Flag: Australia
Registered: March 14, 2021
Last post: May 28, 2024 at 8:00 AM
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imo if anyone is going to bring them over it's Billi Billi gaming not edg since Billi Billi own the spark who legit build a contenders team just so shy had people to play before he was old enough for OWL

posted 7 months ago

Honestly shy and leave could go huge in Val with the right support

posted 7 months ago

On the bright side, tenn and xqq have stayed on with zeta as content creators

posted 7 months ago

I don't mean how I get how leakers operate I meant more that the roster has been very well known for ages. I'm guessing it's just because they locked it in while most teams are still making decisions and EMEA has a fair few people reporting on the region

posted 7 months ago

How did the leakers get such a good read on vitality so early is it just because they've been rebuilding for a longer period than most of the other EMEA teams since 5/10 went to champs

posted 7 months ago

Man lost his spot because C9 ran out of money to pay him. Bleed will never run out of money to burn. So no chance of 'role issues' this year

posted 7 months ago

Pretty sure bro meant in overwatch. Saya was great in his 1st two owl seasons but then the meta moved away from him a bit and he kind of fell off before riding the bench in favour of BQB during a hitscan meta. So his stock wasn't the highest before he swapped over. I think the idea is more imagine if someone like proper or lip just randomly decided to play Val one day while still being at the top in another game

posted 7 months ago

Imo boostio contract jair is fair. You ain't just going to give away a player who just won champs without a massive buy out and if you're not trying to send big money you're also stupid if your looking to buy world champions

posted 8 months ago

Imo the most impressive from a design stand point is elderflame still one of the games most unique skin lines. Does something that the other ones don't and is a properly creative and transformative design

posted 8 months ago

To be fair, if you go to the effort to scout a player like demon1 who was playing on mid teams in tier 3 then develop him into a world class player you probably deserve to ask for a bag if someone wants to buy out his contract

posted 8 months ago

Yeah the article kind of has gone the wrong way but I meant more the pronunciation. American English is very clear and simple whereas Australian English has a lot of nuanced pronunciation reminiscent of a drunken slur, I assume it would be similar if you had a Scots man or an Irish man trying to teach a native Spanish speaker English instead of a Brit who speaks received English or an American

posted 8 months ago

It's a real shame they always learn American English from tv shows and not Aussie English down the pub

posted 8 months ago

Yeah nah too easy, might have a quick squiz down the bottle'o see if Uncle Dan (Murphy's not Andrews of course) has restocked the frothies. Maybe some lolli water for the misso. See if the boys can't pull any fit birds down the local you know, we ain't here to fuck spiders.

posted 8 months ago

Fucking odd question but it's 4am here in the most beautiful country on earth.
Anyway do you think it's harder to teach spelling to kids in places like Australia where words and how they are spelt just don't really go together.
E.G. arvo is short for afternoon even though they it's only really right if you have a good Aussie slur to afternoon.
Compared to America's very simplified English or something like received English in the UK

Idk for anyone learning English is trying to decipher spelling and meaning from Aussies like the hard mode

posted 8 months ago

Get a fifo job up in WA

posted 8 months ago

Probably CSGO, granted pretty much all of Australias orgs are dead/barely alive.

posted 8 months ago

Because that's it's name mate

posted 8 months ago

Do you live in Melbourne mate, because you literally can't go a day without seeing a roo out here in rural vic

posted 8 months ago

Idk, wait and see what Ricardo does with the rest of the races in the season. So far his had 2 races, one where he got punted into a wall and managed to recover back to his qualifying position and one where he had some shit qualifying and a p10 in a sprint. Not exactly the most representative data. Either way I reckon at this point yuki is on the block to either perform against Ricardo or lose a full time race seat since he's about to lose Honda backing in the redbull camp

posted 8 months ago

My b, forgot sliggy

posted 8 months ago

I miss fish 123


What a team at the time

posted 8 months ago

Automotive engineering, either design work or in modification engineering signoffs.

posted 8 months ago

New head coach of Fnatic, trust me bro

posted 8 months ago

Nah Yay's entering franchising as the new head coach for Fnatic didn't you see

posted 8 months ago

"all they can do is win 3rd in Pacific".... bruh that's a pretty solid achievement for a team with 4 Jett mains one of which only started playing the game this year...

