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Registered: March 13, 2022
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 1:50 PM
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It was about establishing supremacy in the whole EU vs Br thingy.
Good game, hopefully liquid realises their mistakes and I mean Scream and Nivera fast so they play it empty stomach, without food and water so GGs.
Liquid have known to be a lower bracket demons so let's see how far it squares

posted about 2 years ago

Had some people telling they threw.
All I'm saying is when FNatic lost people rightfully did not troll them as their situation was understandable, but they should with other such teams who face the same burnout as Zeta.
Hey riot fix your schedule!

posted about 2 years ago

Yes they made some fundamental mistakes. But their rounds were honestly a thing of beauty to watch on split attack.
I and perhaps everyone expected the result of G2 winning.
Zeta did extremely well for their bracket. They had to play 3 days continuously, practice three different teams, watch vods, prepare anti strats and come in.
Taking that in consideration, they did well!

posted about 2 years ago

All roles set well, I just don't know about Bang on smokes.
But then again sgares and ddk have been there and I'm sure they finalised it only because perhaps bang on smokes outdid Ethan.
So let's see how it works out

posted about 2 years ago

If they win here it's hella impressive. They've been playing continuously 3 days now

posted about 2 years ago

Yessss I especially wanna see the hype around Loud. Hoping for a 2-0 or realistically 2-1 victory for liquid over loud

posted about 2 years ago

OpTic won so NA should get 6 slots KEKW☠️☠️

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh thays why steel's experiments are not good in T1.
That's why CyderX didn't get any success in Vitality.
Heck that's why even Boaster couldn't clutch up rounds he should have.
You can't just expect abilities to outdo aim.
This is pro play, where everyone is capable of hitting heads.

posted about 2 years ago

Wait. It takes some rounds usually to get a hang of teams. Zeta pulled a different comp and it's a defensive map and they have a defensive comp. If they score 4 on attack might be enough ig

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

We all saw it coming, but for what it lasted, was a good time especially the OG roster

posted about 2 years ago

Lan experience. Better composure.
Nothing to lose, everything to gain.
Back in Master 2 Reykjavik 2021 they were the first seed and had huge expectations but fell to FNatic in semi finals
In Champions they again had high expectations after having Nivera and being on a hot streak of wind but choked against Acend.
This time, no one really expected anything from them and majority viewed them as FPX placeholders.
When there's no pressure you can be yourself and Liquid showed it till now. Although when they progress and pressure starts building I wonder how they'll hold up

posted about 2 years ago

Bro they don't even have an audience and this is the case...

posted about 2 years ago

Because Liquid didn't qualify the way they should have. I guess that's why and they always have had haters from the beginning too.
Same situation as Acend winning after the whole VK thing and it looked less impressive.
But then again here Liquid has shown impressive performances so it's anything but fluke

posted about 2 years ago

Not trying to justify their usage of the term 'minor' but I guess their scale is the main factor in what's a major / minor region.
The orgs, investments, salaries etc the more of these the more 'major' a region for the particular game.
Regardless SEA pride, waiting to see XIA do the lower runs and PRX!

posted about 2 years ago

Spot on man. Liquid takes it with the last 2 maps close af

posted about 2 years ago

That's actually a good idea ngl

posted about 2 years ago

He was also kinda racist and called XIA comp "cringe"
That's very unprofessional

posted about 2 years ago

Don't forget about a portion drooling over Kaquka / Geo / (insert female caster)

posted about 2 years ago

Plus the guy in the post match interview was talking as if he has no idea
"Cringe" comps lmaooo you're the coach you should know about comps and roles better. Ironic how the cringe comps got the best of em

posted about 2 years ago

They honestly need to work on their fundamentals more. They overpush, don't get the best of certain utilities. They have the potential to be the best team in the world but as of now? Not even close. And this comes as an honest reflection from a liquid fan

posted about 2 years ago

I think they might be compensated with a higher seed or a guaranteed spot next masters

posted about 2 years ago

Honestly, in my opinion the way they play and their chemistry, they're based off of coordinated tactics and team play rather than just having raw aim.
Sure Sayaplayer, Valyn, Trent and even neT and JonahP individually clutch insane rounds, their chemistry and playstyle is similar to that of an EMEA team.
W org, w players
Edit : just an interesting observation on their record -
13-0 : 100T
13-1 : Sen
13-2 : OpTic

posted about 2 years ago

It's all based on rankings. Although M3C fair out on position 4 they're again based off of Russia and Ukraine.
I myself am a liquid fan but this feels wrong. Really wanted to see the goat Ange1 and his team win it

posted about 2 years ago

Best NA matchup this year easily

posted about 2 years ago

This is giving me anxiety, just win it Guard :/

posted about 2 years ago

Dare I say they didn't get the chance to perform on their usual level as Saya didn't get to play Jett. Both maps needed Raze so the picks were kinda weird. I do believe Saya's impact with Jett and especially her ult is something that's terrifying

posted about 2 years ago

Oh well how the tables have turned

posted about 2 years ago

Lmao this aged like fine wine

posted about 2 years ago

When you win more, your seeding increases. By the end of the event the top 3 teams will be going

posted about 2 years ago

LMFAOOO even the casters said the same

posted about 2 years ago

Lmfaoo this guy.
New res

posted about 2 years ago

Bruh being a liquid fan gives you all sets of emotions

posted about 2 years ago

Those are facts. He's been known to be a "Ranked Demon" but has practice issues due to his confidence or rather overconfidence. He's arguably better than Mixwell in every sense when it comes to individual play, but for the team chemistry, M1xwell is the guy.

posted about 2 years ago

Probably C9 or Fnatic. Gambit too, is up for grabs. Before the whole war situation, Chronicle was straight up owning everyone

posted about 2 years ago

Oh well, one map gone from their hands already so yeah

posted about 2 years ago

Ikr. That's the thing with EMEA no team is set "best"

posted about 2 years ago
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