Styx Aiden Muliett
Flag: Canada
Registered: March 8, 2021
Last post: February 15, 2024 at 7:50 PM
Posts: 447
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Yes i’ve heard the clip, in no way is what was said/done right and I fully understand where your coming from. But when he’s admitted his wrongs and released his statement. When his statement doesn’t match hers at all, there seems to be two sides to the story that don’t line up. It seems a little weird and you can’t REALLY tell who’s lying and who’s not.

posted about 3 years ago

I’m not saying that rape or sexual harassment is in any way okay because it’s not. But when looking at facts and the legal process, if he is not found guilty than he is obviously not what they said he was.

posted about 3 years ago

If the case sits infront of a court of law and the audio clip is used as evidence against sinatraa. If the judge and jury vote that sinatraa is innocent than there really isn’t much more to say. You can keep accusing but it’s not gonna change anything. You can call him a bad person yes, but he’s not a pedo/rapist if he wasn’t found guilty/charged.

posted about 3 years ago

braindead, if he's proven to be not guilty. Then he is not guilty.............. simple

posted about 3 years ago

I mean that's kinda what copying is.. but my op still stands, I think the teams won't copy and will create there own style.

posted about 3 years ago

I disagree, with an always changing game the teams need to keep changing/adapting to new strats. If you play the same you will get counter stratted so easily. These teams will always change playstyle/comp to try and be unreadable.

posted about 3 years ago

Dapr's sova against T1 on icebox. Definitely a player to watch in NA for sova

posted about 3 years ago

If jammpi doesn't dash/updraft into the enemy than Liquid will have a chance. If jammpi plays dumb... 2-0 FPX.

posted about 3 years ago

SEN 2-0 V1. I think SEN is overall a better team and has more practice with a full roster. With V1 adding wippie it might be a rough start for them. Definitely a rough match for match one in finals

posted about 3 years ago

XSET 2-1 NRG. Both teams are great but XSET seems to work better as a team, can play differently at any given point and is a lot harder to read. It will definitely be a good match to watch though.

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like losing to ABX in R1 and not making challengers 1 has given them more to fight for. They are using their losses as energy and they keep fighting back. Look how they were against T1, they were down horribly but came back to win 2 back to back games. It proves they still have the fight that they had in Masters. 100T has a better track record in previous games, but SEN can change how a match is and find drive when it seems like they've lost.

posted about 3 years ago

Still works after 12 years tho...

posted about 3 years ago

SEN 3-2 100T

Both are very strong teams but I feel like SEN wants it more, to prove that they still are the best team in NA after Masters 1.

posted about 3 years ago

I hope so, took a lot to guess on this match 🙏

posted about 3 years ago

Soon enough people will just comment

2-1 100T // 2-0 100T // 2-1 ABX // 2-0 ABX

then say there right everytime

posted about 3 years ago

NV vs C9

C9 win 2-1.

Based on how C9 has played during this qualifier, I believe that they could beat NV who haven't played in 2ish weeks. They will be a bit dry going into the match

posted about 3 years ago

That didn't end up happening (as of the start of map 2). They want to prove a point and will take an easier first game of Challengers Finals.

posted about 3 years ago

Let's look at ABX and SEN in Lower Bracket Semis. Vice only carried on 1/3 maps. His performance on the other 2 was very poor. Mostly it was Mada and yay who took the team on their back. Granted it was a game where SicK decided to turn it on but it still remains. His viper/sova performance is bad and there were better options ABX could have went for.

posted about 3 years ago

Sentinels will either do a tactical throw (5Head) and lower TenZ buyout and defeat one of their hardest competitions of NV in finals. Or win and take an easier first game against V1.

posted about 3 years ago

100T 2-1 ABX. Unless Mada pops 100T win in all scenarios. Vice kinda dragging the team down in my opinion. C9 dropped him for a reason, ABX should've let him remain a free agent.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Unlucky really

posted about 3 years ago

U guys rlly sleeping on Korea. Vision Strikers gonna dominate both scenes. There performance in Korea is really strong.

posted about 3 years ago

I mean look at the teams left in qual 2. LG, FaZe, Gen.G and MAYBE TSM (not really) all have the talent on the teams to beat SEN. Plus recently we have seen a lot of T2 players that have been popping off in challengers and other tourneys so we can't really underestimate these T2 orgs. Im not saying that SEN don't have a good change at qualifying but if a T2 org has a good series, than SEN might be done.

posted about 3 years ago

Shaz is an amazing IGL but I feel like these t2 orgs/teams lowkey treat these games as pubs and kinda run around with random strats. Shaz can't study anything and these teams have all the footage in the world to study. So I mean an upset could be in the near future.

posted about 3 years ago

Update drivers, Uninstall and reinstall graphics card. Search on google for solutions, if all fails. gg go next

posted about 3 years ago

uninstall and reinstall?

posted about 3 years ago

I feel an upset coming.

posted about 3 years ago

TSM is not gonna qual for next challengers. The team seems to be falling apart. Id say who quals for playoffs is

C9 or LG

posted about 3 years ago

I feel like SEN won't qualify for masters. There all mechanically great players and know how to play the game well. They seem to have a very big ego and it seems like they've been taking T2 teams lightly. WIth no change in play style and the ego it will be the fall of SEN. I could be very wrong but that's my take.

posted about 3 years ago

I think it could be 1 of these 5 teams.


NV or XSET is based on the day, even tho NV was trolling against XSET. I feel like XSET has the potential to upset NV and take the W.

posted about 3 years ago

NRG is a T1 team but they seem to be going through a rough patch though. T1 is technically a T1 team but has been playing like a T2-T3 team recently.

posted about 3 years ago

tbh, Sinatraa isn't as good of a player as everyone thinks. He is a odin sova player and imo there are so many players better than him. ie Sick, Asuna, dicey etc.

posted about 3 years ago
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