Flag: United States
Registered: May 8, 2022
Last post: May 9, 2024 at 10:09 PM
Posts: 67
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99% of people celebrate silently and non-toxically, and you never hear them do so.
The minority of toxic people will likely be the ones who write a post.
Remember that their behavior doesn't reflect on the 99% of us who lur, and aren't toxic, but rather, only themselves.

posted about a year ago

NA can dab on all the haters

posted about a year ago

EXCELLENT PERFORMANCE by the goat team on the map bind, team optic gaming
marved can dab on the haters
yay can dab on the haters
FNS master class IGLing
2-1 victory for optic geee gee

posted about a year ago

xset can dab on the haters
xset might just.. win the whole thing!

posted about a year ago

scream is about to dab on all the haters

posted about a year ago

easy 2-0 by deph and his merry squad
XSET can dab on the haters
NA will dab on the haters this whole tournament

posted about a year ago

Yep you called it.
It wasn't what the delusional people who downboated you wanted to hear
But that didn't make you any less right..!

posted about a year ago

Exactly. this is strictly a good move, I think
They didn't stand a chance of winning to begin with, so instead of having some fun, why not have EXTRA fun and do something that's good for publicity, views, and franchising?

posted about a year ago

time for GOD JUGi to dab on the haters!
3... 2... 1... FOKUS!

posted about a year ago

let's go GOD JUGi
I know they probably can't make playoffs.
but still, if they're playing with less pressure they might make magic happen.
3 2 1

posted about 2 years ago

thank you.
but may I ask why do you think I can't be a fan of FOKUS?

posted about 2 years ago

I mean, what can SEN accomplish at this point?

And now they play even better teams than the first few games

So because of that.. I agree with you, they might actually have a shot at winning because they have nothing to lose now. They might play more relaxed, they'll play better because of that

posted about 2 years ago

come on JUGi let's goo

posted about 2 years ago

I'm sure we all want to be like "curry bad"
But for C9 to have even gotten one map off of optic after making a roster change? I feel like we should respect that..!

posted about 2 years ago

let's go SEN!!
time for the GOAT TenZ to show EG how to play ascent and icebox
(fracture unneeded because 2-0 of course..!)

posted about 2 years ago

let's go FOKUS!!
JUGi will dab on the haters

posted about 2 years ago
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