taste lmao

posted about a year ago

honestly the game is mid, maybe I'm not that much of a harry potter fan, also who tf actually cares about a game journalist article, half of them can't even play a game πŸ—Ώ

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

unironically SKRossi

posted about a year ago

come to brazil or brazil will come to you

posted about a year ago

RRQ clears FUT 13-0

posted about a year ago

For the one who say Indo throwing, OFC we’re not. All off us alrdy badmood because of the delay and we all cant play bcs off loss and hi ping, if u say its excuses its up to you, we just play rush like throw bcs if we take 1v1 we cant win the fight there.

posted about a year ago

ngl I forgot that karmine corp exists

posted about a year ago

bro istg ppl won't mad when someone literally advertise their stuff in here or literally talking about their wet dream, but when someone talk about CS ppl wild about that, why lmao, it's not like he don't put it on off topic

posted about a year ago

bro the turret has like 1000 hp

posted about a year ago

least insane brazillian

posted about a year ago

SKRossi clears all of them

posted about a year ago

it's mostly Indonesian themselves who are shitting on it and trying to be edgy I guess, to me it's a bit cringe tbh, but I've seen worse.

posted about a year ago

them lips be goofy af

posted about a year ago

f0rsaken is not better than jinggg, those indogs brainwashed you to think otherwise

also shao and suygetsu should be much higher

posted about a year ago

me when I'm in a overrating nAts competition and my opponent is shitmea fan 😱

posted about a year ago

istg people just forget that jinggg exists when making these lists

posted about a year ago

it's confirmed for pacific that it's gonna be a 10 team tournament, with all of the 10 leagues will be sending only one team

posted about a year ago

good obv, more players = more money = the development of the replay system

posted about a year ago

in a dream

posted about a year ago

W lezgoo

posted about a year ago

bro already relapsed πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

a trophy lmao

posted about a year ago
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