Flag: Bulgaria
Registered: June 13, 2022
Last post: September 4, 2022 at 12:30 AM
Posts: 665
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the pressure is getting to him, hes whiffing :(

posted about a year ago

dude just hides in the rat corner, gets lucky and kills 3

posted about a year ago

this dude has to be in contention for best vipers in the world, hes absolutely shitting on drx

posted about a year ago

Rb just won them the round lol

posted about a year ago

drx fans when drx loses a round😱😱😱

posted about a year ago

ive tried to get vlr mods to change my name 3 times and each time i get ghosted ;(

posted about a year ago

this guy just consistantly does bad

even in the series' where kru win, delz1k consistantly going negative bottom of the leaderboard

I think this would've been fine a year ago where smokes was more of a "just need your utility role", but in today's meta, where smokes players are popping off (SUYGETSU, marved, Sugarzero, bang) they need a smokes player who can frag

posted about a year ago

I think the toxicity from players only really works PR wise if they have fans

example is sentinels or g2

posted about a year ago

I think even if that was Will's best game this tournament, and the rest of the tournament he just plays alright (atleast a little bit better than online) 100t could still be fine to reach top 4.

The team plays very well fundamentally, listening to sgares strats and they are all great riflers. I think if they all play alright and sgares does his sgares magic then that top 4 could very much be theres'

posted about a year ago

on the 100t copium for now, unless boom makes playoffs

posted about a year ago

fortnite ninja underwear

posted about a year ago

DRX play a heavy strategic valorant

100t play super fundamentally well

i want to see if Sgares and stellar are able to anti strat DRX

posted about a year ago

I think asuna and bang played pretty well, derrek played a bit sleeper

stellar played well too.

Although, 4 of the players (except Will) had covid

posted about a year ago

Acend and gambit in masters 3 berlin

although, the roster and coaching staff was completely different (except for asuna)

posted about a year ago


on a side note, vlr baits are so bad now. where are my original baiters like calypso or milan or shadow. really miss them

posted about a year ago

100t played incredibly well today, just thought i would give some of my thoughts

  1. this marks the 3rd EU team 100t has beaten (i would really only count asuna though, as he is the only consistant person out of the entire team and coaching staff)
  2. Will played REMARKABLE today, proving the doubters wrong and he actually is really good on LAN
  3. I only watched pearl, but it seemed like FNC were relying on Derke's awp or mistic lurks for kills. Boaster seemed like he was trying to do an ANGE1 impression by randomly pushing
  4. Sgares and MikesHD might be the best coaching staff in the world, I want to see 100t vs LEV now and see whether onur or sgares is better
posted about a year ago

every time boaster is in some sort of 1v1, he always goes for the stick, never taps to bait it out

its just interesting to see

posted about a year ago

it just ruins the viewing experience when most of the first bloods are just someone whos sitting on an off angle and tp out after the kill, no utility to get coordinated first bloods

posted about a year ago

"Asuna, play next 3 rounds for her"

posted about a year ago

bad compared to 100t

asuna and bang out rifle him majority of the time

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

derke's op is literally the only thing keeping FNC winning this map

his rifle is bad compared to 100t as well, he can just chamber tp on an off angle and abuse operator

posted about a year ago

this dude played very poorly online, barely going positive most games, and he just dropped 330 ACS on his first lan map ever

posted about a year ago

lAN servers

posted about a year ago

i dont remember which episode, but one of the platchat episodes they said it would be hillarious if Will turned out to be a LANimal (yet very unlikely)

bro has proved it in 1 map

posted about a year ago

these guys look so disciplined when they play. Not much over peaking, good utility

if they do decent this tournament i may consider switching my allegiance to 100t from sentinels

posted about a year ago

to be fair, he was running it down of defense and pearl is hard map to clear corners on

posted about a year ago

yes lets not ban a map we have never practiced!!!

posted about a year ago

he did well with the ult, but some of his deaths hes just running through smokes

posted about a year ago

baiters these days atleast need to make it believable

its not even funny anymore

posted about a year ago

common bulgaria W

posted about a year ago

maybe when he was a jett one trick, but even if his aim is better it literally means nothing since he doesnt come CLOSE to FNS or boaster

posted about a year ago

Thanks man ill do that next half

posted about a year ago

bro definitely thinks shazam is the best IGL in the game

posted about a year ago

speak american kekw

posted about a year ago

Ratio + You know me

posted about a year ago

Guy looks WAY better on duelist compared to Rb
absolutely farmed Furia with their first kills

if any DRX would win something, considering they kept their mental when down 12-4, its this DRX

posted about a year ago

time to see will get completely diffed by derke

posted about a year ago

there was still the first map they ever played, where optic SHAT on them on fracture too

posted about a year ago

only been 6 matches too

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

vlr users trying to understand friendship

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
  1. chloeburbank (you know my secret :) )
  2. Kindler (we are frien now :>)
  3. Nollihd ( Chronicle)

not in any order, just trying to spread positivity :)

posted about a year ago

not again

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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