Flag: United States
Registered: September 4, 2022
Last post: April 28, 2024 at 11:48 PM
Posts: 153
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i gotta root for my fellow yellows LET'S GO EDG!!! πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³

posted about a year ago

there he is!

posted about a year ago

i love sully and upmind, they always bring great energy!

posted about a year ago

i don't see it happening

posted about a year ago

how do you come to this conclusion--about the most consistent international player in 2022--just from one 10 mans game? i'm sure he's fine.

posted about a year ago

happy birthday!!!

posted about a year ago

common poised W

posted about a year ago

this is a good point- i remember meL (when on c9 white still) talking about how she was really disappointed that only a few GC teams were playing in one of the open qualis in 2022, yet they were so quick to sign up for GC. playing in co-ed tournies helps miles more with improvement.

eg having a failed co-ed roster definitely does not help

posted about a year ago

it's as simple as less girls play games

it's very normalized for a young boy to be playing video games, not so much young girls. so girls will usually start a lot later, hindering their full potential. that's the main reason. little things also play a part. toxicity and sexism in a male-dominated esport can be demoralizing.

in an ideal world, you put all the best players in their respective roles on one team. but there's so much more that goes into it; chemistry, playstyle, personality, etc. women don't have as big of a player pool to choose from. there's only a few decent initiators, igls, etc. compared to a normal scene where there are way more great players. more player options = higher likelihood of creating a team that has good synergy on top of skill. that's why v1's "super team" is skill based but the synergy needs time to develop.

it's not a coincidence that valorant, the first esport to invest this much in a women's scene (GC) also has the most success with women as v1 made ro32 in the open qualifier. not very impressive for a normal team, but the most a women's team has ever done. if this keeps up, valorant will be the first esport for women to break into the t2, and eventually (idk when) t1 scene.

posted about a year ago

this happens every game to every player who pops off

posted about a year ago

a lot of players have had their pop off moments this tourney, but not all of them can be t1. too many good players

posted about a year ago

getting mad from seeing people support their favorite teams is weird bro. i'm obviously mad writing these paragraphs, but if you were chilling you wouldn't be responding to me lol

posted about a year ago

we're both mad

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you're the mad one writing a whole ass paragraph under a comment talking about supporting women lol

posted about a year ago

idk how well they'll do overall, but I think they'll do better than c9w. c9w made it to ro32 as their peak with a 2-year roster, v1 made it to ro32 with 2 weeks of prac

posted about a year ago

i also just don't know what your point is. if your point is that you think people rooting for bad teams is cringe, that's just a personal problem. no one else finds it cringe

posted about a year ago

i think you're confusing hopium with genuine delusion. the most delusional replies I can see in that thread are:

"I believe in the florescent + mel special"
"This is actualy going to be a lot closer than yall are expecting just wait" (or something close to this)'

the first one is literally completely normal fan behavior. fans keep believing even if they think their team is going to lose. that's literally what a fan does.

the second one is more delusional. but it's also completely normal in the scene lmao, idk why you're so mad when people overrate v1 when SO many teams over the past 2 years have been overrated. heck, tsm had tons of fans smoking insane copium when they were at their worst in 2021. this is just esports, or any competition in general.

posted about a year ago

1) i never downvoted anyone who said v1 would lose lmao, i said myself that i didn't think v1 would win. i can't blame anyone for thinking the same.
2) I wouldn't be saying v1 would win against gambit, but i'd still root for v1 because I want them to do well. i can root for a team while still being realistic and accepting that they'll lose.

only delusional people are saying "v1 is the best, they're beating nrg/sen/c9! top 5 na team!!" the majority of v1 fans, including myself, just want them to do well. i only downvote blatantly sexist remarks, i don't downvote people who say plainly that v1 isn't good.

posted about a year ago

"people are hating because other users here are always overrating every gc team against a male team, and anyone that disagrees is wrong." this wasn't your point?

people (including myself) are just happy about the improvement of women in the scene. i never expected them to win, but I'm cheering them on anyways, who cares? people enjoy rooting for their favorite teams and they hype them up, it's normal even if it's not realistic.

posted about a year ago

they would've hated even if they weren't overrating v1.

posted about a year ago

ill take ro32. that ties the best c9w ever did, and this is with a 2 week roster which gives high hopes for the future. itll take a long time for a GC team to make it further in open qualis, but v1 has the talent and passion rn, they're the ones with the best chance to do it.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

from what i've seen, she's one of the top igls in the gc scene (if not the top) and from the outside we can't tell exactly what she contributes. but through interviews/streams you can tell she's extremely passionate. as was c9w as a whole. she's extremely vocal in games and does analysis and stuff on stream, seems to have a great mind for the game

posted about a year ago

stream halazia by ateez and lsf antifragile to win

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

honestly girls win either way so im happy but please v1

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pull up the stream meL, please

posted about a year ago

i found the playlist with 101 songs on spotify, how do I find the graphic with the top 5 artists/song?

posted about a year ago

non-binary isn't a sexuality lmao

posted about a year ago

i don't particularly enjoy either tbh, but I respect the sports. i'm impatient; American football gets stopped like every 10 seconds, football they only score a few times a game usually. so I enjoy basketball where it's faster paced and high scoring

posted about a year ago

Thats so awesome to hear lets gooo

posted about a year ago

i don't think she competed in 2021 right? isn't she relatively new to the roster?

posted about a year ago

fyi: just because someone's an igl doesn't make them a good igl. fns' calling led his team to three straight masters in 2022 and a win in iceland. a top tier igl is important; mechanics are the last thing he needs to contribute for his role.

posted about a year ago

well cryo's literally on nade's team, he wouldn't outright say yay's better even though we probably all know he is. but cryo's still a great player, esp for a team like 100t

posted about a year ago

that was ONE person and y'all got so mad seeing people hype up gc players

posted about a year ago

that was one person and you got so annoyed you made an entire thread about it?

posted about a year ago
ik im boutta get roasted, not my favorites but I think u might like them ? my taste seems to be a lot different than yours based on this thread

posted about a year ago

he igls, but he's not one of the best itw at it

posted about a year ago

valorant hasn't been out long enough for there to be a goat yet

posted about a year ago

this is so amazing to see, keep it up you're doing great

posted about a year ago

L c9w 6/10

posted about a year ago

yes, flor is trans. GC isn't just for women, it's for marginalized genders as well (anyone who isn't a cis man basically)

posted about a year ago

dephh or fns are a tier above the rest imo

posted about a year ago

that is true. i would like to see them compete in those more consistently to improve

posted about a year ago
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