posted 8 months ago

Yay's the new head coach of Fnatic you heard it here 1st

posted 8 months ago

Yeah but there is still a huge cultural thing if Korean citizens delay their military service so most players are still unlikely to do it

posted 8 months ago

Munchkin, gotta do his mandatory military service. Don't worry in 2 years you'll get your wish when carpe (and Saya) have to do there's aswell

posted 8 months ago

Yeah munchkin turns 26 next year meaning he would be roughly at the point where he's at the point where he has to either start his military service or delay it (from what I know it needs to be completed before you turn 28 normally). But from what I know it's a big thing in Korea to not delay your military service

Edit: so odds are next season or the one after would be the last ones carpe and sayaplayer can play before he has military service

posted 8 months ago

Nah mate, FNC d00mbr0s for sure. Angels crack dealer about to get boaster hooked on the yoru comp crack pipe

posted 8 months ago

? Dudes not getting dropped his stepping back. Mini wants a better work life balance. Odds are Fnatic has been his whole life for the last 3 years and he probably needs a break of some kind. Remember he is the head coach and regarded as the man who forced player upgrades and changes within Fnatic, emotionally that's a hard job

posted 8 months ago

Aren't they all playing to qualify for CN ascension

posted 8 months ago

So if he's just signed with a Chinese org along side an American player and a British player/coach. Is it most likely to be fpx given fpx, bbl and edg are the only ones auto qualified to the event meaning only these 3 would be able to change their roster from the ones listed on Weibo. So probably fpx of the 3 right

posted 8 months ago

The NA bag really does hit different most of the time.

Granted so does the Chinese bag so it's slightly less likely

posted 8 months ago

Technically yes but also no since since sonder didn't play within the Chinese scene before playing in NA

posted 8 months ago

Probably just speaks decent english. Granted lots of games have shown mixing Chinese and Korean talent is very manageable.

posted 8 months ago

Man's pulling a career move no one expected. Signing an exclusive deal with only fans

posted 8 months ago

Damn, bye the looks of the Weibo bracket Eileen and Xtain are the only 2 that caried over. Must have done a full rebuild

posted 8 months ago

Didn't they just qual to the round of 16 for CN evolution with him on the roster?

Edit: just checked the roster on the bracket your right, it's wrong on the vlr and liquipedia pages

posted 8 months ago

Anyone know how old this roster is/how long ago Diya and Eileen transitioned from Overwatch to Val?

Also I remember someone saying it was the edg academy, anyone know more about Chinese teams to confirm or not?

posted 8 months ago

Billi Billi gaming
Because that way I'm 1st to post it

posted 8 months ago

Child labour laws exist aswell as laws to do with legal contacts and minors. An age cap of 18 makes perfect sense from a logistical standpoint aswell in terms of getting visas and stuff from what I know it's a fair bit more work (just paperwork wise) than an adult

posted 8 months ago

I also couldn't see a tier 1 team in a scenario where they're designed reserve is their assistant coach. But also effectively prevents players other than GC being signed post roster lock and as the emergency substitution rules state all options have to be attempted before applying for an exemption to sign a player outside the transfer window, which would include signing a GC alumni. So you won't see things like harmii because they would have to attempt to sign a GC replacement 1st before they can get an exemption

posted 8 months ago

Idk if your at point where your options are play your assistant coach or take a punt on a GC player might as well take a punt on a GC player

posted 8 months ago

Being signed out of the transfer window is kind of huge tbh

posted 8 months ago

Imo c9 being a budget org is kind of their standard right now

posted 8 months ago

Well that fucking sucks, couldn't imagine the pain of his family and friends to have him gone from the country for so long this year only to have this happen such a short time after he's returned. Gut wrenching
Rip, hope the family's supported in this time

posted 8 months ago

To be fair, makes sense in if translate from "mid" to not a clout hoodie org who will drop giga bag for players

posted 8 months ago

I think version1 would probably take the opportunity and have plenty of cash behind them

posted 8 months ago

Honestly kinda out there that NIP have had 3 rosters across 3 separate regions in a game that's only had 3 full seasons of play

posted 8 months ago
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